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Beautiful soul

Ankita, a beautiful bong lass with her beautiful soul

Always she wanted to break all the restrictions & to achieve the goal

She wants a beautiful life with determined Curveball

But alas sometime life also swings the ball to surprise her with new pick and roll

She cries in her hart but never express depression pain and sarrow

She always uses an enchanting smile in her lip to fill all the defects and the hollow

She likes to eat biriany, she likes to travel the World

Again she feels the abyss meaning of bengali floke song with the rhythm of shivered loving heart

To day she is a Ma'am to tune the beat in the sphere of social ethnic sound

To feel and conquer the flaw less calm wind stream of society and to enjoy the life in the rays of cosmic
Stellar ground

I feel elated and lucky that I am a friend of you

And always I thanks to the god for giving me such privilege in a precious life to make lots of cue

Thank you


Derwin, told us, the life is all about struggle for existence to
mitigate physical needs for decorating the contour of our life
in comfort zone. But sometime unexpectedly indefinable
some (ominous) events happen in our life where nature won't
give us any time to follow any law, any concept, any
statement, any hypothesis,, and only gifts us the perplexed
uncomfortable zone, where we need only immense mental
stability rather than physical struggling to transcend such

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