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by Adam Neville

Creep of Concrete
and Behavior of
Part II: Dealing with Problems

consider, in a descriptive manner, possible to vary them so as to

ways of dealing with the consequences minimize the differences in creep of
of creep in design and construction. adjacent columns.
An alternative approach to mitigate
WHAT SHOULD THE differential creep effects is for the
DESIGNER DO? designer to accept the expected
First of all, designers must be parasitic bending moments, shearing
aware of the likelihood of differential forces, and the resulting stresses, and
settlement in structures with vertical to design the structure so that it is
members. Secondly, they must know strong enough to resist them. In either
enough about creep to assess the case, a good knowledge of expected or
likely magnitude of differential possible creep is essential.
settlement. The necessity of possessing
this knowledge is the point that I am RELEVANCE TO
trying to make in the present article. THE CONTRACTOR
The contractor must know the
I n the Part I article,1 published in
the May 2002 issue of Concrete
International, I discussed creep as a
The designer can then minimize any
possible differential creep by appro-
priate arrangement of the columns.
properties of the concrete mixture
that affect creep and, therefore, must
property of concrete. I also For example, referring to the tall not arbitrarily change the type of
described several types of problems buildings discussed in Part I,1 the aggregate used or some other
caused by creep in various types of differences in their effective volume- relevant parameter. In other words,
structures. I now propose to to-surface ratios can be minimized the contractor must be aware of
by cladding of some columns. structural consequences of the
This point of view article is presented
Column-to-column differences in composition of the concrete.
for reader interest by the editors.
cross-section size and in the amount There is a further aspect of the
However, the opinions expressed are not
of reinforcement can also be mini- contractor’s work that affects
necessarily those of the American
mized, regardless of design require- differential creep: the application of
Concrete Institute. Reader comment is
ments. Because there is an interplay temporary loads, such as those from
between these two parameters,2 it is bricks or concrete block, stored on

52 JUNE 2002 / Concrete international

some floors during construction. concrete mixtures, which were to age at loading, volume-to-surface
Although these are temporary loads, be actually used in the structure. ratio (expressed as effective section
they may act for a month or two, and No recourse to “creep tables” was thickness), and ambient relative
thus cause creep to take place. If necessary. humidity. Creep recovery is given as
these loads are applied at an early I also did work later on nuclear a single coefficient, applied to the
age, the magnitude of creep in one power stations in the United States modulus of elasticity, at the time of
column, but not another, may be and in Scotland. In some of those unloading. Such an approach is
significant. The safest remedy is stations, and in some others, a way grossly oversimplified but the code
prevention: the contractor must be of ensuring adequate time for creep recognizes this, stating: “It is
aware of the potential problem, and tests was to designate the contractor stressed that these statements
the designer must issue strict ahead of completion of design, so provide only general guidance and
instructions about storage of that enough time was available for are based primarily on laboratory
materials during construction. creep tests using the actual data.” As someone who was a
materials proposed by the contractor. member of the committee that
ARE USEFUL DATA ON CREEP Such an approach precludes, to drafted the code, I am aware that the
PROVIDED TO DESIGNERS? some extent, competitive bidding, code represents the “lowest
The majority of reinforced con- but “fairness” is achieved by common denominator” that could
crete structures are not highly nominating different contractors in be agreed upon.
sensitive to creep and the use of a turn. On the other hand, this The difficulty with reliance on the
simple, standard coefficient to militates against the advantages the code alone is that some of the
design for creep effects does suffice. contractor’s experience offers concrete properties involved are
But in many other structures, creep during the bidding process. unknown to the designer. For
can have a significant influence on For less critical structures that example, it is only when the contractor
the performance of the structure. are nevertheless sensitive to creep, has been chosen that it is known
Some examples were discussed in the question is: When a good knowl- exactly what kind of aggregate will
the Part I article.1 edge of creep is required, is it be used, and yet aggregate has a
The containment vessel for a available to the designer? considerable influence on creep; this
nuclear reactor, a large structure was re-emphasized in Daye and
with a complex prestressing system, USE OF CODES Neville’s publication.3 Moreover, with
illustrates an extreme case of the The first source of design informa- the increasing use of performance
need for reliable and accurate tion is usually the code. But codes specifications with respect to
knowledge about creep properties in often lag behind state-of-the-art durability or thermal gradients,
a given structure. In this case, it is knowledge; for example, the first much leeway must be given to the
essential that no cracks develop and British code for prestressed con- contractor to choose the
that the concrete in the vessel is crete was published in 1959, which is concrete mixture.
always in compression. Several more than 10 years after prestressed One could ask: Why not specify
loading conditions need to be concrete structures began to be the performance with respect to
considered because the pressure built. This is not surprising because, creep? The problem is that, by their
and temperature in the vessel are in order to write the code, there very nature, creep tests take a long
not constant, such that creep, creep must exist experienced members of time. Brooks and Neville tried to
recovery, and relaxation need to the drafting committee. Incidentally, develop a system of relatively short-
be known. that code gave a simple expression term tests coupled with extrapola-
I was involved with an experimental for the loss of prestress in the steel due tion formulas.4 This is helpful, but
determination of such properties for to creep of concrete per unit length: even short-term tests take several
one of the early British atomic power 48 x 10–6 per MPa (0.33 x 10–6 per psi). months, and the contractor can
stations whose construction started The current British code, BS 8110: rarely wait that long before work
in 1963. The schedule of design and Part 2: 1985, has tables and nomo- starts. Furthermore, the contractor’s
construction was such that I was grams providing data on creep and bid is predicated on its freedom to
able to perform tests on specific shrinkage. The parameters used are: choose the aggregate to suit the

Concrete international / JUNE 2002 53

contract price. (In accordance with Symposium generously organized by “curve fitting” of creep could benefit
court usage, the pronoun “it” applies ACI:5 “I am somewhat bemused by from the work of Peter Young in
to a contractor, which is, in reality, a these continuing efforts, each on an flood forecasting.6 Possibly, a
firm.) And in the interval between individual track, but the tracks are deductive approach may be replaced,
the call for tenders and their not convergent.” It has been difficult or complemented, by an inductive
submission, there is no time to on both sides of the Atlantic to approach, starting with a simple
perform creep tests. I am mentioning develop a unique “creep formula.” In conceptual model that has a physical
this to show that technical consider- 2001, Stuart Alexander discussed interpretation, leading to a more
ations are not the only factor in creep and the transfer of stress from general model.6 Young points out
selecting a mixture; economic concrete to steel, and he referred to that if the end-user understands the
considerations play a large role, and “textbooks, which go to considerable nature of the forecasting algorithm,
laboratory-based technologists lengths to model it [creep] math- this engenders confidence in its use.6
sometimes forget this. ematically, usually incomprehensibly Sometimes, the expressions being
and possibly incorrectly.”2 derived contain terms not ad-
CREEP COMMITTEE There is a story that bears upon equately related to the physical
REPORTS the search for a single creep phenomena involved. For example,
The mission of ACI Committee 209 prediction expression. Imagine a an ACI-RILEM workshop reported
includes the words “develop and room painted black, with people in that “creep and shrinkage kinetics
maintain standards for creep and it all dressed in black, and a black arise from the same mechanisms in
shrinkage of concrete and concrete cat in it. They are trying to catch the calcium silicate hydrates.”7 And
structures.” I chaired that committee the cat; that is philosophy. Imagine yet, as far back as 1970, I showed
some 35 years ago, and I am now an the same black room, people, and that concrete made with high-
associate member. The latest cat. Every now and again, someone alumina cement has a similar pattern
committee report, “Prediction of calls out, “I’ve got it”; that is religion. and magnitude of creep—and also of
Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Again, imagine a black room, with creep recovery—as concrete made
Effects in Concrete Structures,” was people dressed in black, trying to with portland cement.8 Given that
published in 1992 and reapproved in catch a cat, and every now and high-alumina cement does not
1997. However, the 1992 report was again someone calls out, “I’ve got it,” produce calcium silicate hydrates, I
based on the 1982 report and, as but there is no cat. That is the suggested that creep is related to the
stated in a footnote, the revisions to search for the creep expression grosser structure of the hydrated
the preceding 1982 report, reapproved and, in my opinion, a universally cement paste. 8
in 1986, “consisted of minor editorial valid expression cannot be found Each of the various expressions
changes.” In turn, the 1982 report by curve-fitting. canvassed within ACI 209 has wide
was said to be “generally consistent What worries me is that the confidence limits: to know that the
with ACI 318-77.” various expressions for creep are “true” (that is, most probable) value
I am giving this historical back- based on experiments performed in of creep has a 95% probability of
ground because, in effect, there has the past, some of them 50 years old. being within 25% or even more of the
been no change in the creep and Such data are an inadequate base predicted value is not very useful.
shrinkage report in a quarter of a for the prediction of creep in Moreover, the various expressions
century whereas, during the same present-day concretes. Nowadays, deal with the simple situation of
period, ACI 318, was modified and concrete often contains many creep under a single sustained
changed several times, including cementitious materials and admixtures; stress. It is a long way from there to
substantially new thinking. it also has a much lower water- creep effects in prestressed concrete,
ACI Committee 209 has produced cement ratio and a much higher where stresses and strains vary all
several draft reports, but has not strength than in the past. the time. I am sorry to sound so
reached consensus on a single set of Engineers who work in a single strident and, if I am wrong, letters to
mathematical expressions for creep field for a long time sometimes forget the editor expressing contrary views
and shrinkage. I expressed my view the benefits of cross-fertilization will certainly pour in.
of the situation in the Foreword to with other disciplines and do not Nevertheless, I am not being
the Proceedings of the Adam Neville look at other fields. Perhaps the negative or pessimistic, and I believe

54 JUNE 2002 / Concrete international

that we can live with the present analysis and design. At one extreme, 2. Alexander, S., “Axial Shortening of
situation. We should acknowledge the designer must have a knowledge Concrete Columns and Walls,” Concrete,
that, for the present, no reliable of properties of concrete; at the March 2001, pp. 36-38.
and useable data in the form of other, the materials specialist must 3. Daye, M.; Neville, A.; and Ghosh, S. K.,
mathematical expressions can be understand the structural aspects of “Concrete Creeps into the Future,” Concrete
produced because we are dealing what is being built. International, V. 13, No. 7, July 1991, pp. 58-59.
with a composite material, consisting I chose creep as my example 4. Brooks, J. J., and Neville, A. M.,
both of manufactured and of because of my interest in the “Predicting Long-Term Creep and Shrinkage
natural ingredients and partly properties of concrete developed from Short-Term Tests,” Magazine of
processed in a semi-industrial when, during my final undergradu- Concrete Research, V. 30, No. 103, 1978,
manner. So, we should accept that ate year (1949-50), I made prestressed pp. 51-61.
this is the reality of “concrete life.” concrete beams and measured the 5. Neville, A., Foreword in The Adam
For most concrete structures this loss of prestress due to creep. Neville Symposium: Creep and Shrinkage—
is tolerable. For complex, sensitive, Prestressed concrete was still very Structural Design Effects, SP-194, Akthem Al-
and special structures, an experi- new in England. But a similar Manaseer, ed. American Concrete Institute,
mental determination of creep argument could be woven for other Farmington Hills, Mich., 2000, pp. V-VI.
is necessary. properties of concrete. For example, 6. Young, P., “Advances in Real-Time
What really worries me are offers corrosion of steel in reinforced Flood Forecasting,” in Flood Risk in a
of “quickie” solutions. I recently concrete jetties in the sea is affected Changing Climate, Philosophical Transac-
received one of these from someone significantly by the geometry of the tions: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineer-
whom I do not know. It came as an structure in that a beam-and-slab ing Sciences, The Royal Society, London,
unsolicited fax offering “an evaluation construction promotes the presence 17 pp. (to be published)
of creep and shrinkage strains and of wet and dry areas conducive to 7. Al-Manaseer, A.; Espion, B.; and Ulm, F.
creep coefficient according to the the development of electrochemical J., “ACI-RILEM Workshop on Creep and
recently developed B3 model… the cells. On the other hand, flat slabs Shrinkage in Concrete Structures,” Concrete
evaluation is instantaneous and lead to better durability. International, V. 21, No. 3, Mar. 1999, pp. 25-27.
requires no special qualification.” Those involved in designing and 8. Neville, A. M., (with chapters 17 to 20
The fax advertisement also said: building structures can be justly written in collaboration with W. Dilger),
“The task does not even require a proud of their works. But creating Creep of Concrete: Plain, Reinforced, and
qualified engineer. The possibility of structures is an art as well as a Prestressed, North-Holland Publishing Co.,
error is excluded.” It is a brave scientific process. So perhaps it is Amsterdam, 1970, 622 pp.
person, or a well-insured one, who appropriate to conclude by quoting
dares to offer such an off-the-shelf E. H. Brown who, in his book Structural Selected for reader interest by the editors.
design. For myself, I would not wish Analysis published in 1967, defined
to enter an important and creep- structural engineering as follows:
sensitive structure, the design of “the art of moulding materials we do
which relied on someone other than not really understand, into shapes
“a qualified engineer.” we cannot really analyze, so as to
withstand forces we cannot really
CONCLUSIONS assess, in such a way that the public ACI Honorary Member Ad Adamam Nev
Nevii l l e has
My intention in writing this does not really suspect.” It is time to been contributing to CI articles on various
article, and the previous part, was remove my tongue from my cheek topics, all aimed at facilitating the use of
to point out the interrelation and stop. scientific knowledge to make better
between the structural design and concrete in practice. He is the recipient of
the properties of concrete, using References several awards from ACI and other
creep as an example. As I said at the 1. Neville, A., “Creep of Concrete and organizations, as well as Commander of
outset, a good knowledge of concrete Behavior of Structures, Part I: Problems,” the Order of the British Empire awarded
technology is just as important as a Concrete International, V. 24, No. 5, by the Queen for his contribution to
good knowledge of structural May 2002, pp. 59-66. science and technology.

Concrete international / JUNE 2002 55

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