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A Project-I Report (IT-7006)

Submitted by:

ANUBHA AME(0176IT161014)
BHARTI SONI (0176IT161020)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree









I hereby declare that the project entitled “AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM” submitted for the

B.E.(Information Technology) degree is our/my original work and the project has not formed the basis for the

award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any other similar titles.

Name & Signature of the students with date

Place: Bhopal (1) Anubha Ame

Date: (2) Bharti Soni

(3) Princy Shinde


This is to certify that the project titled “AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM” is the bona fide work carried

out by Anubha Ame(0176IT161014) , Bharti Soni(0176IT161020) , Princy Shinde(0176IT161035) are

students of B.E.(Information Technology) of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal affiliated to Rajiv

Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyal, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (India) during the academic year 2019-20, in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Information

Technology ) and that the project has not formed the basis for the award previously of any other degree,

diploma, fellowship or any other similar title.

Signature & Seal of HOD, Information Technology Signature of the Guide with Date

Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal

Signature & Seal of Principal

Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal


With the invent of online reservation system the traveller and the airline got the freedom to book a seat
anywhere at anytime at their conveniance. The traveller can book a ticket at a click of a mouse saving the time
and money for the traveller. It has also become a hassle free transaction for both the airline and the traveller.
The online reservation system involves three main actors the database, online operator and a database scheduler.
The database scheduler updates the database, the online operator accepts and confirms the booking and updates
the data.

Our sincere thanks and appreciations also go to our colleagues in developing the project and people who have
taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of
many individuals and our organization. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
We are highly indebted to Prof. Dr. Manish Shrivastava sir our project guide, who took keen interest on our
project work and for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information
regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

We would like to express my gratitude towards our parents & members of faculty for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

We would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to our project co-ordinator Prof. Rajkumar Sharma
sir for giving us such attention and time and willingly helped us out with their abilities. Also, we would like to
extend our sincere esteems to all staff in laboratory for their timely support.


The web based “airline reservation system” project is an attempt to stimulate the basic concepts of airline
reservation system. The system enables the customer to do the things such as search for airline flights for two
travel cities on a specified date, choose a flight based on the details, reservation of flight and cancellation of

The system allows the airline passenger to search for flights that are available between the two travel cities,
namely the “Departure city” and “Arrival city” for a particular departure and arrival dates. The system displays
all the flight’s details such as flight no, name, price and duration of journey etc.

After search the system display list of available flights and allows customer to choose a particular flight. Then
the system checks for the availability of seats on the flight. If the seats are available then the system allows the
passenger to book a seat. Otherwise it asks the user to choose another flight. To book a flight the system asks
the customer to enter his details such as name, address, city, state, credit card number and contact number. Then
it checks the validity of card and book the flight and update the airline database and user database. The system
also allows the customer to cancel his/her reservation, if any problem occurs.


The Airline Reservation System project is an implementation of a general Airline Ticketing website like Orbitz,
which helps the customers to search the availability and prices of various airline tickets, along with the different
packages available with the reservations. This project also covers various features like online registration of the
users, modifying the details of the website by the management staff or administrator of the website, by adding,
deleting or modifying the customer details, flights or packages information. In general, this website would be
designed to perform like any other airline ticketing website available online.


Hardware - Pentium
Speed - 1.1 Ghz
Hard Disk - 20 GB
Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB
Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard
Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
Monitor - SVGA


Operating System : Windows

Technology : Java and J2EE
Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS
IDE : My Eclipse
Web Server : Tomcat
Tookit :Android Phone
Database : My SQL
Java Version : J2SDK1.5

Java is used as front-end tool for developing the project. To run Java there is no need to have any particular
operating system, as it is platform independent. This must have certain hardware and software installed on your
computer. The key considerations were summed up by the Java team in the following list of buzzwords:
 Simple
 Security
 Portability
 Object-oriented
 Robust
 Multi-threaded
 Architecture-Neutral
 Interpreted
 High Performance
 Distributed
 Dynamic

HTML was specifically developed to use along with the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to encode
documents for display on the World Wide Web.HTML is defined in the HTML Standard, currently version
4.0x. HTML standards are recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium, w3c W3C also oversees the
standardization of technologies related to the World Wide Web and publishes the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol) standards. HTML is initials for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is pronounced one letter at a
time as if you are spelling the word HTML. It is not pronounced as "hit mill" and it is NOT a programming
language. HTML cannot be used to write programs and it cannot control the precise layout of a web page. Web
browsers are used to view HTML documents. Two popular web browsers are the Netscape Navigator 4.x and
the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x. Browsers control the layout of a web page


JavaScript enables you to embed commands in an HTML page. JavaScript is powerful and simple. HTML
provides a good deal of flexibility to page authors, but HTML by itself is static; after being written, HTML
documents can’t interact with the user other than by presenting hyperlinks. Scripting languages act as the glue
that binds every thing together. JavaScript mainly provides a fairly complete set of built- in functions and
commands, enabling you to perform math calculations, manipulates strings, play sounds, open new windows
and new URLs, and access and verify input to your web forms.

The Java Server Pages (JSP):

Java Server Pages ™ technology is the Java ™ platform technology for building applications containing
dynamic Web content such as HTML, DHTML, XHTML and XML. TheJavaServer Pages technology enables
the authoring of Web pages that create dynamic content easily but with maximum power and flexibility.

The existing airline reservation system has many shortcomings associated with it. In the existing system airlines
used to set flight reservation levels higher than seating capacity to compensate for passenger cancellations and
no-shows accounting to overbooking in the system. If travelers had to make / cancel reservation he had to
visit either the airline or travel agent frequently to do so thus wasting time and money
for all. In the existing system due to non-availability of a central server the airline and
the agents suffered unwanted delays in bookings and payments. In the existing system
integration of different airlines on a single platform was not met. With the advent of
the online reservation system these flaws can be overcome.


The new online reservation system maintains the database centrally giving the clients the information required
from anywhere in the world whenever required. This system requires the use of an API (Application
Programming Interface) through which it extracts the data from a central database. The central database
monitors all the data changes that are made at the client side to it and updates it automatically.

Through online reservation system passenger is able to book & purchase the ticket from his home/office
conveniently it doesn’t require the passenger to go to the airline or an agent to purchase a ticket thus saving time
& money for the customer and an airline/agent. As the information is stored centrally the passenger never loses
his ticket as in the existing system.


The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical feasibility for
adding new modules and debugging old running system. All systems are feasible if they are given unlimited
resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation:

 Technical Feasibility
 Operation Feasibility
 Economical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility:

The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation includes the following:

 Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?

 Do the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to hold the data required to use the new system?
 Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of the number or location of
 Can the system be upgraded if developed?
 Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data security?

Operational Feasibility:

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into information systems,
which will meet the organization’s operating requirements. Operational feasibility aspects of the project are to
be taken as an important part of the project implementation. Some of the important issues raised are to test the
operational feasibility of a project includes the following: -
 Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?
 Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and implemented?
 Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the possible application benefits?

This system is targeted to be in accordance with the above-mentioned issues. Beforehand, the management
issues and user requirements have been taken into consideration. So there is no question of resistance from the
users that can undermine the possible application benefits.

Economic Feasibility:

A system can be developed technically and that will be used if installed must still be a good investment for the
organization. In the economical feasibility, the development cost in creating the system is evaluated against the
ultimate benefit derived from the new systems. Financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs. The system is
economically feasible. It does not require any additional hardware or software.


3.1 Requirement Specification

Technical Requirements (Non-functional)

3.1.1 Scalability:
With regards to the intended number of users who are going to use this application, and the projected load
scenarios, the intention of the system is to be able to serve as many customers per day.
3.1.2 Security and privacy:
In order to create a viable offering for the user we will have to build a simple, transparent system that can be
understood and trusted by the people that are using it. In order to build trust with the users of our system, the
system can make use of the following strategies:
• Anonimization & aggregation, so that route information may be shared safely without disclosing personal
• Encryption, for all data that is privacy sensitive, but must be persisted on the server in order for basic
• Open source / disclose security policies & practices
• Permit the use of unverified (anonymous) avatars / aliases.
• Give control to end-users over private data (at least a delete private repository option).

Performance Requirements:

Performance is measured in terms of the output provided by the application. Requirement specification plays an
important part in the analysis of a system. Only when the requirement specifications are properly given, it is
possible to design a system, which will fit into required environment. It rests largely with the users of the
existing system to give the requirement specifications because they are the people who finally use the system.
This is because the requirements have to be known during the initial stages so that the system can be designed
according to those requirements. It is very difficult to change the system once it has been designed and on the
other hand designing a system, which does not cater to the requirements of the user, is of no use.
The requirement specification for any system can be broadly stated as given below:
 The system should be able to interface with the existing system
 The system should be accurate
 The system should be better than the existing system
The existing system is completely dependent on the user to perform all the duties.
3.2 Flow Charts, DFDs and ER Diagram

3.2.1 Flow Charts Check Flight:

FIG: Book Flight:

FIG: Pay Ticket:

3.2.2 DFDs (ADMIN)

Admin Login

Yes No

Domestic OneWay Flight

Domestic RoundTrip Flight

Domestic Multicity Flight

International OneWay Flight

International Roundtrip Flight

International Multicity Flight

View User Registration

View User Booking Status View User Payment End Process


User Login

Yes No

Check Domestic Flights Available

Display Flight Details

User Choose The Flight

User Book Flight Ticket

Make OnlinePayment

Genrates Detail For Payment

Conform The Ticket

Take Printout Ticket End Process

User Login

Yes No

Check International Flights Available

Display Flight Details

User Choose The Flight

User Book Flight Ticket

Make OnlinePayment

Genrates Detail For Payment

Conform The Ticket

Take Printout Ticket End Process


Include Domestic Flights

Check Flights Availble

Include International Flights

Display Flight Ticket

View User Registration

Admin User
Choose Flight

View User Booking History

Book Flight Ticket


View Payment

Take PrintOutOf Ticket

3.3 Design and Test Steps / Criteria

To provide flexibility to the users, the interfaces have been developed that are accessible through a browser.
The GUI’S at the top level have been categorized as:

1. Administrative user interface

2. The operational or generic user interface

The ‘administrative user interface’ concentrates on the consistent information that is practically, part of the
organizational activities and which needs proper authentication for the data collection. These interfaces help the
administrators with all the transactional states like Data insertion, Data deletion and Date updation along with
the extensive data search capabilities.

Home Page: Like all the other airline websites available online, the user can access the user home page of the
Airline Reservation System website, after he logs into the system. Here, he can look up information regarding
flights, packages and motels. Login and Register: The Airline Reservation System also comes with the customer
registration details page, where the customer can enter his details and register. He can also create a username
and password. Moreover, he will also be able to modify the registration information in case of a change in his e-
mail address or any other information. Booking Flights: The customer can also search for the flights available
and reserve his place on the flight by purchasing a ticket.

3.4 Testing Process

System Testing:

The system once finished has to go through a series of testing in order to ensure that it works the way it ought
to. The various types of testing measures to be taken are:

 Test to see if the requirements are taken care of.

 Test to see if all the inputs are handled effectively.
 Test the system by traversing all the paths and discover my surprises.
 Check if errors and the exceptions have been handled properly.
 See if validations of input data are taken care of.
Types of Tests:

There are six types of test a software product must satisfy:

1. Unit Test
2. Functional Test
3. Performance Test
4. System Test

Functional Test, Performance Test and Stress Test are known as Black box testing. Structural Test is referred as
White box or Glass Box testing.

1. Unit Testing:

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design. Unit Testing is considered as an
equivalent to coding step. After the source level code has been developed, reviewed and verified for correct
syntax, unit test case design begins. In most of the applications, a driver is nothing more than a main program
that accepts test case data, passes such data to the module to be tested and prints the relevant results.

2. Functional Testing:
Functional Testing involves testing the system under typical operating condition, typical input values and for
typical expected results. The functional boundaries specifies boundary within which the system can function.
three types of functional tests are done:

 Checking the documented functions.

 Checking with maximum values.

 Checking with valid input.

3. Performance Testing:

Performance Testing is conducted to identify the bottlenecks in the system and to fine-tune the overall
performance of the system.

4. System Testing:

System Testing involves two kinds of activities

1. Integration Testing

2. Acceptance Testing
1. Integration Testing : Integrating all the functionalities since some functions work perfectly when run alone
tests the system.

2. Acceptance Testing: Acceptance Testing involves planning and execution of functional tests, performance
tests and stress tests in order to demonstrate that the implemented system satisfies its requirements.

3. Software Testing and Implementation : This was done to provide necessary software adjustment for the
system to continue to comply with the original specifications.

3.4 CODE


<%@ page import="java.sql.*,databaseconnection.*"%>







<% String username=request.getParameter("username");

String password=request.getParameter("password");

Connection con=null;

Statement st=null;

ResultSet rs=null;

String sql="select * from adminlog where username='"+username+"' AND


try {

con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/airline","root","");





{ //out.println("HI");

session.setAttribute("username",username); %>

<jsp:forward page="adminflightform.jsp"/>

<% }

out.println("Oop's! you are not Authenticated Person"); }

catch(SQLException e1) {

System.out.println(e1); }

finally {


con.close(); } %>





<%@ page import="java.sql.*,databaseconnection.*"%>



<% try {

String a=request.getParameter("passname");

String b=request.getParameter("name");

String c=request.getParameter("flightid");
String d=request.getParameter("class");

String e=request.getParameter("start");

String f=request.getParameter("arrival");

String g=request.getParameter("depar");

String h=request.getParameter("adult");

String i=request.getParameter("child");

String j=request.getParameter("infant");

String k=request.getParameter("price");



Connection con =

//Connection con=databasecon.getconnection();

Statement st=con.createStatement();

String sql="insert into interone1(passname,name,flightid,class,start,arrival,depar,adult,child,infant,price)


int x=st.executeUpdate(sql);

if(x!=0){ response.sendRedirect("makepayone1.jsp?message=Successfully Booked ");


response.sendRedirect("makepayone1.jsp?message=fail") ; } }

catch(Exception e) {

out.println(e); } %>





<%@ page import="java.sql.*,databaseconnection.*"%>







<% String name=request.getParameter("name");


String number=request.getParameter("number");

Connection con=null;

Statement st=null;

ResultSet rs=null;

String sql="select * from roundtripinterpay where name='"+name+"' AND number='"+number+"'";


{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");

con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/airline","root","");




if( {

session.setAttribute("name",name); %>

<jsp:forward page="viewroundtripintercancel.jsp"/>

<% }

out.println("Oop's! you are not Authenticated Person") ;}

catch(SQLException e1) {

System.out.println(e1); }

finally {


con.close(); } %>





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String id=request.getQueryString();


Connection con=null;

Statement st=null;

ResultSet rs=null;



con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/airline","root","");

// con=databasecon.getconnection();


String sql="select price from oneway1 where id='"+id+"'";






&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </td>


<% }

}catch(SQLException e1) { System.out.println("Database error"+e1.getMessage()); }


st.close(); con.close();}%> </table>

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This Airline Reservation System is an application that enables the user search for and finds flights. The search
result comprises a large number of itineraries. This recommendation process is highly effective and give
complete information. With the invent of online reservation system the traveller and the airline got the freedom
to book a seat anywhere at anytime at their conveniance. It has also become a hassle free transaction for both
the airline and the traveller. . The current system gathers implicit feedback by observing the history of the user
purchases. The scope of implicit feedback gathered can be extended or improved by observing the user’s action
in each given sessions.
1. Ali Bahrami – “Object oriented systems Development”
2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson -”Unified Modeling Language User Guide”
3. Simon Bennett ,Steve Mcrobband Ray Farmer– “Object Oriented Analysis and Design”
4. Terry quatrani –“Visual modeling with Rational Rose 2002”

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