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An Undergraduate Final Term Paper

Presented to
The Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences
San Beda College Alabang

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
CBME1 Operations Management and TQM

Bettina Andrea C. Martinez

May 2020

Continuous improvement is a way of life. This paper investigates the impact of Kaizen in
the life of the researcher. Hard work and cleanliness are the best attribute of the latter. More than
the characteristics of Japanese people, the researcher seeks to understand the underlying
principles of the theory. It does not matter whether changes or improvements are small. What
matters most is the summation of all those leading to victory. To sort out, organize, and
discipline oneself is to shine with quality. As long as the process is continuous and determination
is always present, improvement is not far from possibility. The researcher wishes to manage her
time well and build sound relationship with significant others. These will be put into reality with
Kaizen on top of them.


Japan is love. The writer’s family has been there twice.

Japanese people are known for being polite, clean, intelligent, punctual, and hardworking
(Gerhold, 2013). Their traditional bow is universal. Their habit of cleanliness is observed for
example by students. While in school, no janitors are cleaning since students by themselves are
doing so for at least thirty minutes each day. Kashikoi is the Japanese word for intelligent. I think
it is obvious how Japan introduces to the globe their prowess in terms of technological
advancements. When it comes to time management, they take it very seriously. Hard work is
common to a Japanese mindset.
The author aims for an orderly career. In order to do this, improvement should be
continuous. In an organization, it is best achieved if there is order both system and management
wise. She believes that Kaizen will be her guiding principle to be sound and giving.

Theoretical Framework

Are you looking for continuous small improvements but providing immediate results?
“Kaizen” will you help obtain it.
It refers to a Japanese word which means improvement. Each employee’s effort is needed
to make sure the system and all processes in a particular organization works. Japanese companies
outshine all other competitors by following set policies and rules for quality services leading to
customer satisfaction, and this is because of Kaizen.
Japanese claim that many small continuous changes in the systems and policies bring
good results than few major changes.
To better understand Kaizen philosophy, “Five S” is considered. It is an approach which
leads to reliable systems, standard policies, rules and regulations to give rise to a healthy work
culture at the organization. They include the following: 1) Seiri (sort out); 2) Seition (organize);
3) Seiso (shine); 4) Seiketsu (standardization); and 5) Shitsuke (self-discipline). With these,
organized workplace and better productivity become a way life.
In general, Kaizen brings continuous small improvements in the entire process towards
the success of the organization (Juneja, 2020).

Great things start from small beginnings.

The researcher sees Kaizen’s theory as a catalyst to improve her life. Time management,
health, and relationship are the areas the researcher would like to incorporate improvement.
Time is gold, and the researcher works hard to brave this issue, how to manage time very
well. In her personal life, there were times she doesn’t care even for small blocks of time. With
Kaizen, it is with earnest hope for the researcher to value and appreciate even a couple of
minutes. Delay should not be in her vocabulary.
Health is precisely wealth. Diet is at times in the plan of the researcher, but seemingly,
exercise is forgotten. Tiny changes that can be brought about by physical fitness will definitely
augment to improvement. This is the very essence of Kaizen, small acts leading to a bigger
Everyday interactions with people are integrated to the so-called relationships (Arabian,
2020). Talking to a stranger or chitchat with a loved one can be improved in many ways, even in
small ones. One’s way of talking or one’s style of using the language is an avenue for
improvement. The researcher purposefully dealt with this theory believing that benefits on her
part are too many to mention.
The researcher is positive that quality is so near from possibility because Kaizen is not
just a theory but a way of life. It challenges a person in any situation to look for ways to improve
all the time.
Quality and proper self-management yield to the totality of a human person.


Arabian, George. (2020, April 9). How I Apply the Kaizen Approach in my Daily Life. Retrieved
Gerhold, Paula. (2013, August 28). The Top 10 Words to Describe Japanese People. Retrieved
Juneja, Prachi. (2020). What is Kaizen ? - Five S of Kaizen. Retrieved from

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