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English Class. Second Partial. Use of English Activity No. 2. Designed by Prof. Kenia Hdez.

Muñoz Salazar Maythè 6IV07
Nombre: ________________________________________________________ Grupo:_______________
Apellido Paterno Apellido Materno Nombre(s)

Passive Voice in Present Simple Complete the formula

Verb (Past
Verb to be omplement
Subject +_________ + _________
Participle) + C_____________.

Your hands are washed daily.

I am asked daily to send exercises to my students.
The second sentence is correct! A person can be the subject of a passive sentence.

La segunda oración es correcta. Una persona puede ser el sujeto en la voz

pasiva. Aquí el verbo ask no significa preguntar sino solicitar. Y se traduce

A mí se me solicita diariamente enviar ejercicios a mis alumnos.

Complete the following sentences using passive voice in present. All the verbs are
regular, so you have to add the ending -ed, to get the past participle conjugation

Instrucciones: A. Completa los siguientes enunciados usando la voz pasiva. Todos los
verbos son regulares, así que tienes que agregar la terminación -ed para obtener la
conjugación en pasado participio.
En algunos casos especiales, por cuestiones de fonética y ortografía debes duplicar la
última consonante del verbo antes de agregar la terminación -ed. Por ejempo: stop –
stopped plan- planned , travel – travelled , prefer- preferred , cancel – cancelled.

A. Write present simple passive sentences using the given words.

1. several times / This topics / by our professor. / explain
This topics are explained several times by our professor.
2. Donuts/ daily. / fry
Donuts are fried daily.
3. mix/ Chocolate and sugar / by the machine.
Chocolate and sugar are mixed by the machine.
4. The decision / judge / by everybody.
The decisión is judge by everybody.

5. That granny / help / by her grand-children.

That granny is helped by her grand-children.

6. film / The video / every morning.

The video is filmed every morning.

7. Those students / ignore / by the professor.

Those students are ignored by the profesor.

8. hate / That lazy student / by everybody in the class.

That lazy student is hated by everybody in the class.

9. by everybody / The baby / kiss

The baby is kissed by everybody.

10. the murder / kill / in jail.

The murderer is killed in jail.
11. The most popular TV programs / by everybody. / watch
The most popular TV programs are watched by everybody.

12. by us. / imagine / The solution

The solution is imagined by us.
13. The results / improve / each week.
The results are improved each week.
14. enjoy / The party / by everybody.
The party is enjoyed by everybody
15. with this medicine. / The pain / fade
The pain is faded with this medicine.

16. type / by the secretary. / The letter

The letter is type by the secretary.

17. The dancing routine / daily. / train

The dancing routine is trained daily.

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