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Statement from CARE’s Dr.

Gayle on the Release of the Quadrennial Diplomacy and

Development Review

WASHINGTON, DC (Dec. 20, 2010) – In response to Secretary Clinton’s release of the first-ever
Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), CARE President and CEO Dr. Helene
D. Gayle issued the following statement.

“CARE applauds the Obama Administration for its clear commitment to elevating development to
the level of diplomacy and defense as a key pillar in U.S. international engagement and welcomes
the QDDR’s emphasis on rebuilding the capacity and authority of USAID as our preeminent global
development agency. As an international NGO with nearly 65 years experience working with the
world’s poorest and most vulnerable populations, CARE recognizes that working with the
Administration and Congress to ensure that both the QDDR and the Presidential Policy Directive
on Global Development are implemented in ways that benefit these marginalized groups, especially
women and girls, is critical in our mission to alleviate poverty and hunger.

CARE knows first hand the impact girls’ and women’s empowerment has on helping whole families
and communities escape poverty. We are especially pleased to see that the QDDR places such a
strong focus on girls and women, particularly emphasizing their participation, protection and
success in development programs.

As the QDDR recognizes, many non-governmental partners—such as international NGOs—are

contributing to positive development outcomes. CARE looks forward to seeing stronger
partnerships forged among State, USAID and international NGOs to better leverage the technical
expertise and tested innovations we have gained after decades of work in country, including the
relationships developed over time with host country governments, civil society organizations and
most important, the marginalized populations with which we work.

CARE congratulates Secretary Clinton for her leadership in undertaking this first-ever
comprehensive review, and appreciates that the QDDR’s focus is on broad-based country ownership,
improved coordination among U.S. government agencies, and harmonization among bilateral and
multilateral development investments, all of which will contribute to more successful outcomes.

Niki Clark, (202) 604-4062,

About CARE: Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global
poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the
proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape
poverty. Women are at the heart of CARE's community-based efforts to improve education, health
and economic opportunity. To learn more, visit

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