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Group’s name:

1. Angeline Calista Slamet (2301876215)

2. Angelyca (2301866933)
3. Angella (2301874153)
4. Delfina Paulin (2301859423)
5. Fransisca Natasha (2301865400)
6. Kezia Gabriella (2301908601)
7. Melisa (2301933736)
8. Sandra Tandika (2301888726)

BDD (Bukan Dunkin’ Donuts) Business Idea

Time Topic Facilitator Expected Outcome
15.02 to 15.07 Discuss about our produ  Miss Kiky Soraya Decide on what product to
ct, what to sell. through Zoom App sell.
 Our parents through
15.07 to 15.15 Discuss about the streng  Miss Kiky Soraya Decide on our product’s st
th, weakness, opportunit through Zoom App rength, weakness, opportu
y, and threat.  Our parents through nity, and threat.
15.15 to 15.25 Discuss about the busin  Miss Kiky Soraya Decide on our business str
ess structure and the job through Zoom App ucture and the job descripti
description.  Our parents through on.


Decisions Made:
Angelyca will manage the process of selling / buying so that the business runs smoothly by planning in dept
h and thoroughly (Manager of BDD)
Delfina will manage the purchase of materials (which/where are the cheapest), who will be the marketing ta
rget by doing research (Marketing of BDD)
Melisa, Sandra, Angella, Kezia, Angeline, and Natasha will introduce and sell products (drumstick donuts) t
o the market place (Sales of BDD)

Action Items Owner Due Date

Supervise and control marketing and sales performance Angelyca -
Facilitate sales performance in selling products and respo
Delfina -
nsible to Manager on product sales statistics
Responsible to the manager and marketing of product sal Melisa, Sandra, Angella, Kezia,
es Angeline, Natasha

SWOT Analysis
Strength: the ingredients are easy to get, filling, cheap, practical, especially for workers / students who are in a
hurry and don't have time to eat
Weakness: There is only one variant so people will get bored easily
Opportunity: There aren't many rivals in Jakarta, even when we asked them, only 1 out of 10 people know abou
t this drumstick donut.
Threat: Most people prefer to buy something that already exists rather than buy "strange and new" food.
Discussion Situation: going well and smoothly

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