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l0c / silrcHIoMETRY
x F"q$ SUi,FLjR A.N-I) l'l-s i:or": x;'lDS / i0l

Moles Cao & MgO converted [o Bisulfites
= (5301.56)(.059)/64 x 1/2
= 2.444 X n^* Sulfur which is 75% pure is burne.d iR e'tccss alr
Moles Cao & MgO converted to Suifates
' suppiied at Lhe rale of 4.7 13 m3 /kg erf raw' Srrlfur at 25"C,
745 mm Hg wit.h B0% RH. lf 87o/a of the suilbr charged
= Moles SOs
= 2.2545 bums to S0, and the rest lo SOr, cdculate"
a) Vo excess air{S to SO,) (65o/d
Ioial Moies CaO & MgO supplied = 2.444 + 2.2545 = 4.6985 b) Vo excess air(S to SOr) (l0y0l
c) 'Cornplete analysis iif tle bu*ret gas
( I0" 88% 5A
u, 2 .32r:to O r, 77 .62a/o Nr. I 63Yo S0r, 560/o
Fcr lOC \g linic: ivioies Cao anrd MgO= 82/56 + L6/4O.i) "


Wt lime/100 moles Bumergas = (J 00/1.86) x 4.6985 = 252"6 /, The burrter gas from a sulfur burner analv-zes I20lo $Q,
7.l3ak O, a:rd 83.67o/a Nr. The raw Sulfur: cirarged contains
82a/o pure Sulfur and andysis of t1e einder shaws 2090
, Wt of lime/hr = 252.6 x (100A/67I.834) = 375.986 ANS
unburned sulfur" Ca-lculate:
OMB in the Ahsorber
a) olo excess ai(S to SOr) (60or'0)
Wt Br-rrner Gas + Wt Lime + WL HrO for slaking b) o/o excess'air{S to SO.) (6.670l,rl
= Wt waste Gas + Wt Bisuifite"Liquor
c) msof saturated air(28"C" 750 torrs)/kgraw 'S {5.076)
d) mn of trumer gas (300"C, 730 torrslllg mw S (E.75)
SO, + SO, + O, .' N, + lime + HrO for slaking
S ffrite ar:aJyzing 78olo FeS, and 22a/a gargue is hurned at
Lhe rate of 1000 kg/hr. Anaiysis of Lhe ctr:der shows 7 22o/o
O, and N, in bumer gas = O, ald N, in waste.gas S as unbur-ned.FeS, and SO, ahsortred hy FerC.. Alr
5.84(64) + 2.2545(B(t) + 252"6 H,O for S]'aking = 5301.56 supplied is 70% in excess based on conoerbion of FeSr'to
Water for Slaking = 4494.84 SOr. The ratio of SO, to SO, in the br.rrner gas is 3.48:1.
c) Wt water for slaking/hr = 4494.84 x (1000/671.3a) a) o/o excess air(FeS, to SO.J t24.67%1
= 6695.32 ANS
b\ a/o of the FeS, oharged lost in ljre cinder (l?9/o)
,-., c) Complete anaJysis o"f the trurner ga-s
i-. (6.260/o SOr" 9,570lo C)r, 82.35a/a Nr, I 820/c SO")
/ /n w@ttcw

llJ C, -=* Sur'furc 4 Irr the burning of pynle coritaining 92ak FeS, and B0lo
. gargue, i30/a of the FeS, charged js losl in ihe cjnder.'fheA
p-anjal anall:sj5 oI lhe cinder also show.s 5.31% S0,,.
orsai tural1,sjs of the bumer sirows 6"75910 SO,,
6.880,/0 O, a:ro 86.3804 N, AIr supplied is at 23''C" 74ll; rnnt
i-Ig iLnd SB0Z RII. C;rl:uialt
a) 7o excess air (!-eS", to -!Or) (40q4,)
bi % ercess air (FeS, to SO^i 12.676o/oi

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