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Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 Received: June 17, 2016

Accepted: August 18, 2016
DOI: 10.1159/000449254
Published online: December 7, 2016

Hands-On Experience: Accreditation

of Pathology Laboratories according to
ISO 15189
Alexandar Tzankov a Luigi Tornillo a, b

  Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, and b Gilab, Allschwil, Switzerland

Key Words physicians, the current trend towards establishing organ-

Pathology · Accreditation · ISO 15189 based comprehensive specialty centers, particularly
cancer centers, has provided resurgence towards the ac-
creditation of pathology labs to broaden the scope, ensure
Abstract trustworthy results and thus optimize patient manage-
Accreditation is a procedure by which an authoritative body ment [7, 8].
gives formal recognition that an organization is competent Earlier pilot studies suggested that auditing labs apply-
to carry out specific tasks according to certain standards. Ac- ing standards established by trial-and-error, textbook
creditation of pathology laboratories according to ISO 15189 knowledge, other evidence or tradition, 55% would be ac-
is now becoming more and more a matter of course in con- credited with only a moderate effort of the staff, while
tinental Europe. This review describes some practical experi- 10% would fail and 35% would require significant efforts
ence aspects with our own pathology laboratory accredita- to meet accreditation requirements [9]. Meanwhile, the
tion according to ISO 15189, and outlines the advantages, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) es-
addresses critical points, and discusses certain caveats of this tablished, and has since twice revised the 15189 norm ap-
process. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel plicable to medical labs in Europe [10], which is, to the
largest extent, applicable to pathology labs. Reports of the
introduction and auditing of conformity according to this
norm have already been published [2, 11–13] and, more
Introduction specifically, sense and nonsense aspects were recently ex-
cellently addressed in a provocative review [14].
Accreditation of pathology laboratories was intro- This review describes some practical experience as-
duced almost two and a half decades ago in the UK [1–3] pects with our own pathology lab accreditation accord-
as well as in the USA and Canada [4, 6], and is now a mat- ing to ISO 15189, and outlines the advantages, addresses
ter of course in most of the industrialized world. Initially critical points and discusses certain caveats of this pro-
focused on the need for reliable pathology services for cess.

© 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. Dr. med. Alexandar Tzankov

Head Histopathology and Autopsy
University Hospital Basel, Pathology
Schönbeinstrasse 40, CH–4031 Basel (Switzerland)
E-Mail alexandar.tzankov @
What Is (the Purpose of) Accreditation? provement mechanisms in accredited institutions means
that such errors will be quickly recognized and proce-
The ISO defines accreditation as a procedure by which dures implemented that will prevent repeating this mis-
an authoritative body gives formal recognition that an or- take (e.g. implementation of internal review of all nega-
ganization is competent to carry out specific tasks. It in- tive prostate screening biopsies).
cludes a standardized and regular, i.e. according to the
ISO 15189 Standard for European Countries [10], exter-
nal audit every 18 months by authorized experts of the Definitions
applicant’s lab facilities and of the management and qual-
ity assurance programs. A central issue in accreditation is Pathology labs are, on the one hand, medical labs, per-
the benefit to patients in assuring a lab’s commitment to forming diagnostic tests (a staining is seen as a ‘test’ ac-
diagnostic excellence by maintaining good professional cording to ISO 15189). On the other hand, they also per-
practices and performing analyses under optimal condi- form diagnostic activities by step-wise examination and
tions as defined by the accreditation authority. By defin- interpretation of such tests, which result in a report that,
ing and documenting the best standards of practice, per se, is very difficult to accredit. This is why the standards
which are subjected to peer review by the authorized ex- used for accreditation vary even among different Euro-
perts, accredited departments can assure users/custom- pean countries. The ‘core requests’ of the different stan-
ers/clients and patients that critical procedures influenc- dards are, however, comparable, although somewhat dif-
ing the diagnostic and therapeutic methodologies are ferent in their formulation (see below). In Ireland and the
conducted in a standardized and proven manner that is UK, ISO 15189 (attesting that medical labs fulfil require-
safe and minimally error-prone. Moreover, if deviations ments for quality and competence) (http://www.ukas.
or errors occur, they will be recognized, tracked and fixed, com/services/accreditation-services/clinical-pathology-
which should result in improvements to minimize such accreditation/,
deviations. Thus, compared to certification, summarized Accreditation-Schemes/Laboratory-Accreditation/Medi-
as a confirmation that lab processes conform to a certain cal-Testing/) is mandatory also for histopathology labs,
standard, accreditation (1) attests that the respective lab which are usually subdivisions of clinical pathology
is comprehensively competent to maintain quality along departments. In Finland and Switzerland, pathology labs
the entire diagnostic chain including personnel, equip- are forced to get accreditation according to both ISO
ment, reagents and techniques, and (2) confirms the ded- 17025 (attesting competence of testing and calibration
ication of the staff to facilitate continuous improvement. labs) and ISO 15189. In Germany, ISO 17020 (attesting
As such, accreditation provides a hallmark of perfor- competence of the bodies performing inspections) is re-
mance and competence that is lacking in nonaccredited garded as the accreditation standard for pathology labs.
labs. This reflects the ‘borderline’ situation of pathology as a
Accreditation, of course, cannot substitute profession- bridging discipline between clinical and medico-labora-
al competence, especially that of the academic staff, as is tory specialties. The following example may illustrate
strikingly illustrated by following example. An interna- the situation.
tionally recognized expert in uropathology diagnosed In- A physician mandates a clinical chemistry lab to deter-
ternational Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grade mine (test) a patient’s potassium level and expects a result
group 4 prostate cancer [15] in one of several biopsies that within a well-known level range; the required examina-
were supposed to belong to patient A, but, due to the lack tion needs no further interpretation and can be carried
of standards in probe handling in the respective lab, the out in a calibration lab. However, if a physician excises a
tumor-affected biopsy actually belonged to patient B and skin tumor from a patient and sends the specimen for
was mislabeled at the embedding stage. This kind of error pathologic examination, he/she expects comprehensive
would be unlikely in an accredited lab, where mecha- assertions on the histogenesis of the tumor, the resection
nisms are in place to prevent this occurring. However, a margins and, if needed, assessment of prognostic, predic-
general surgical pathologist in an accredited pathology tive or theranostic markers. This examination requires a
department might overlook an analogous small ISUP step-wise process that includes macroscopic, microscop-
grade group 4 prostate cancer in a properly oriented bi- ic, histochemical (e.g. hematoxylin and eosin and Mas-
opsy of patient A. This is an error accreditation cannot son-Fontana stains), immunohistochemical (e.g. S100,
prevent, but the guaranteed existence of continuous im- HMB45, A103 and SOX10 stains), molecular (e.g. BRAF,

122 Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 Tzankov/Tornillo

DOI: 10.1159/000449254
KRAS, NRAS and CKIT mutational testing) analyses that a basis for a standardized rather than experiential intro-
result in a comprehensive final interpretation; such pro- duction for new employees into the work process.
cedures should be carried out within a body performing Compared to other lab disciplines, pathology labs have
inspections. While the above calibration lab will be ac- more limited access to certified or validated commercial
credited according to ISO 17025 and the inspection body procedures (e.g. ready-to-use diagnostic kits). Thus, a sig-
according to ISO 17020, the medico-laboratory processes nificant percentage of nonstandardized, inhouse meth-
of both must be conform to ISO 15189, and this is why ods must be implemented to meet the respective diagnos-
the latter standard is most broadly used in pathology labs. tic requirements. Such methods are permitted by ISO,
While, at a first glance, the different ISO norms address provided they are verified, validated and qualitative. For
different aspects of the activities taking place in a pathol- the purposes of accreditation, verification is defined as
ogy lab, some basic requirements that are extensively in- confirmation, by providing objective evidence, that spec-
herent to ISO 17020 are also required by ISO 15189, i.e. ified requirements have been fulfilled, e.g. that a Ziehl-
(1) all personnel making judgements and examinations Neelsen stain undoubtedly identifies acid-fast bacteria
shall have the applicable experience and act in accordance (i.e. adequate positive-control staining). Validation is
to professional guidelines, (2) there should be continuing confirmation, by providing objective evidence, that the
education and professional development of the staff (in- requirements for a specific intended use or application
cluding diagnostic pathologists), (3) certain aspects of the have been fulfilled, e.g. that the same stain does not cross-
reports’ attributes like interpretative comments are to be react with non-acid-fast bacteria or other compounds
considered and (4) external technical quality control, (i.e. adequate negative-control staining). Finally, quality
which cannot, for obvious reasons, be separated from the is defined as the degree to which a set of inherent charac-
diagnostic performance, shall exist (e.g. if improper tis- teristics fulfils requirements. This is the requisite, which
sues or entities have been chosen for external quality con- is the most difficult to objectify. In cases of available ex-
trol, respective poor annotations from the reviewers are ternal quality control circles, certification of successful
to be expected). respective runs provides an indicator of quality. Relative
ISO defines a process as a set of interrelated or interact- to pathology labs, the UK National External Quality As-
ing activities (procedures) that transform inputs into out- sessment Service (UKNEQAS) [16], the incentive of the
puts. Procedure is a specific manner of carrying out an German Society of Pathology for Quality Assurance
activity that is documented, implemented and main- (QuIP) [17], the Swiss Society of Histotechnicians (Swiss
tained. A laboratory examination is a set of operations HistoTec) [18], the European Quality Assurance pro-
focused on the goal of determining the value (quantitative grams (EQA) [e.g. 19] and the Nordic Immunohisto-
examinations) or characteristics of a property (qualitative chemical Quality Control (NordiQC) [20] are good ex-
examinations). amples of platforms providing a broad spectrum of pos-
According to the ISO accreditation guidelines, all pro- sibilities for the external quality control of histochemical,
cesses, procedures and examinations related to patholog- immunohistochemical and molecular methods. Quality
ic diagnostics must be documented as standard operating can also be measured by how well an organization meets
procedures (SOP) or working instructions that are cur- the needs and requirements of users or the benchmarks
rent and accessible to the lab staff. This has several practi- of defined operational processes. Thus, user surveys and
cal advantages. Initial documentation of these processes, regular organization-defined quality indicators can be
procedures and examinations allows the lab head, man- utilized as quality verifications. Good illustrations of the
ager and staff to perform internal evaluations of the in- latter are the ongoing internal assessments of results and
dispensability and performance of processes, procedures trends by means of continuous internal technical quality
and examinations, their norm conformity as well as their control analyses of tissue floaters/contaminations, con-
efficiency; such initial evaluations can, as we have experi- tinuous internal diagnostic review of all negative prostate
enced, eliminate up to 10% of unnecessary steps and im- and breast screening biopsies (see the above example of
prove efficiency and accuracy in another 20% of process- missed prostate cancer), monitoring and improvement
es, procedures and examinations. These collected records measures resulting from corrected reports, turn-around
(SOP and working instructions) comprise an enduring times (TAT) and false-positive/-negative frozen-section
intellectual property of the lab, guaranteeing that experi- diagnoses. As an example, adherence to a certain TAT of
entially gained technical knowledge will be maintained <20 min for frozen-section examination is a prerequisite
without regard to personnel changes. Finally, they create of comprehensive cancer center certification, so our pa-

Accreditation of Pathology Labs Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 123

according to ISO 15189 DOI: 10.1159/000449254
thology lab was required to monitor this parameter. The decision-making and instructions for trouble-shooting,
data analysis was surprising and showed a broad variance will promote the quality of the respective SOP and also
of 7–72 min (mean: 22 min) that was more individual increase its usability. These compiled documentations
examiner-related than entity- or query-related. This re- comprise the management manual of the lab. In addition
quired us to discuss these perceptions with the respective to descriptions and prescriptions, all request forms, com-
examiners, and resulted in a measurable improvement of plaint forms, machine and device maintenance lists and
the TAT, i.e. 7–31 min (mean: 19 min). quality control references (e.g. reference microphoto-
graphs defining proper staining) can and should be an
integral part of the management manual of the lab.
What Are the Subjects for Accreditation in Pathology An often misunderstood and underrated obligation of
Laboratories? pathology labs is the need for the calibration, gauging and
verification of measurements. While this can be easily ap-
The quality management system and specific profes- plied, e.g. to temperature measurements in refrigerators,
sional, methodical and technical requirements are all sub- PCR machines or immunohistochemical devices by a
jects that must be accredited. This quality management gauged thermometer or a gauged-thermometer-verified
system should be a useful tool to outline the lab’s organi- conventional thermometer, the requirement for this
zation, its managerial accountability and formal respon- norm is more difficult to implement in other activities in
sibilities and the flow of information and goods along the pathology labs. The following 2 examples illustrate the
chain that transforms inputs (probes) into outputs (re- potential far-reaching consequences of uncalibrated
sults). Specific (professional, methodical and technical) measurements, however.
issues must be documented and organized in an under- (1) If a scale in the grossing room is somehow warped
standable and transparent way. Pathology labs generate and has a deviation of 0.5 mm, and (due to a tradition of
interpretative reports by means of a multistep process uti- not gauging or there being no gauging requirement in the
lizing different investigational procedures such as macro- lab’s SOP) this irregularity goes unnoticed and the gross
scopic and microscopic analyses, immunohistochemical examiner blindly trusts the measurements yielded by the
and immunocytochemical examinations and molecular scale, a considerable number of tumors will be either
testing. Thus, both the processes and each individual in- understaged or overstaged according to T-stage. Clearly,
vestigative procedure applied to a specific analysis must this would impact the integrative decisions regarding the
be documented properly, following clearly defined pro- treatment of patients, and, ultimately, in addition to bad-
cedural and methodological instructions. One common ly influencing the performance of the medical center,
misunderstanding is that the quality of documentation of harm the patients. (2) A tissue-slide thickness of at least
these instructions is reflected by their quantity or length. 6 μm is essential to reliably detect amyloid deposition in
This is not the case. Indeed, documentation should be as tissues by means of Congo red staining, while other thick-
concise and understandable as possible. Here is an ex- nesses are needed when combining this staining with im-
ample. A lab performs its Fite staining exactly as suggest- munohistochemistry for amyloid subtypization [e.g. 22].
ed by the Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the If these requirements are not met at the cutting station
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology [21]; there is no need and slides of unstandardized and varying thicknesses are
here to retype the respective prescription in the quality passed over for staining, amyloid detection or subtyping
management system as the respective document ‘Fite would not always be possible, which would obviously
staining’ should refer to the manual, which the lab man- have significant morbidity consequences for the patients.
ager must ensure is quickly and consistently available to By requiring compliance to standard calibration and
the involved staff. gauging and verifying measurement procedures, accredi-
Usually, professional, methodical and technical proce- tation ensures that labs have the appropriate mechanisms
dures are documented in a very detailed manner, while and SOP to guarantee precision and to avoid mistakes
processes such as the establishment of novel diagnostic such as those noted above.
tools (new antibodies, new sequencing panels, etc.) are The norm requires full traceability of probes and anal-
more poorly described. A structured approach to the de- yses. The probes must be unequivocally identifiable at any
scription of such a process, including clearly written and time along the analytical process. At the time the probes
easy-to-understand definitions, a breakdown into single are stored in containers and in cassettes so this require-
phases, with the designation of responsibilities for ment is constantly met, but there are several critical steps

124 Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 Tzankov/Tornillo

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at which probes and identification marks are spatially dis-
connected that must be considered: (1) during the de-
scription and gross analysis of tissue, and when (2) em-
bedding tissue, (3) cutting tissue, (4) transferring tissue
isolates, e.g. DNA, into respective tubes, and (5) allocat-
ing automated results generated by machines (e.g. genet-
ic analyzers or automated immunostainers without con-
nectivity) that are not equipped to sustain traceability by
the lab informatics system (LIS). Modern, commercially
available, LSI add-ons can support labs to meet the ISO
prerequisites by tracking single analytical steps. To avoid
the accumulation of tremendous amounts of electronic
data, it is stipulated that lab officers are to properly design
such tracking software and consider optimal hardware
support. Our experience is that one should pay special at-
tention to these 5 critical steps, and the SOP for these
Fig. 1. The slide printer is situated immediately next to the cutting
steps should ensure that each is performed in as verifiable station and prints the necessary slides on demand in real time.
a manner as possible, e.g. password-authorized access to Note that not only the ID number but also the 2-dimensional bar-
the embedding station, opening only 1 cassette per em- code has been successfully transferred from the tissue block to the
bedding procedure, providing metadata such as number glass slide. By means of this equipment, mislabeling errors can be
of tissue fragments and gross description at the embed- eliminated.
ding station, using prescribed methods to handle thermo-
forceps, following instructions regarding how to deal
with additional tissue encountered in baskets or cassettes, been underrated, and has only recently become the sub-
etc. Excellent help is provided by certain hardware such ject of more intensive consideration (perhaps due to
as on-site cassette- and slide printers, especially those evolving ISO requirements), since a clear convention on
without transfer tapes that print as many cassettes and whether this is the responsibility of the requesting physi-
slides as needed on demand, and that are situated imme- cians or of the pathology lab staff was lacking. Because
diately next to the grossing or cutting station (fig. 1). In many hospitals are being pressured to accredit their or-
addition, from practical experience, we recommend that gan system-based (tumor) centers, this issue has assumed
direct scanning of barcoded specimens, e.g. containers (at significant importance. Given the tremendous effects of
description/grossing), slides (at histological examina- preanalytics such as cold ischemia time, the concentra-
tion) or tubes (in the molecular lab), can significantly re- tion and pH value of the formalin solution, the duration
duce errors, the only prerequisite being a uniform bar- of fixation, etc. on the subsequent pathologic diagnostic
coding system and the proper workplace facilities. Trace- processes, and the plethora of required methodologies for
ability also applies to the reagents utilized, which can be tissue examinations, e.g. direct immunofluorescence,
easily achieved by comparing LIS data with the respective electron microscopy and RNA extractions, to name a few,
reagent management records (further implying how it is clear that the lab professional (in this case, patholo-
these records should be designed to guarantee respective gist) should be responsible for preanalytics. This can be
feedback loops). After having addressed these points in achieved by distributing the proper solutions in tissue-
our lab, we have been able to save approximately 30 work- collection devices to the respective customers and provid-
ing hours per month, simply by minimizing errors. ing written instructions on the homepage, in addition to
Special attention is needed for preanalytics. The ISO direct communication and hands-on instruction provid-
defines preanalytics as a chronological process initiated at ed by the lab [23–26]. This will fulfil the ISO requirements
the clinician’s request and it includes the examination, and, in our experience, even after a few months, this ap-
application, preparation and identification of the patient, proach pays worthy dividends of greater error-free per-
collection of the primary sample(s) as well as transporta- formance.
tion to and within the lab, and it concludes when the an- On the opposite end of the spectrum, the responsibil-
alytical examination begins. The importance of preana- ity for postanalytics, defined as processes following the
lytics for the quality of the final result has, historically, examinations of a sample, including review of results, re-

Accreditation of Pathology Labs Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 125

according to ISO 15189 DOI: 10.1159/000449254

35 Grossing/
Number of incidents/month

30 contaminates


20 Floaters


False labeling



















Fig. 2. Time lines of different types of misidentification errors in the histopathology lab at the University Hospi-
tal Basel before and after the implementation of accreditation standards in June 2013.

tention and storage of clinical material, sample (and der the microscope, and were subsequently analyzed,
waste) disposal, as well as the formatting, releasing, re- communicated to the involved staff and finally corrected,
porting and retention of the examination results, has been all of which required approximately 20 additional month-
relegated to the pathology institutions as a matter of ly work hours by the staff. Clearly, the process had to be
course, according to tradition or even legislation, and improved to become an error-safe process with as few
mostly conforms to the norm. interfaces as possible. With the implementation of prede-
signed barcode-readable labels, cassette- and slide print-
ers and process redesign with full traceability, this type of
The Major Advantages of Accreditation error has been almost eliminated, thus significantly in-
creasing the safety of patients, minimizing the time re-
By analyzing, describing and critically questioning the quired to reconstruct the faults, reducing unproductive
processes and procedures of a pathology lab, these will be personnel deployment and, finally, achieving significant
intuitively subjected to improvement, even in the first run financial savings (fig. 2).
of accreditation. As mentioned, our experience shows By standardizing the established methodologies and
that 10% of ‘traditional’ processes and procedures are a technologies and continuously monitoring and improv-
waste of resources and could actually be eliminated, and ing lab techniques, such as histochemistry, immunohis-
another 20% could be considerably improved upon. tochemistry and molecular testing, and the management
Eliminating waste, reducing unnecessary interfaces and of consumables, accreditation inevitably reduces the
intermediate steps, and improving processes and proce- number of false results. As an example, unlike progester-
dures, automatically reduces TAT and considerably re- one receptor testing, for which the external quality con-
duces, if not eliminates, the number of technical errors. trol results (UKNEQAS) of our lab (18–20/20 points)
For example, before our lab committed to accredita- were constant and continuously excellent, estrogen re-
tion, we meticulously documented the number of critical ceptor testing showed a broader variation with border-
errors caused by improperly hand-written probe identifi- line-to-excellent results (12–20/20 points), since asses-
cation numbers, which averaged 40 per month from a sors claimed that staining intensity could be stronger and
total of 7,900 probes processed monthly. All these errors more nuclei could be stained in the intermediate expres-
were detected at distinct points in the diagnostic process, sors. Optimization of the results with the applied anti-
e.g. realizing that one was looking at the wrong tissue un- body clone SP1 did not lead to sustainable improvement

126 Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 Tzankov/Tornillo

DOI: 10.1159/000449254
of the external quality control results until implementa- Caveats
tion of a cocktail of antiestrogen antibody clones (SP1 and
6F11) [27], and this potential methodologic shortcoming Lab accreditation is not meant to be an end in itself,
would likely have been missed as an opportunity for but is rather to improve the end results for patients. Pro-
‘room for improvement’ without the mechanisms estab- cesses unlikely to influence these results as well as those
lished by the accreditation norms such as ‘open issues’ in that are impossible to quantify or control should be de-
the lab’s management system. scribed as briefly as possible to avoid unnecessary bureau-
Efforts to accredit a lab require team-work, and engag- cracy. Standards considered good medical practice, such
ing all staff members in preparing, editing and proof- as those already established in textbooks, and the best
reading documents, conducting internal audits and being clinical practices should be accepted by the authorities as
involved in processes of continuous improvement, and normative. There is no need, as exemplified by how to
thus confers inclusive responsibility and increases staff deal with the formal norms respecting the Fite stain, for
communication and motivation. excessive multiplication of written documents.
The accreditation norm requires monitoring indica- Since establishing and running an accreditation pro-
tors of technical performance and quality to reduce the gram is time-consuming, the respective allocation of hu-
risk of errors or delay in information delivery [28]. Some man resources planning should be considered. Our expe-
rational benchmarks to be monitored are listed above (in- rience as a lab that technically handles 95,000 specimens
ternal technical quality controls of tissue floaters/tissue per year shows that these needs can be met by approxi-
contaminations, results of continuous internal diagnostic mately 50% nonacademic/technical staff (i.e. 25% quality
review of all negative prostate and breast screening managers and 25% lab technicians) and 10% academic
biopsies, numbers of corrected reports, false-positive/ (medical lab-head) full-time equivalent staff to establish
-negative frozen-section diagnoses, distinct TAT, etc.), the program, and 15 and 5%, respectively, for running the
while some can be deduced to meet both patient expecta- program.
tions and diagnostic excellence from international expe- A particularly questionable practice is accreditation of
rience [e.g. 29]. Such monitoring is very useful to the lab only certain sections of a lab, especially molecular pathol-
manager, not only to survey processes, but especially to ogy facilities, which has been the subject of recent critical
identify critical fields throughout the diagnostic chain discussions [14]. In the context of comprehensive, pa-
that require improvements. On top of increasing patients’ tient-centered medicine as well as in the context of ISO
safety, minimizing errors and delays, this automatically 15189, which primarily aims to formally recognize an or-
reduces waste of materials, reagents and time, and thus ganization’s competence to carry out specific tasks, it is
also costs. indeed debatable whether singling out a specific proce-
In addition to compulsory external evaluation of qual- dure with minimal attention to upstream and down-
ity, according to the accreditation norm, ensuring staff stream processes is justified.
competence is also mandatory; this encompasses ade- Finally, certain aspects that are not covered by the ac-
quate educational eligibility and the maintenance and creditation norms are still important, including work
augmentation of competence, documented in the person- safety, hygiene and the diagnostic expertise of the aca-
nel files. Good examples are regular refresher courses on demic staff. While some of these are covered by local reg-
common subjects such as workplace and biosafety, or ulations, such as SUVA norms in Switzerland [30], hos-
adequate application of WHO-conformed terminology, pital hygiene guidelines or legislation, diagnostic exper-
which is often prone to neglect if not stringently moni- tise based on a competence-oriented audit is not envisag-
tored. ed. Some rough requirements in this direction are being
An intuitive but not measureable accreditation effect, as established, such as special training requirements for
previously mentioned, is the increased motivation of the pathologists participating in, for example, breast cancer
lab staff that results from transferring responsibility for de- screening programs or evaluating particular biomarkers
fined norm issues and continuous optimization to the re- such as ALK, hormone receptors or KI67 (e.g. UKNEQAS,
spective members. This responsibility highlights the im- QuiP) [16, 17]. There are also schemes for diagnostic ca-
portance of each facet of the work in the chain and allows pacity assurance like those provided by UKNEQAS [31]
the individuals involved to directly influence, with a view and the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) of Ireland
to improving, the procedures of which they are in charge, [32] and the RCPath of Australia [33]. This particular
and thus building a bridge towards lean management. shortcoming of ISO 15189 could, to a significant extent,

Accreditation of Pathology Labs Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 127

according to ISO 15189 DOI: 10.1159/000449254
be overcome by ISO 17020, which more specifically ad- (6) Management of Data and Information
dresses the competence, particularly of medical staff, and Written descriptions of procedures and processes
confirms the diagnostic competence of the lab and the must be immediately available. Communication within
surgical pathologists. However, mainly because of reser- the facility, in terms of the control of document streams
vations about accreditation of the medical diagnostic pro- (see ‘Document control’ above) and information deliv-
cesses in pathology that are so difficult to standardize, ery, and also outside the facility, in terms of the delivery
aside from Germany, this norm has still not been broadly of diagnostic records, must be adequately supported by
used in Europe [12, 13]. technical and electronic devices; data storage and retriev-
al must be guaranteed. Diagnostic records must fulfil all
minimal requirements of the norm (patient ID, date of
Shortlist and Critical Thoughts on Accreditation collection, date of receipt, date of testing, date of report-
Procedures ing and ID of the testing staff member).

(1) Document Control (7) Management of Reagents, Calibration and

A written, comprehensible and applicable system of Materials
document preparation, organization and accessibility to Written records on the respective materials and ac-
the relevant staff must exist as well as clear evidence of tivities must be maintained to allow full traceability.
who is responsible for the documents.
(8) Specimen Collection and Transportation
(2) Control of Process and Quality Records See the discussion on preanalytics.
Departments must participate in appropriate external
quality assessment programs and run pertinent internal (9) Receipt of Specimens
quality platforms. There must be appropriate space available for receiv-
ing specimens, with spatial separation from lab spaces
(3) Personnel Management where pathology-specific activities are performed. Com-
Sufficient and properly qualified staff with updated job prehensive instructions to deal with nonconforming
descriptions must be employed. A continuous education transmittals must be available.
program for all staff members must be implemented and
monitored. (10) Examination Procedures
All actions that do not represent textbook knowledge
(4) Implementation of Health and Safety Measures as well as lab-specific procedures must be documented,
(Not Specifically Required by ISO, but Auditors and verified, validated and tested for quality.
Lab Officers are Advised to Implement Such Programs
to Ensure Conformity to Both Legislation and Good (11) Reporting of Results
Practice) Documents regulating the non-LIS-based transmis-
The auditor should, although not required by the sion of results, such as oral reports and e-mails, must be
norm, consult with the institutional safety officer and as- considered, and instructions on how to document nonin-
sess the department safety manual, since compliance with terpretative molecular results, such as those generated
safety regulations reassures the staff members and allows with massive parallel sequencing, must be provided.
them to perform more efficiently, which also increases
patient/probe safety. (12) Evaluation and Improvement
There should be documentation of regular internal au-
(5) Management of Facilities and Equipment dits, actions undertaken as a consequence of results indi-
There must be appropriate and clean lab space as well cating the need for improvement of external quality as-
as adequate, clean and well-maintained (routinely cali- sessment programs and pertinent internal quality plat-
brated and gauged) equipment to perform the respective forms, and records of unresolved matters and final checks
medical procedures. should be kept.

128 Pathobiology 2017;84:121–129 Tzankov/Tornillo

DOI: 10.1159/000449254
Conclusions assessment process substantially reduces waste of resourc-
es and also systemic biases, and thus has the inherent po-
An accreditation seal certifies that processes and pro- tential to improve time management and resource alloca-
cedures in the respective labs are in compliance with norm tion, to be able to increase diagnostic performance and
standards and provide formal recognition that the lab is consequently improve medical care. Finally, it is notewor-
being run in a proper/right way, but this does not guaran- thy that reducing waste usually results in savings more
tee that the right things are being done. Therefore, accred- significant than the costs of accreditation.
itation cannot be thought of as a substitute for diagnostic
quality, but only, at best, for lab and management process
quality. Still, practical experience, as exemplified above, Acknowledgements
provides unequivocal evidence that standardized and
Alexandar Tzankov would like to express his deep gratitude to
continually optimized processes can tremendously influ- Monika Zumbrunn, Regina Decker, Ralph Schoch and Prof. Dr.
ence diagnostic performance and thus be of great benefit Markus Tolnay for their enduring support considering all accred-
to the patients. Improving the quality of the pathological itation activities, and Kat Occhipinti-Bender for English editing.

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