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G.R. No. 156759
June 5, 2013

Respondent in this case sought for damages against the petitioner for an allegedly
libelous article published by the petitioners.Respondents moved to drop the Abante Tonite
since it cannot be impleaded in a civil suit being neither a natural nor a juridical person.

Issue: Whether or not Abante Tonite can be sued?

Ruling: Yes.

Corporation by estoppel results when a corporation represented itself to thepublic as

such despite its not being incorporated. A corporation by estoppelmay be impleaded as a party
defendant considering that it possessesattributes of a juridical person, otherwise, it cannot be
held liable for damagesand injuries it may inflict to other persons.

In this case, Abante Tonite is considered as a corporation by estoppel as theresult of its

having represented to the reading public as a corporation despiteit not being incorporated. It’s
non-incorporation with the SEC is of noconsequence, for otherwise, whoever of the public who
would suffer anydamage from the publication of the articles in the pages of its tabloids
wouldbe left without recourse.

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