Nama: Alvisa Oktariano (19650296) Prodi: Farmasi 2B What Is Science Fiction? The Use of Imagination

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Nama : Alvisa Oktariano (19650296)

Prodi : Farmasi 2B


The Use Of Imagination

• It Answers The Question “What If?”

• Can Be About Anything - Just Have To Apply Some Scientific Element To It
• There Needs To Be A Willing Suspension Of Disbelief
• Looks At The Social Application Of Science, Technology And Innovations
Parameters Of The Narrative

• The Sense Of Time - Past Present Or Future///// Alternate Parallel Worlds

• The Universe, Space, Travel, The Planets, Moon
• Aliens, Robots, Androids, Mutants, Superhumans, Computers
• Utopias And Dystopias
• The World And Its Issues - Global Warming, The End Of The World , Diseases And Pandemics
Start Small

• Open With A Bang “It Was A Bright Cold Day In April And The Clocks Were Striking 13” - 1984
• Create A Fantastic Character: Needs To Connect With The Audience
The Setting Is Most Important

• The Setting Has To Be So Powerful

• It Sets The Tone Of The Story
The Purpose

• The Story Needs A Pull

• It Should Have Some Social Theme
• Mostly An Indication Of Societal Issues

• How Science Can Lead To World Domination And Control

• Loss Of Human Values
• The Extinction Of Life

• Nature’s Importance


• Posthumanism And Transhumanism


• Sf Should Helf Inform And Educate

• Push Us Beyond Our Limits Of Thought
• Help Erase Prejudices And Bias
• Above All - It Should Tell A Story Of Imagination

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