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American Society on Aging

The Summer of LoveAuthor(s): W. Andrew Achenbaum

Source: Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging , Vol. 41, No. 2, The
Summer of Love, the Baby Boomers, and Their Arc of Aging (Summer 2017), pp. 6-14
Published by: American Society on Aging

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to Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging

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GE NERATIO NS – Journal of the American Society on Aging

The Summer of Love:

From Fantasy to Fallout
By W. Andrew Achenbaum
The year 1967 launched the sex, drugs, and
rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, with lasting cultural change
and lingering challenges for baby boomers.

T he Summer of Love’s epicenter (1967) was the

Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, a 25-square-
block district of San Francisco. The neighbor-
youth claimed, by pressures to conform. Hopes
soared after the 1963 March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom; shortly thereafter, the assas-
hood’s Victorian houses, originally built for Irish sination of John F. Kennedy gripped Americans
workers, were in 1967 rented to students and in grief. Laws buttressing Great Society initia-
musicians (such as guitarist Jerry Garcia, his tives—the Voting Rights Act and Medicare—
wife, and his band, The Grateful Dead) for dramatized the plight of poor minorities and
$25 a month. That year, about 100,000 youth frail elders. Racial, ethnic, and gender dispar-
traveled to Haight-Ashbury from the United ities exposed educational and class differences.
States and abroad. Tensions flared between parents and children,
What lured the oldest of the baby boomers— the rich and the poor. Mistrust pitted authorities
a largely white, middle-class group born between against rebellious youth.
1946 and 1964—to the Summer of Love? Reject- Distemper fomented violence, causing ideas
ing parental expectations and societal norms, about community to unravel. A rising genera-
many came to pursue alternative lifestyles. Some tion claimed its right to denounce the status
were attracted by free concerts in the Bay Area: quo, while setting about to rectify America’s
The Mamas and the Papas promoted the June troubles. Haight-Ashbury residents declaimed
1967 Monterey International Pop festival with in A Prophecy of a Declaration of Independence
the song “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear (Cohen, 1966):
Flowers in Your Hair).” The Haight-Ashbury We hold these experiences to be self-
offered sex and drugs. Others joined civil rights evident, that all is equal, that the creation
causes and Vietnam War protests. endows us with certain inalienable rights,
The summer of 1967 added ferment to baby that among these are: the freedom of the
boomers’ formative years—hitherto stifled, the body, the pursuit of joy, and expansion of

abstract The first baby boomers were younger than age 30 in the 1960s, a decade with aspirations
of bringing a civil rights movement to fruition in a Great Society. The 1960s also bore fruits of violence
at home and abroad. Amidst upheavals, some experimented in the “Summer of Love” in San Francisco
with novel forms of communal living, notable for sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. Legacies of the Summer of
Love carried baby boomers into adulthood and old age. | key words: Haight-Ashbury, the 1960s, history,
sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, aging

Copyright © 2017 American Society on Aging; all rights reserved. This article may not be duplicated, reprinted or
distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher: American Society on Aging, 575 Market
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Pages 6–14 The Summer of Love, the Baby Boomers, and Their Arc of Aging

consciousness . . . . To secure these rights, rhea rates statewide rose 165 percent between
we the citizens of the earth declare our 1964 and 1968. The Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic’s
love and compassion. medical director bewailed the spike in sexually
Parodying the Founding Fathers met with transmitted diseases among residents (Alexan-
resistance. Major media outlets in 1967 carica- der, 2007).
tured hippies who adopted Timothy Leary’s
advice to “turn on, tune in, and drop out.” Reck- Summer of Love’s Immediate
less hedonism did not envelop all life in the Impact: 1967 to 1970
Haight-Ashbury, however. Vietnam, epitomiz- Reporters ridiculed Haight-Ashbury’s self-
ing Cold War brinksmanship, came too close indulgent youth. “A generation and a half before,
for comfort. Networks showed military escorts you could back a dump truck full of cocaine into
carrying body bags and maimed soldiers ware- a Jesuit schoolyard and none of those boys
housed in Veterans Administration hospitals. would get near it,” opined The Washington Post’s
Out of self-interest, Haight-Ashbury’s youth Nicholas von Hoffman, who (dressed in suit and
mobilized antiwar protests. tie) covered happenings there. “This mass of
Others during the Summer of Love invented young people who had no political knowledge
new ways of conversing and behaving in public [and] were not particularly well-educated, but
squares and private spheres. Spiritual truths and the thing you could get them to do was sex,
radical ideals embellished their countercultural drugs, and rock 'n' roll” (Weller, 2012).
utopia (Selvin, 2007). “All you need is love, love/ The happenings in the Haight-Ashbury failed
Love is all you need,” The Beatles sang in 1967. to plant a new republic acceptable to middle
Americans. By conjoining sex, drugs, and rock
'n' roll, however, youth forged a worldview that
‘A rising generation claimed its right criticized and redirected U.S. cultural norms. In
to denounce the status quo.’ adolescence, these baby boomers rarely trusted
anyone over 30; fifty years later they despair for
The Summer of Love permeated popular having left such a legacy.
culture. Young women went braless under Throughout their lifetimes spent (re)invent-
cast-off and psychedelic clothes. Young men ing identities, the baby boomers’ continued
sported long hair. Eastern rituals and occult affinity for sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll arose from
symbols spread to U.S. college campuses. Strip experiences rooted or transmitted in the Haight-
malls offered yoga classes. The Beatles’ “Lucy in Ashbury. Eventually, the Summer of Love yielded
the Sky with Diamonds” (1967) extolled dream- to other newsmakers. And little was said then
like hallucinations through LSD. about gender-specific pay differentials, glass
But Haight-Ashbury’s beacon dimmed ceilings, or the toll of caregiving—issues that dog
quickly. “The ‘Summer of Love’ morphed into baby boomers now, and will continue to do so as
the ‘Autumn of Abuse,’ and then ‘Winter of they grow older.
Disrespect,’ ” said longtime San Francisco
denizen Philip DeAndrade (Lindsey, 1987). Bay Sex
Area residents in October 1967 staged a mock Most parents of baby boomers taught their
funeral marking the Death of the Hippie. children that polite society disapproved of pre-
Summer of Love themes were reenacted as marital sex; scandals highlighted divorces;
baby boomers passed from youth into adulthood. as did homosexuality and other so-called devi-
Some consequences were immediate. Teenagers ant behaviors. Baby boomers advocated diverse
suffered botched abortions. Syphilis and gonor- sexual norms. Twenty-seven-year-old Hugh

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Summer 2017 • Vol. 41 . No. 2 | 7
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GE NER ATIO NS – Journal of the American Society on Aging Pages 6–14

Hefner’s first-published edition of Playboy (in mind-altering powers in an April 29, 1966 issue
1953) featured Marilyn Monroe as “Sweetheart of Life magazine. President Nixon condemned
of the Month” (Rosenberg, 2015). Crowds fre- “homosexuality, dope, immorality in general,”
quented burlesque halls to see topless dancers adding that “Communists and left-wingers are
with silicone-enhanced breasts (Roberts, 2015). pushing the stuff, they’re trying to destroy us”
Research undercut prevailing sexual beliefs, (Anderson, n.d.). The premature, drug-related
behaviors, and taboos. Alfred Kinsey (1948, 1953) deaths of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim
found that 53.9 percent of males, and nearly a Morrison undoubtedly deterred more potential
third of all females studied were 19 years old or users than had Nixon’s rants (Nugent, 2007).
younger at the time of first (premarital) inter-
course. Half the men and a quarter of the women Rock ‘n’ roll
reported extramarital experiences. Rather than lure those who frequented orches-
In 1960, the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- tra halls, bars, and cabarets, record companies
tion approved the first oral contraceptive (“the and broadcast firms in the 1950s turned baby
pill”) for married couples. But in 1970, half of boomers into a lucrative market. Elvis Presley
all college health centers still denied student and Chubby Checker put body language to
prescriptions (Chaduvula, 2016). The pill’s verse. The Kinks’ drum and guitars gave libi-
availability heightened women’s capacity for dinal thrusts to “You Really Got Me” (1964).
intimacy (Frink, 2011). “Only the united beat Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne” (1967) coupled
of sex and the heart can create ecstasy,” pro- “For you’ve touched her perfect body with your
claimed Anais Nin (Nin, 1977). mind.” Pat Boone had his own television show
at age 23, which delivered his sanitized version
Drugs of rhythm-and-blues. Leonard Bernstein’s West
After the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Tax Side Story (a 1957 musical made into a 1961 film)
Act (1914), Washington, D.C., in fits and starts aroused audiences with songs of love and death.
constrained addiction and reduced access to Ricky Nelson lamented broken dreams in “Lone-
illegal substances. Priorities changed: whereas some Town” (1959).
nineteenth-century physicians saw value in Music appealing to baby boomers sometimes
the substance, cocaine came to be considered became political. Bob Dylan deployed electric
dangerous (Anderson, n.d.). Combat soldiers guitars, a four-note steel guitar riff, and bongos
in World War II were given amphetamines to while protesting police violence. Joan Baez sang
counter fatigue. In the 1950s, agents cracked “We Shall Overcome” (1963) marching with Rev.
down on such “pep pills,” then available on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Who’s “My Gen-
black market. eration” (1965) inspired adolescent searches for
Before 1937, grocery stores and pharmacies meaning. Allusions to sex, psychedelic drugs,
sold marijuana, ignoring the drug’s association and carnival-like eccentricity energized Sgt.
with black jazz players and Mexican laborers. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), which
In the 1950s, stricter drug-related sentences on was released at the same time the Summer of
offenders did not curb sales; and within a dec- Love was getting underway. Youth embraced
ade, Beatniks and white middle-class youth The Beatles’ fusion of rock 'n' roll, soul, and pop
smoked weed. Even so, only 4 percent of adults into generational-based identities.
had tried marijuana by the late 1960s; 60 percent Concerns with sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll
feared addiction (Robinson, 2002). nevertheless framed a vocabulary for a diverse,
Heroin and speed, which were common in maturing generation that became more segment-
underground circles, were trumpeted for their ed with passing decades. Other events—9/11 and

Copyright © 2017 American Society on Aging; all rights reserved. This article may not be duplicated, reprinted or
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Pages 6–14 The Summer of Love, the Baby Boomers, and Their Arc of Aging

the Great Recession—surpassed how the Sum- Older: Women Aging with Knowledge and Power
mer of Love contributed to baby boomers’ adult (Doress and Siegal, 1987), accentuated women’s
development. health issues. Bio-gerontologist Alex Comfort,
M.D., delivered cordon bleu recipes for The Joy
Some Baby Boomers Preserve of Sex (1972) and its sequel, A Good Age (1976).
Haight-Ashbury’s Spirit: 1970 to 1990 Robert Butler, M.D., and Myrna Lewis debunked
Baby boomers rarely tarried in Dante’s “dark myths about later-life sex in Sex After Sixty: A
woods,” although many who searched for Guide for Men and Women for Their Later Years
meaning in their vocations forsook opportunities (1976). NBC’s Dr. Ruth Westheimer broadcast
to attain wholeness. Without feeling that turning wry queries on Sexually Speaking.
40 was “over the hill,” some consid-
ered disillusionment in mid-life a
‘President Nixon condemned “homosexuality,
turning point, from youthful opti-
mism to patient resignation, a trans- dope, immorality in general.” ’
ition underappreciated in baby
boomer histories. But none of these resources, not even
As Wendell Berry said in “The Real Work” Charles Silverstein and Edmund White’s Joy
(1983): “It may be that when we no longer know of Gay Sex (1977), braced baby boomers for
what to do/we have come to our real work/and the 1980s AIDS epidemic. By 1989, there were
that when we no longer know which way to go/ 100,000 AIDS cases in the United States, and
we have begun our real journey.” another 100,000 by 1991 (UCSF, 2017). A decade
Given its size and diversity, this cohort later, HIV/AIDs was the fourth largest cause
neither easily nor uniformly adjusted to dimin- of death (14 million) worldwide; more than
ishing expectations. They fret over wrinkles and 35 million people live with HIV today (AVERT,
extra pounds. Salaried workers did not antici- 2017). Researchers initially sought magic bullets
pate age discrimination in employment, jobs be- to eliminate or retard the virus. Caregiver teams
coming computerized or outsourced overseas, partnered with faith-based congregations to
or underfunded employer pensions. Dave Barry minister to AIDS patients (Shelp and Sunder-
(1991, 1999, 2010) portrayed the humor in fitness land, 1985). Homophobes meanwhile ascribed
fads and flossing teeth as an antidote to disillu- human misery to divine revenge.
sionment. Musicians conveyed different solace
in singles such as Ian Dury’s “Sex and Drugs and Drugs
Rock and Roll” (Dury, 1977): “Here’s a little bit of In 1974, the National Institute on Drug Abuse
advice, you’re quite welcome, it is free/Don’t do (NIDA) became the latest focal point for U.S.
nothing that is cut-price . . . ./Get your teeth into research, treatment, training, services, and
a small slice, the cake of liberty.” prevention for monitoring the nature and
Echoing Ian Dury, many baby boomers in magnitude of substance abuse. Interest in psy-
the 1970s and 1980s focused on sex, drugs, and chedelics did not revive until the late 1980s,
music wittingly or not rekindling the essence when psycho-pharmacologists and neuroscien-
of the Summer of Love. tists designed new protocols (Langlitz, 2012).
NIDA, which tracked drug patterns among the
Sex nation’s shrinking youth population, investigated
Several commercial editions of Our Bodies, whether marijuana facilitated dependence on
Ourselves (Boston Women’s Health Book Col- non-prescription drugs, methamphetamines, or
lective, 1973), including Ourselves, Growing cocaine (Richards, 1981).

Copyright © 2017 American Society on Aging; all rights reserved. This article may not be duplicated, reprinted or
distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher: American Society on Aging, 575 Market
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Summer 2017 • Vol. 41 . No. 2 | 9
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GE NER ATIO NS – Journal of the American Society on Aging Pages 6–14

Reliance on illicit drugs was highest among In Grace and Grit (1993) Ken Wilber posited
users in their late teens and twenties, but some that letting go strengthened coping mechanisms.
investigators reported substance abuse among Daniel Goleman, mapping a confluence between
baby boomers. “Awareness of the problem of psychology and neuroscience in Emotional In-
drug abuse in the elderly population must be telligence (1995), asserted that language and
increased” (Patterson and Jette, 1999). This behavior mattered more than a high IQ.
cohort’s alcohol consumption also was rising Commentators seized on darkness within,
(Haughwout, LaVallee, and Castle, 2015). which unexpectedly generated “the power, the
grace, the intensity, and the energy to become
Rock ‘n’ roll authentic sacred activists” (Palmer, 2006). James
New voices topped the charts, prodding young Hollis (2005) extolled synergy in reconciling loss
and old to move on. The group Queen affirmed and growth: “To be mindful of our fragile fate each
the essence of rock; punk bands followed. Metal- day, in a non-morbid acknowledgment, helps us
lica highlighted psychedelic heavy metal. Elton remember what is important in our life and what
John’s “Your Song” (1970) crooned: “I know it’s is not, what matters really, and what does not.”
not much but it’s the best I can do/My
gift is my song and this one’s for you.” Students of aging invited baby boomers
Stars of the 1960s—Paul Anka and
Judy Collins—updated their routines; to flower; promoting ‘successful,’
character-acting and banjo-playing ‘productive,’ and ‘vital’ ‘sage-ing.’
became Burl Ives’s métier.
The Beatles altered American culture while Resilience could flower with aging. No
transfiguring the music industry. “Let it Be” stranger to late-life despair and disillusionment,
moved all age groups. Its lyrics and tune moved poet Mary Oliver (1992), in “The Summer Day,”
young and old to reflect on transitions encoun- asked readers: “Tell me, what is it you plan to
tered as life moved on. In their stadium perfor- do/with your one wild and precious life?”
mances, The Beatles sold more albums than Cantankerous Henry Fonda, his conciliatory
singles (McGasko, 2014). (on-screen) wife Katharine Hepburn, and (real-
Baby boomers increasingly searched inward life) rebellious daughter Jane Fonda in On Golden
for meaning: “The ultimate goal of life remains Pond (1981) foreshadowed aging for baby boomers
the spiritual growth of the individual, the soli- growing older. In the 1980s, even more dystonic
tary journey to peaks that can be climbed only incidents followed. Chronic illnesses, strokes, and
alone” (Peck, 1978). spreading obesity challenged cultural notions that
age 60 was now the new 40. The media branded
Later Life Becomes Dystonic: 1990 to 2017 baby boomers as “greedy geezers” who jeopar-
At age 80, Erik and Joan Erikson emphasized dized Social Security while bankrupting younger
the dark, dystonic rhythms in tension with generations’ futures (Longman, 1982; Preston,
expansively felicitous aspects ascribed to each 1984). The epithet surely did not apply to aging
stage of human development. “Let us face the baby boomers who found themselves unexpect-
disturbing dystonic potentials of the stages and edly raising grandchildren or becoming caregiv-
give them full attention and consideration as ers for spouses, siblings, or friends.
they appear” prominently in late life (Erikson Unlike naysayers, some people disputed the
and Erikson, 1997). The Summer of Love now notions that the old were burdens, exacerbating
resembled a Texas winter: bright skies pierced generational inequities (Kingson, Hirshorn, and
with clouds. Cornman, 1986; Williamson, Watts-Roy, and

Copyright © 2017 American Society on Aging; all rights reserved. This article may not be duplicated, reprinted or
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Pages 6–14 The Summer of Love, the Baby Boomers, and Their Arc of Aging

Kingson, 1999). Activists such as Jane Fonda, people suffer from the “invisible epidemic”
Robert Butler, and Fernando Torres-Gil encour- of substance abuse. Consumers underestimate
aged baby boomers to fight ageism and address the interactive effects from alcohol, over-the-
global warming, when not taking solace in sex, counter medications, and prescription drugs.
drugs, and rock 'n' roll (Achenbaum, 2013). Healthcare professionals inadequately monitor
medications older patients take at home. Mean-
Sex while, millions around the world suffer from
George Burns curried laughs comparing sex at an absence of painkillers, not drug abuse (Glad-
age 90 to “trying to shoot pool with a rope.” Yet stone, 2016).
most baby boomers, including those admitting
decades ago to a decline in intercourse, reported Rock ‘n’ roll
having fantasies; they enjoyed kissing and stim- Baby boomers’ parents played mood music.
ulation, and had had the same partner for at Their children enjoy rap, hip-hop, rock or heavy
least a decade (Fox, 2005). Viagra, metal, and dance music. Neither disparities in
available in 1998, helped men with erectile dys- gender nor income distinguish baby boomers’
function; the Federal Drug Administration in preferences (Mizell, 2005).
2015 approved a women’s libido pill (Addyi) for Certain songs from the 1960s stayed with
the market. Iconic celebrities like Jane Fonda baby boomers over time. Some composers take
marketed exercise videos for women wanting into account population aging, in songs such
slimmer bodies and enhanced sexual appeal. as Paul Simon’s and Art Garfunkel’s “Old
Experts recommended sex after age 60. Friends” (1997) and heavy metal band Judas
Andrew Weil, M.D., prescribed love, traditional Priest’s “Lost Love Lyrics” (2008). Mary
and nontraditional, for healthy aging (2007). Ac- Chapin Carpenter (2001) strikes the cohort’s
ceptance of homosexuality and a U.S. Supreme passivity and inactivity:
Court decision gave older adults the right to cel- A change of scene would sure be great;
ebrate same-sex marriages (Liptak, 2015). “I The thought is nice to contemplate; But the
am grateful to have been loved and to be loved question begs why would you wait; And be
now,” declared Maya Angelou, “and to be able to late for your life.
love, because that liberates” (Coates-Connor, Meanwhile, students of aging invited baby
2014). Erica Jong, having reached her 70s in 2015, boomers to flower; they promoted “success-
still savored sex (Loh, 2015). Psychiatrist George ful,” “productive,” and “vital” “sage-ing” (Rowe
Vaillant, director of a forty-year longitudinal study and Kahn, 1998; Schachter-Shalomi and Miller,
of men, succinctly concluded: “Happiness is Love. 1995; Thomas, 2015; Dovey, 2015). Unlike their
Full stop” (Stossel, 2013). Baby boomers older professional predecessors, the new wave of
than age 60 divorced and remarried in a quest experts detailed the dystonic. Without denying
for fulfilling love (Lewis and Kreider, 2015). loss of control, chronic pain, and decline, they
encouraged aging baby boomers to face finitude
Drugs with dignity (Gawande, 2014). To link aging and
Scientists stress the deleterious extent of binge dying may make heirs to the Summer of Love the
drinking and misuse of (non)prescription drugs first generation in history poised to live fully as
among aging baby boomers during the past they age and, ultimately, die, by struggling to
decade (Vimont, 2013). Despite documenting attain what ultimately matters to them.
correlations in alcohol problems from early News of David Bowie’s death prompted
through late life (HHS, SAMHSA, 1998), investi- 4.3 million tweets in seven hours. Madonna, Paul
gators cannot yet enumerate how many older McCartney, and Mick Jagger issued tributes

Copyright © 2017 American Society on Aging; all rights reserved. This article may not be duplicated, reprinted or
distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher: American Society on Aging, 575 Market
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Summer 2017 • Vol. 41 . No. 2 | 11
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GE NER ATIO NS – Journal of the American Society on Aging Pages 6–14

(Lee, 2016). “When people are growing up clared, “I move on to another area” (The Week,
they’re generally looking for something in the 2016). He seized on advances in mass communi-
culture that reflects their subconscious yearn- cation to perfect an original sound.
ings. Bowie certainly did that for my generation. Bowie’s career and life choices personify
In fact he probably did it for two or three” what endures today from the Summer of Love:
(Perry, 2016). “A true and generous visionary, [Bowie] invited
David Bowie (1947–2016) loved sex, drugs, to the dance people who never felt welcomed
and rock 'n' roll. His life was a relentless journey there before” (Penn, 2016). Wrapped in sex,
of reinvention, to develop a self at once inspira- drugs, and rock 'n' roll, Bowie amplified an au-
tional, provocative, graceful, and dark (Hiatt, thentic amalgam of hopes, conceits, promises,
2016). His clothes and lifestyle embodied a and mishaps, one that traces back to the 1967
gender maverick’s persona. Bowie was a music Summer of Love in the Haight-Ashbury.
innovator to the end—Next Day, written at age
66, had many references to death; Bowie com- W. Andrew Achenbaum, Ph.D., is professor emeritus
pleted Blackstar (2016) enduring the final stages at the University of Houston, and scholar-in-residence
of liver cancer (Perry, 2016). “As soon as a sys- at the Institute for Spirituality and Health at the Texas
tem or process works, it’s out of date,” Bowie de- Medical Center in Houston.

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Boston: G. K. Hall & Co. New York: Crown Publishers.

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distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher: American Society on Aging, 575 Market
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Pages 6–14 The Summer of Love, the Baby Boomers, and Their Arc of Aging

Doress, P. B., and Siegal, D. L. 1987. Haughwout, S. P., LaVallee, R. A., Lindsey, R. 1987. “20 Years After a
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Aging with Knowledge and Power. Per Capita Alcohol Consumption: Looks Back.” The New York Times,
New York: Simon & Schuster. National, State, and Regional Trends July 2.
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