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AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517012 749 ••

"Foci ..
Angle n jj



O ./
Range ot

SO ..~


-Soundpath 100
Distonce Irrun]

Figure 6.8 - Typical relation between

apparent beam angle and soundpath Figure 6.9 - Comparison between typical
distance amplitude correction curves
constructed using side drilled holes
working sensitivity to allow the side lobes to be and an infinite plane reflector
perpendicular to the beam
From the beam profile, an estimate can be made
(note that dolted line associated
01 the focal distance lor TRL and locusing probes.
However, special blocks will normally be required
with lhe infinite plane reflector has
for determination 01 the precise characteristics 01
been plotted with 12 dB lower sensitivity)
probes lor critica I applications.
The occurrence of "squint" may be recognized is good enough lar most practical applications.
by the need to twist the probe measurably in arder To measure the dominant frequency IR (see Fig-
to maximize a signal. ure 4.11), a fJaw detectar with an unrectified dis-
play may be used. The time base is lirst calibrated Amplitude behavior for diHerenl reflectors for a beam path lenglh covering the range 01
{to r r RL or íocussong prooes) interest. 1 ne ecno ot one 01 me cauoranon DIOCK
radii (Figure 6.1) is Ihen brought into lhe cali-
One very important facl has to be mentioned:
brated range 01 lhe lime base, and lhe Irequency
when making a reference curve of amplitude ver-
IR is estirnated by counling lhe number of cycles
sus distance, e.g. for 450,60° ,65°, and 70° using
N over a given sound palh S in mm (see Figure
the angled laces (Infinite plane rellectors) of the
6.10). The velocity c lar which lhe time base is
probe characterization blocks, the maximum sen-
calibrated has 10 be known in mm/s.
sitivity might be reached at a distance which
The bandwidlh fa should be established in rela-
diHers Irom that for curves established using si de
tion to lhe dominanl Irequency IA, which will give
drilled holes, see Figure 6.9. Furthermore, the dif-
a percenlage value by Ia (%) = (faliR) . 100. For
lerence in sensitivity between the curves con-
example, a bandwidlh 01 20% means "narrow-
strucled using different reflectors (side drilled
bane", 80% "broadband", and 120% "exlremely
holes, Ilat batiam holes, inlinite plane rellectors
broadband" (shock-wave probes). The bandwidlh
perpendicular to lhe beam) is most important. A
can be estimated by counling the number 01
large difference in amplitude belween inlinite
cycles N 01lhe complete echo (see Figure 6.10) of
plane retlectors and holes means a better ampli-
a brock radius surface se! at FSH (or olhe r surta-
tude discrimination between small and larga re-
6.5.5 Dead Zone and Near Field
6.5.4 Eslimation 01 dominant frequency and The probe charac!erizalion block can be used
bandwidth 10 check lhe dead zone 01 a probe by observing
Exacl determination 01 the dominant Irequency lhe echos lrom lhe near surface notch and Irom
and bandwidth is onJy possible by special signal holes which are at inlervals 01 5 mm Irom 2.5 mm
analysis. These properties are strongly influenced up 10 57.5 mm and determining which is the near-
by material characteristics, sound path, and type eSI echo which can be distinguished.
01 rellector. However, they can be esti mated These holes can also be used 10 explore lhe
approximately by a straightforward method which varíatlon 01 sensilivily wilhin lhe near lield and


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STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517013 685 ••




Figure 6.10 - Estimation o, dominant frequency 'R and bandwidth 'e

ascertain whelher' a range 01 inleresl happens 10 (2) Place lhe probe on lhe characlerizalion
coincide wilh a region 01 sufficienl sensilivity. bloek and sei lhe echo 01 the selected refleclor to
a predetermined height, lor inslance 20% FSH.
6.5.6 Nominal Slgnal 10 Probe-Noise Ratlo Read attenualor.
(3) While keeping the probe on the block, adjust
A comparison 01 probes wilh regard 10 Iheir lhe attenualor until thé maxírrium noise indicalion
noise levei (i.e. amplitude 01 spurious probe indi-
in lhe range 01 inleresl reaches lhe same heighl as
calions) lor ranges ai inlerest may be made in the
lhe largel echo levei selecled in (2) above. Read
lollowing way: attenuator,
(1) SeI the noise supression on lhe Ilaw delec- (4) The difference between lhe two attenualor
tor to zero. readings gives lhe required value.

ing levei, a reporting levei, and an evalualion levei

7. DEVELOPMENT OF AN lor indicalions and acceplanee criteria should be
EXAMINATION PROCEDURE agreed upon. There are rnanv steps to be taken 10
establish an examination procedure. The flow
7.1 Outline 01 Activities chart on page 32 gives a typieal example 01 the
main steps required.
As poinled out previously, Ihere is no general
rule lar developing procedures. The only efficienl
way is to seleet the besl combination 01 probes, 7.2 Preparalion 01 PreJiminary Procedure
cable, and equipmenl by practical trials on repre-
The procedure to be established ean be strongly
sentative test pieees conlaining artilicial rellec-
inlluenced by lhe requirements expressed by the
tors and natural delects, il this is possible.
customer and/or inspection authorilies.
Testing teehniques can be developed using rel-
erence bloeks. Relerenee bloeks wilh relerenee The lirsl step is to consider the details of the
refleetors are essential lor longitudinal and trans- weld to be examined. Using inlormalion on the
verse detects. The detail 01 the rellectors musl be weld geomelry, welding proeess, heat Ireatment,
chosen with regard 10 lhe weld charaeleristies and chemieal composilion as described in section
(see seetion 3.2) and 10 the requiremenls ai lhe 3.2, a preliminary choiee can be made ai the beam
eustomer and/or inspeetion-aulhorities (see see- angles, wave modes and Irequencies 10 be used to
lion 3.5). A possible choice is side drilled holes at arrive at an effective examination.
lhe lusion line belween lhe parenl and weld metal In making this ehoice, consideration should
or on the weld eenterline. The suitability 01 the also be given to the adviee in seelion 3.5 and to
proposed examinalion procedure lor that type 01 the implieations 01 the behavior deseribed in see-
eomponent must be demonslraled experimenlally tion 4 on the teehnique, partieularly on the use 01
10 oblain approval. As early as possible, a record- shear and longitudinal waves (Iull skip/half skip)


lnforrnatíon Handling Services,Wed Jul24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 a. 0784265 0517014 511 ••

Flow Chart
Outline of Aclivilies

Reference Chapter


Pr-eper-ere f erence

7.4 SeJect probes and

e i ent

Characlerlze probes
7.5 and 6. end e ui menl


7.8 not

i. ( --

,..-=~.,,\! ::.-i
Quol! fy
Proco on
7.7 Referenca blocks
not •
agalnst lnspect íon acceptoble
ar alter-
dcceplable nat i ve "I ri-
~ melhads e.9.
8. S/N-rotlo J
not ecceptebte

- PT

buí ld

I up ar
- EXlended
dcceptôble I RT
I-rite õefrrü tlve
3.5 nrocedis-e

8. by customer ond not ~
authorilies acceptable

ecceotebt e

9. Examindtion,
Reoort I , ete.


lnformation Handling Services, Wed Jul24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 _ 0784265 0517015 .458 _

and attenuatíon. Furthermore, one must atso take trant testing, ultrasonie testing (straight beam),
into account the following: and radiographic testing to detect possible un-
(a) The requirements for the examination wanted defeets which would interfere with its use.
- sizes and orientations of the defects of Side drilled holes (in eombination with notehesj
concern are most eommonly used as the artificial reílec-
- coverage for longitudinal and for transverse tors. Holes may be drHled at regular depth inter-
deleets vais, e.g. v.,
'h and ~ t (where t is weld thiekness)
(In view of the relative diffieulty of deteetion and for single erystal probes. For twin erystal probes
the infrequent occurrence of transverse manutac- whieh are effeetive over a particular depth zone,
turing defects in austenitie welds, the necessiiy the holes may be located at the zone center and
for such an examination should only be consl- the zone fimits (6 dB). Alternatively, when a set of
dered in special cases. Supplementary reference twin crystal probes is applied, a series of holes
bloeks are then required.) distributed over the thickness, say every 10 mm,
(b) Previous experience on similar welds if this may be used.
is available. The holes may be drilled in the fusion zone of
(e) Experimental work on weld qualification the weld to allow comparison of the sensitivities
speei mens if these exisl. when the beam passes through the full width of
the weld and through base material only. In some
7.3 Preparation 01 Reference Block cases, this may not be practicable, and separate
sets of holes at the weld center line and within the
7.3.1 General
base material may be more suitable.
Beeause of the special effeets of austenitie weld Flat boltom holes ean also be used with lhe lIat
metal on ultrasound, as described in seetion 4, it bottom perpendicular to either the examination
is necessary to produce a reference block in order surface ar to the nominal beam direction. In the
to latter case, lhe holes represen! tlaw detection by
(a) develop an examination procedure reflection from facets and should be of small
(b) sei a preliminary sensitivity levei diameter.
Due to mode conversion (compression into
(d) help to demonstrate the effectiveness of the shear) even in fine grain material, a smooth notch
preliminary examination procedure before a defin- sometimes produces only asma" rellection.
itive procedure is wrilten. Hence, when longitudinal waves are applied with
The material Irom which the block is tabrtcatec 45° probes, the use of notches (corner effect) for
should have the same composition as the material sensitivity calibration is not advisable.
being examined, i.e. chemical analysis, product Also due to the mode-conversion effects, the
form, fabrieation, procedure, heat treatment, coot-
response curve for a notch is a very irregular func-
ing rate.
tion of increasing depth as Figure 7.1 shows and
The weld in the reference block should be sim- generally gives a low amplitude signal for longi-
ilar to the weld being examined and made using tudinal waves.
the same welding procedure.All variables should
Although weld defects similar in geometry to
be respeeted, including those which may nol be
notches (e.g. incomplete penetration) can be
considered essential for the welding procedure
qualification test pieces, weld preparation, expecled to show the same eflect, cracks in a
weld position, heat input, cooling rate, etc. weld may be deteclable because of favorably
The geometry and surface condilion of the oriented facets giving distinct echoes above the
detection threshold.
scanning and reverse side of the reference block
should be considered, both for the base material In ali cases, it ís recommended that in addilion
and for the weld deposil. The reference block 10 lhe artificial reflectors in the weld, a similar set
should generally contain known artificial rellec- of reflectors be machined in the adjacent plate or
tors, though in some cases, a weld conlaining real pipe material of the reference block, as shown in
defects may be useful. Figures 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. This is importanl in arder
to quantify the effecls of lhe weld slructure and to
7.3.2 Artificial Refleclors give a reference reflector for the examination of
the parent material near the lieat-affected zone.
Before machining artificial reflectors as des- The reference block shown in Figure 7.2 is an
cribed below, lhe reference block should be ex- example of one used for flat or large radius com-
amined by nondestructive methods such as pene- ponents where transverse defects in the weld

Information Handling Services, Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002
STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517016 394 ••

Prooe : 0.75 ~ Q,5jo

2.25 MHz

Snce : 45- StIl~O'

2mm dia 45" LonQ


Figure 7.3 - Reference refleclors in
.8 curved reference block
o. '4
o Zero levei" 2 mm dio SDH




• d8

O 2 3 4 5
Deom of flQ1Ch (rn m }

Figure 7.1 - Comparison of amplitudes
of reflections from reference notches
of different depths in a lest block,
for shear and longitudinal waves :. 38 m
f '11
Figure 7.4 - Reference block for smalt
______________ '::-~ :::."2f_ thickness and strong curvature

Figure 7.5 shows a se! 01 reference blocks

including the reference rellector lor both longi-
tudinal and transverse defect examination.

7.4 Selection of Probes

The major variables to be considered when
selecting a probe are
Figure 7.2 - Typical fia! reference block (1) wave type
wilh side drilled holes and nolches aI (2) angle
lhe weld cenler line plus addilional (3) frequency
side drilled holes in lhe base melal (4) type of probe
(5) size and geometry 01probe and component
need not be considered. The artilicial delects are
situaled at the weld center line. 7.4.1 Wave Type
Figure 7.3 shows a detail 01 the above blocks The use of conventional shear wave probes
adapted for a curvature and indicates suggestions should always be considered ürst. II the signal-to-
for machining. noise ratio is insufficient for an effective ínspec-
For thin components with a tighl radius 01 cur- tion, special probes like refracted longitudinal
vature, Figure 7.4 suggests another arrangement angle beam probes, including the surface wave
of reference block and reflectors. type, need to be used (see section 5.3.5).


lnformation Handling Services, Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 • 0784265 0517017 220 •




I ,,-

. "'. I

Figure 7.5 - Typical reference blocks for longitudinal and
traverse defect examlnation of plpe welds

7.4.2 Probe Angle

In general, lhe probe angle should be selecled
.~ - .- .~
,",";+"'~.!.o. f.-.=- ~h",.-!.o.f.:=. •.•.•+ :-.=-;e.:-t!-e!-:.-.,"", .o.._.,.."e.
- ~.-=-.-!
.- - .
- ....•.
This means Ihal il possible, lhe incidenl angle
should be chosen 10 strlke a delecl perpendicu-
larly for maximum echo amplitude.
For weld examinalion, il is Iherefore necessary
10 know lhe weld geomelry prior 10 and afler weld-
ing; parlicularly lhe delails 01 lhe weld root il Ihis
is not machined ar ground flush. ROOI orea ;ncl. lIOIum~

An example 01 how lhe enlire volume 01 weld

and lusion zone can be covered wilh ai least two
angles 01 incidence is shown in Figure 7.6.
However, Ihis approach does not lake into
accounl lhe above consideralion 01 preferred
beam 10 flaw orienlalion. Nevertheless, in some
45" seorcn unil
cases il may only be necessary 10 examine inner sr..or: tlvoogh pcreot metol
and ouler surfaces 01 lhe weld 10 dernonstrate long: IhrO'JQhweld meter
lilness-Ior-purpose Irom a Iraclure mechanics
poinl 01 víew. In Ihis case, lhe use 01 an addilional
surface wave probe may be considered (see sec-
Figure 7.6 - Volumetric examlnatlon of
lion 5.3.5). 11oplimized flaw deleclion over lhe austenltic welds
whole Ihickness is required, Ihen a range 01 probe
angles belween 60° and 70° should be included instance 60°) may be used loimprove lhe idenlili-.
10 delecl lack 01 sidewall lusion. cation 01 delecl echoes. Therelore, lhe choice 01
In some cases, one would also consider using probe angle largely depends on lhe weld prepara-
45° angle probes 10 ínspect lhe root area in rela- lion and weld surface condilion. II should also be
lively Ihick welds. However, il lhe weld penelra- remembered Ihal examinalion ai more Ihan hall-
lion is not ground flush, geomelrical or false skip distance is nol very elfective due 10 mode
echoes may be generaled wilh a 45° probe, and conversion ellecls ai lhe backwalL To reach lhe
lar that reason, a probe wilh a larger angle (Ior lower part 01 lhe weld wilh large angle probes


Information Handling servces.weo Jur24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517018 167 ••

requires a long sound paI h and Ihis can also and wave length dominales the seleclion 01 the
reduce lhe effecliveness 01 lhe examinalion. best Irequency to oplimize signal-Io-noise ratio
This is inlluenced Q.y lhe iqlal attenualion and is (see section 5).
highly material dependen\. Ultimately, the Irequency selected is a eom-
1I ali Ihese differenl ellects are considered, il promise between lhe resolulion required and sig-
can generally be coneluded thal nal to noise ratio. This often leads 10 the use 01
probes wilh a large bandwidlh. In speeial cases, a
- For Ihin welds and lor lhe near surfaee area selectable bandwidth lar lhe ultrasonic pulse
(at lhe scanning side) 01 thick welds, large mighl be appropriate.
angle probes provide lhe best results. Equipment bandwidlh should be appropriate to
- For wide welds, lhe weld surface should be probe type.
dressed smoolh 10 enable lhe probe 10 be In praclice, il is lound Ihat lor welds ave r 25 mm
scanned aeross lhe weld. thickness and cast malerial, frequeneies 01 2 and
- 1I lhe weld is narrow, Ihen surface wave 1 MHz are predominantly used.
probes ean stltl provide a good examinalion For welds below 25 mm thickness, the Irequen-
01 lhe upper par! 01 lhe weld even il lhe weld eies rnost eommonly used are 4 and 2 MHz.
crown is not dressed. The si de drilled holes in lhe probe characteriza-
- Surfaee wave probes are also well suited lar tion bloek provide a means lar comparing differ-
detection 01 surfaee breaking deleels and enl probes wilh respeel 10 signai-to-noise ratíos.
near surfaee detects in wide welds, provided The "signal" is lhe echo 01 a side-drilled hole,
lhe welds are dressed smooth since lhe whereas the "noise" can be laken as lhe maximum
effeclive range is reslricted. levei 01 malerial grain indications occurring ai lhe
As lhe surface wave probes do not have a same soundpalh as lhe side-drilled hole.
signilicanl dead zone, Iheir use can be con- Clearly the signal-Io-noise ratio 01 a probe is
sidered under ali circumslances where lhe nol a conslanl, but dependent on soundpath. The
required working deplh does not extend signal-Io-noise ratio lound on lhe probe charac-
beyond aboul 10 mm (see also section 5.3.5). terization block represenls lhe "nominal" condi-
For delection 01 deep Iying dele cts in thiek lion and can change considerably in lhe presence
welds, sleeper angles musl be selected and a
VIII •...••
. ,
I...iGl.;CO;:;;' ,
vt-'u",Uoi. ",,,,,
. 01 a weld, and it should also be delermined on the
re/erence oiock.
dence on Ilaws and seanning distance. This
may result in the selection 01 a range 01 7,4,4 Type
angled probes. The main probes in use lor austentic weld
Also, a tandem arrangement 01 longitudinal wave inspection are
probes or a eombination 01 a longitudinal and
~ sinqle cryslal probes
shear wave probe(s) should be considered as - Iwin crystal probes wilh separate transmitter
suggesled in Figure 7.7. and receiver crystal (TR)
The selection is olten arbilrary.
In arder to' decrease the number 01 probes and
inspeclion zones, single cryslal probes are lavored
because they do not show so pronounced a dis-
lance amplitude curve as lar TR probes.
On the olher hand, many single crystat probe
designs show a long acouslic dead zone. which
decreases the efficiency 01 surface and near sur-
Figure 7.7 - Tandem inspeclion face examination.
Occasionally, single crystal point- or line-Iocus-
As a result 01 lhe above approaeh, Ihiek welds sing probes are used, particularly where lhe more
are olten considered divided inlo Ihickness zones convenlional probes described above lai!. The
and examined wilh differenl probes whereby each use 01 such purpose built locussing probes is crit-
zone is inspected'by thé most appropriate ical because they will behave only as calculated il
probe(s), as illuslraled in Figure 5.7. ali aspecls 01 the examinalion such as surface
roughness, geometry, acoustic malerial proper-
7.4,3 Frequency ) ties, etc., are kept within narrow lolerance limils.
The Irequencies used are generally in lhe range The above remarks are valid lor both immersion
01 1 10 5 MHz. The interaetion between grain-size and conlact lechniques.


Information Handling Services, Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517019 OT3 ••

Immersion lesling, in particular, requires a very DAC- curve

stable and precise machanical arrangamenl be- DAC= Qlstance - ~mplltude - ,Çorrectlon
causa lha retractive index is roughly Iwice Ihal lor
conlacl probas. As a resull, small varialions in Material:
angle 01 incidence cause considerable varialions X 20 CrMoV12 1 Incone! 10CrMo910
in lhe angle 01 relraclion.

7.4.5 Slze and Geomelry 01 Probe and Component

Apart from lhe baam characterlstics nacessary
lor lhe examinalion, lha proba should be 01 a size
which allows manual examinalion wilh good
acouslic coupling.
Thus, coupling involves an inlaraclion between
probe size, roughnass, and lhe gaomelry of lhe lu:rII1':,· " . ',o
; .
componen!. If lhe proba dimension W lails 10
mael lha requiremenl R < W2/4, dimensions in
mm, or lhe coupling gap exceeds 0.5 mm, lhe
probe shoe should be adapted to lhe geomelry of
lhe cornponent. R ; radius 01 lhe curved surface
under examinalion and W ; probe dimension
(Ianglh or width).
This can be done by machining or by applying
grinding papar on the componenl and malching
lhe probe shoe 10 lhe componenl curvalure.
-x- - -. DAC t hrough parent meta I
Care should be laken when operaling Irom
• DAC through weld metal
curved surfaces. The probe performance should
be checked aller modilicalion 01 lhe probe shoe Probe:
. .
proba index poinl and/or nonimal angle may
change if shoe adaption is not carried out prop-
erly (see 6.5.2). Figure 7.8 - Typlcal DAC-curves of a
transmltter receiver longitudinal (TRL)
angle probe through anisotropic weld
7.5 Use of Reference Blocks to Establish metal and isotropic parent material
In seclion, lhe delerminalion 01 Dlstance eslablished probe positions for maximum echo
Amplilude Correclion (DAC) curves on lhe probe indications ot the dilferenl holes. Olher ellecls DI
characlerizalion block, Figure 6.4, is described. the material on the ultrasound pulse Irom lha
This DAC curve will differ Irom one made on a probe under tesl can be invesligated. The results
relerence block due 10 lhe influence 01 lhe weld will guide a decision thal can be made as 10
slruclure. whether the weld should be examined in differeol
Figure 7.8 shows a Iypical example of a DA C- depth zones with dilferenl probes. An example of
curve construcled wilh the help of side-drilled a DAC-curve lor an examination lor Iransverse
holes in lhe lusion line 01 lhe weld in a relerence defecls is shown in Figure 7.9.
block. The indicatlons lrom lhe various refleclors In this situation, differenl DAC-curves can again
(Iaken wilh lhe probe on the lell side) where lhe be oblained depending on lhe direction 01 inci-
beam is passing Ihrough lhe weld, have beeo dence (whether Irom left or right). For actual
exposed successively 00 a pholograph of lhe examinalions, the one with lhe lower response
screen. The DAC-curve from the opposile direc- curve should be used for sensitivity setting.
lion, with lhe beam passing only Ihrough the line- II should be noted that wittrdiflerent reference
grained parenl melal, is quite differen!. blocks represenling the same weld one will gel
A comparison 01 lhe Iwo DAC-curves gives lhe slighlly different DAC-curves. In practice, it is also
opportunily 01 assessing lhe apparenl attenualion permissible 10 connecl the individual points with
by lhe weld metal. Beam distortion can be investi- slraight lines inslead 01 conslructing a best litting
gated by comparing lhe expected and empirically curve as described in


Information Handling Services, Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002


STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517020 815 ••

Probe RTD 45° TRL2 2(10xI5)8 n=16° , f-25

81 82 83 Ni
Reference Block for Examination for Transverse Defects (Axtat)
8A-376 Type 316
Crown modified


, 0/
'0 .. n
~--+I-- "VI
Incidence through Weld 'Q..

Figure 1.9 - Typical DAC-curve for transverse defect examination

7.6 Sensitivity Setting Where lusion lace holes are used. two calibra-
tions are to be perlormed per scanning surlace:
7.6.1 Inlroduclion (a) by establishing the echo height 01 the side
' ' " ...•
.'.:. .. -
, •...••...
, •...
, •......
v •.....
' .•..••..•.
"~ ~"~
dril'led holes, with the beam passing throuqh par-
enl metal only
relerence rellectors described in 7.3 are used.
(b) by establishing their echo height with the
There are several starting points to deline this
bearn passing through the weld metal
li center line holes are used, sensitivity setting
(a) Previous experience
lrom both sides is not required unless dissimilar
(b) Experimental work on specimens with
metais are welded together (e.g. casl and rolled
austenitic material).
(c) Acceptance standards given in codes,
Within lhe zone over which a particular probe
standards or the specilications 01 clients or
will be used, lhe echoes lrom each 01 the available
notes is maximized. The highesl echo should lhen
Obviously, the sensitivity settings should. where
be set 10 approximately 80% screen height. Then,
possible, be adequate to detect delects 01 sizes
without a!tering lhe gain setting, lhe peaks 01 lhe
that might be 01 concern.
echoes 01 the other holes are marked on the
7.6.2 Selling Examination Sensilivily screen, and a DAC-curve is drawn to connect lhe
Alter selecting lhe probes for a particular wall In practice, lhe shape 01 such a curve can differ
thickness and weld -geomeiíy (section 7.4) and considerably Irom that oblained on lhe probe
determining their characteristics on the probe characterization block: especially when the beam
characterizalion block (section 6.5), lhe examina- passes through lhe weld meIaI.
tion sensitivity should be set. This is done with lhe 11may somelimes be lound lhat a different
aid 01 the relerence blocks shown in Figure 7.3 probe cornbination and/or zone distribution are
using side drilled holes at the lusion lace or at the required lrom that previously chosen on the basis
wel.d center line. 01 'measurements on the probe characlerization
Where possible. welds should be examined Irom blocks.
lour sides to detect longitudinal delects (see also For this revised probe selection, a new seI 01
section 7.7.3).and in principie lour different sensi- DAC curves should be eslablished on lhe reler-
tivity scans will be required. ence block.


lnformation Handling Services, Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 .2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517021 751 ••

7.6.3 Recording levei (f) design of

- calibration block
A recordirig levei is otten specified in terms 01 a
- probe characterization block
percentage 01 the relerence rellector·response or
- referenceblock(s)
lhe distance amplilude correclion (DAC)-curve.
(g) data to be recorded and method of recording
In lhe absence 01 any experience and 01 any (h) techniques for data interpretalion, plotting
prescribed crileria, 50% 01 the DAC lor relerence (i) personnel qualification requirements
relleclors indicaled Ihrough lhe weld mighl be a (j) approval of the procedure
good firsl approach. In certain cases, il may be
necessary 10 go down 10 25%. However, lhe re- 7.7.2 General Examlnatlon
cording levei in lhe approprtate depth zone should 7,7,2.1 Examlnatlon coverage
be at leastB dB higher Ihan lhe maximum noise
levei in that dep!h zone. The required examinalion volume shall be
scanned with beam overlap. While scanning, the
7.6.4 Acceptance Crlterla search unil shall be oscillated approximalely +20·.
11 oscillation is not possible, the search unit shall
Acceptance crileria can be relaled 10 the record- be overlapped aI least 50%.
ing leveI. In general. quality assurance criteria are The weld should be examined Irom both sides,
delined in terms 01 signal amplitude (relalive 10 and wherever possible, Irom both surfaces 01 the
recording levei), indication lenglh, number 01 weld (Figure 7.10).
indicalions, and their posilion.
11is not lhe intenlion 01 Ihis documenl 10 deline
acceptance crileria. Nevertheless, some ideas are
given irr seclion 9.

7.7 Preparation of Oelailed Procedure

7.7.1 WrlHen Procedure Requlremenls
Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in
accordance wilh a written procedure, including as
a minimum, lhe lollowing inlormalion:
(a) weld types and conligurations to be exam-
ined, including thickness dimensions, materiais Figure 7.10 - Examinátion from both
and product lorm (casling, forging, plate, etc.) sides and surfaces of the weld
(b) scanning surface(s) and surface condilion
requirements To detect ali possible longiludinal delecls, lhe
(c) equipment lisl including each 01 the lollow- weld should be scanned over its enlire cross sec-
ing items: tion and along lhe specified length, perpendicular
(1) make and model of pulse-echo ultrasonic to lhe weld (Figure 7.11).
flaw detection instrumenl
(2) search unit(s), including for each Iype,
angle, Irequency and transducer size
(3) size(s) and configuralion(s) 01 welds and
(4) couplanl
(5) search unil cable type, lenglh, and number
of connectors
(d) examination technique, including angles
and modes 01 wave propagation in the material
and direclions, maximum speed, and exlent of
(e) techniques of calibralion ano of establish-
ing scanning sensitivity levels, including instru- Figure 7.11 - Scanning path for.
menl controls to be used and acceptance stan- examinalion in half skip for
dards for the calibrated conditions longitudinal defects

lnforrnation Handling Services. Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS·UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517022 698 ••

For lhe deleclion of transversa .delects, the (c) Amplitude dillerence between a relerence
probe must be moved parallel to the weld and in rellector and an ideally oriented inlinite reflector
both direclions. For each probe, a DAC-curve through weld
metal and through base metal should be doeu-
7.7.2,2 Rale 01 probe movemenl
menled with photographs 01the screen, showing
The rate of probe movement shall not exceed 50 responses lrom appropriate relerence reflectors.
mm/sec, unless lhe examination capability has For judgement 01 signal-to-noise ratio, the most
been verified at the higher scanning speed. (This important case is that where the beam has passed
reduced speed is because of the low signaHo- through the weld metal. Examples 01documenta-
noise ratio cornpared-to ferritic welds.) tion are given in Figures 7.8 and 7.9.
In preparing the photographs described, a
7.7,2,3 Scanning sensitivity
demonstration 01Ilaw detector linearily should be
Manual scanning shall be done at a minimum 01 included: e.g. an indication 01 50% screen height
twice (+ 6 dB) the primary relerence levei, il should, alter a reduclion aí 20 dB (calibrated
siqnal-to-noise allows. attenuator), slill be visible on lhe base line. II lhe
indication is no longer visible, the apparatus
should not be used lar ultrasonic testing 01 aust-
7.8 Assessment 01 Procedure and
enitic welds.
Furthermore, it is worthwhile 10 document the
For lhe assessment 01 the procedure, the 101- results in relation to the recording levei and the
lowing characterizatics and capabilities 01 spe- acceptance criteria il these are available.
cilic probes in the relerence block should be doe- The larger the difference that can be demon-
umented by trials on the test rellectors. The lollow- strated between the recording threshold and the
ing variables are 01 interest: echo lrom an inlinite retlector, lhe grealer lhe
(a) DAC-curves conlidence that can be placed on the results 01
(b) Signal-to-noise ratio 01 relerence rellectors the inspection.

surlace condilions in pipes should not inlerfere

8. INSPECTABILlTY OF THE with lhe examination.
THE REFERENCE BlOCK 8.4 Comparison 01 Attenuation Between
Relerence Block and Component
8.1 Introduction A comparison of ultrasound attenuation should
The aim 01 this section is to specily a series 01 be made between the relerence block and the
checks to ensure that the components can be component using the adjacent base material on
reliably examined, or examined to a standard at both sides 01 the weld. Care should be laken 10
least as good as that lar the relerence block. avoid making measurements on the weld ar above
lhe counlerbore run-out. Measuremenls should
8.2 Surface Condition be made at regular inlervals along lhe weld by
straíqht beam probes 01lhe same wave lenglh and
Belore the examination, requirements lor sur-
wave mode as applied during volumetric inspec-
face finish will have been specilied in terms 01
lion 01 lhe weld.
contact surlace roughness and surlace waviness.
Devialions must be compensated for. In lhe
report on the reliability 01 the examination, large
8.3 Geometrical Conditions deviations should be reported. In some cases, it
Geometrical conditions will sometimes limit may be concluded that lhe component cannot be
access compared to the relerence block. In par- ultrasonically examined.
ticular, mismatched slopes across lhe weld and For lhe examination itsell, lhe maximum devia-
other geometrical limitations rnust be noled. lion should be cornpensated lar. Where shear
Furthermore, inner surface conditions (weld root) wave inspeclion is required (e.g. for lhe weld
which are not in agreement with the relerence tusion laces ar lar lhe root region) it will be valua-
block may limit the effectiveness 01 lhe examina- ble ia make an attenuatior. ~"mparison using lwo
tion. Wherever possible, counterbore and inner shear wave probes in a V-path arrangement.
/ /


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STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517023 524 ••

8.5 Signal-to-Nolse Ratlo 8.6 Weld Repairs

Alter weld repairs, lhe condilion 01 lhe weld
For a reasonable ullrasonic examinalion, lhe mighl have changed, and Ihis may require alterna-
noise levei should be ai least 6 dB below lhe live procedures lor examinalion 01 lhe repaired
recording levei lor lhe whole sound path. area.

- plot 01 refleclor localion on a cross seclion

9. REPORTING ANO skelch showing 00 profile and to geomelry
(such as root and counterbore) in lhe case 01
EVALUATION pipe welds
- lhe localion 01 any subsidiary peaks in lhe
9.1 Reportlng amplilude response as lhe probe is moved
The results 01 an ullrasonic examinalion should . lowards or away lrom lhe refleclor (il Ihey
are pronounced)
be given in a report which includes ali lhe neces-
sary inlormalion required 10 Nole: The beam angle shall be measured on an
- make decisions on lhe acceplance .01 lhe artilicial relleclor in lhe relerence block at a range
detects revealed ciose 10 that dislance. This angle shall be used 10'
- lacililale repairs 01 nonacceplable detecte plol lhe posilion 01 lhe ipdicali911.
- permil lhe examinalion 10 be repealed by lhe
same or another operalor 9.2 Evaluatlon
As a minimum, lhe lollowing data shall be
reported: II is not the purpose 01 Ihis handbook 10 deline
acceplance criteria lor welds. (Acceplance crite-
(a) Date 01 examinalion.
ria shall be eslablished belween authorilies, pur-
Ib) Narnes arid levels of examination personnel. ,...h~~:!:!!'"9.!"!rl th~ rnanufacturer) Nevertheless, it is
(c) Examinalion procedure (including revision).
recommended Ihat importanl tacts such as signal-
(d) Applicable calíbratíon sheel idenlilication (in-
to-noise ratio, ele. be laken ínto accounl belore
cluding relerence 10 the procedure qualilication
delining acceplance crileria.
In general, lhe acceptance crileria should be
(e) Idenlilication and location 01 the weld(s)
specilied in terrns 01 signal amplitude (relative 10
examined (including, il necessary, marked up
recording levei), indicalion lenglh, number 01 indi-
drawings or skelches). The report shall include
cations, and position wilhin lhe weld, which are
observations 01 any geometrical lealure which
lhe usual quality assuranee erileria. False indica- .
have limiled lhe access compared 10 lhe reler-
lions or geometrieal indieations may oecur. II may
ence block or in other ways reduced the effec-
help a linal judgemenl 01 lhe acceptabilily 01
liveness 01 lhe examinalion.
queslionable indicalions 10 use a variely 01 probes
(I) Surface Irom which examinalion is con-
01 different angles tcgether with accurate plotting
ducled, scanning direction, orienlation 01 the
01 lhe deleel location.
probe(s). Nonconlormity 01 surface condilion wilh
regard to specilication should be included.
(g) Idenlilicalion 01 the apparatus, cables (in- 9.3 Additional Investlgatlons
cluding lenglh) and probe(s) (brand name, type,
In general, delecl sizing anil characlerizalion
serial number, labrication or idenlilicalion sheet
cannot be reliable lor indicalions Irom within
01 lhe probe).
austerutc weld metal, However, the assessment
(h) II applicable, a record 01 reportable indica-
routine delailed below is helplul since indicalions
tion (s) including:
which plot out as having signilicant Ihrough wall
- attenuation correction il required extent are unlikely 10 be associated wilh insignili-
- peak amplitude (in dB or percenl 01 OAC) eanl delecls. (11 must be remembered that lhe
range 10 rellector, search unit position, and reverse is not necessarily Irue. Thal is, it is possi-
sound beam path direclion ble for a large defecl to be represented bya small
- delect length or locatlons 01 lhe reflector indicalion.)
end points where the amplitude crosses the For each probe used, indiealions delecled ai.
recording levei or -6 dB poinls lhe specified lesting sensilivity shall be examined


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STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517024 460 ••

by probe movement in two mutually perpendicu- amplitude fluctuations with probe movement and
lar directions. Angle beam scans shall be made in falling smoothly to zero (see Figure 9.2).
directions towards and away frorn the rellector,
Pattern 3
and at right angles to these directions. The res-
A signal. or group of signals, which may be fully
ponse 01 each defect shall be noted, and the
or partially resolved, fluctuating in height as iVthey
delect shall be classified in terms 01 Patterns 1 to
rise to and fali from one or more principal maxima
3, as detailed below.
(see Figure 9.3).
Pattern 1 For Pattern 1 behavior, it is not possible to esti-
A single sharp signal rising smoothly in height mate the defect size because the width 01 the
to a maximum then lalling smoothly to zero (see beam in austenitic weld metal cannot be accu-
Figure 9.1). rately known (see section Such indica-
tions are often associated with volumetric delects,
Pattern 2 but it is recommended that indications 01this type
A single sharp signal rising smoothly in height be assessed by olher angles 01probe to confirm a
to a maximum which is held with or without minor volumelric character.




Figure 9.1 - Patlern 1 for echo envelope evaluation




Figure 9.2 - Patlern 2 for echo envelope evaluation


Information Handling Services, Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002

STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517025 3T7 ••






.,- /'

Pallern 2 and Pallern 3 behavior are likely 10 These techniques should only be applied when
indicale lhe presence of a planar defect. A rough the operator has a clear understanding ai lhe
estimate ot defecl height can be obtained by plot- principies involved.
ting the positions 01 lhe last maxima in lhe echo
response (for Pallern 2 this involves plolling lhe In some circumstances, specialized lechniques
positions corresponding to the extremes 01 lhe may be 01 value, but these are outside the scope
"plateau" in lhe echo response). of this documento

sizes and to idenlify regions lar ultrasonic cover-

10. GENERAL age. Then, ullrasonic procedures can be devised
RECOMMENOATIONS 10 take account 01 lilness for purpose criteria,
ANO COMMENTS rather lhan attempl 10delecl small delecls which
will be wilhoul slruclural signilicance. lt should
(1) Ultrasonic examination 01 austenitic and be remembered that even the detection of large
transition welds remains difficult, but inspections delects may require high sensitivity, together with
are possible in many cases. However, ali parties an adequate number 01 beawangles.
must be aware that sensitivity is invariably inlerior
to that achievable on a lerrilic weld 01comparable (3) Inspection capability varies significantly
Ihickness. with weld process and procedure.

(2) In view 01 lhe reduced capabilities, Iracture (4) Designers should be aware 01the major fac-
mechanics studies should be iniliated ai an early tors, including weld process and geometry, that
stage to provide estimates 01 tolerable delect will influence inspectability.


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STD.AWS UEAW-ENGL 1986 •• 0784265 0517026 233 ••

(5) Operator qualilications and specilic train- delect 01 concern. Experimental work is neces-
ing on austenitic welds are especially important. sary to qualily procedures. These activities make
austenitic weld inspection more expensive than
(6) Proper attention to combined equipment
lerritic weld inspection, and early planning is
characteristics and probes can be 01 signilicant
benelit in austenitic weld inspection.
(7) A knowledge 01 ultrasound propagation (9) Further development 01 the techniques is
behavior is important, and the possibility 01 lalse still required and is continuing. It is important to
indications should be considered. keep up to date with developments in this area.

(B) To develop ultrasonic procedures requires (10) While the techniques described in this
the manulacture 01 lully representative weld spec- handbook are not perfect, they provide a valuable
imens which may need to reproduce lhe types 01 solution in many situations.


Information Handling Servlces. Wed Jul 24 08:52:51 2002

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