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1. Take the Audition. Each one of the choir members should take the audition, there will introduce themselves,
and be ask the reason why they joined the church choir. The process of the audition is given before the
audition day.
2. Church organization overview. Each should know the church organization overview which eventually lead
to the choral group, it is for them to know where and what they are as a choir member.
3. Choir by-laws and regulations. Each should know the choir by-law for them to love the work for God. the
by-laws should contain the mission, vision, responsibilities, etc. of the choir. Also, regulations such as
schedule of practice, funds, etc. will be given. Performance guideline should also be talk about.
4. Choir annual plan/Schedule. Each should know the ahead schedule for the coming events, for them to just
singing but also a responsibility to do for the church. This includes church cantatas, outreach program, church
planting programs and other church events where they are going to be part of.
5. Choral basic. Each should know that along singing, each should also be taught the basic of music reading
such as music theory and fundamentals of singing. This may take some numbers of meeting and can be part of
the regular rehearsal schedule.
6. Choral section and section leaders. Each should be part of a section, this section contains Sopranos, Altos,
Tenors and Basses, it is Identified after the Audition. Also, Section leaders will be selected for them to help
the section areas to solve some problems, answer questions and leads sectionals.
7. Open Discussion. The last part of the orientation should be open discussion for them to ask questions and to
add up to clarification of the said orientations


1. You shall not let anything interfere with your rehearsal and performance commitment.
2. You shall not watch the music so closely that you cannot follow the director.
3. You shall not unjustifiably criticize your director to others.
4. Remember the worship service on the Sabbath and lend your voice in song.
5. Believe in the voice that you have inherited: it is His.
6. You shall not kill the effectiveness of the music for worship by lack of practice or lack of dedication to
Christian living.
7. You shall not engage yourself to the choir at rehearsal and then dwell in the tents of the congregation at the
worship services.
8. You shall not steal the tune from your partner because you have not attended rehearsals.
9. You shall not gossip about your director or other members in your choir.
10. You shall not covet your fellow choir member’s voice or solo.


1. Blessed are they who have limited training: for their’s is the opportunity for musical growth.
2. Blessed are they that are not satisfied with their contribution to the choir: for surely, they shall take
measures to improve this situation.
3. Blessed are the faithful in attendance: for they shall become the pillar of strength in their respective voice
4. Blessed are they who are eager to learn their correct voice parts: for they shall be taught.
5. Blessed are they who realized the director can make mistake, occasionally; so that they shall not be
embarrassed when error originates from them.
6. Blessed are the dedicated choir members: for they shall receive and impart the maximum musical
7. Blessed are the “boosters:” for they shall be called the “backbone” of the choir.
8. Blessed are they which can accept constructive criticism: for they shall ultimately produce divine music.
1. Aranas, Anne
2. Bagasol, Marvin
3. Castro, Louie
4. Dapula, Charles
5. Dela Cruz, Gaienne
6. Kakaeoe Ighomena, Praise
7. Lagos, Angelito G. Jr.
8. Laguisma, Girlyn
9. Laguisma, Hans Leonard
10. Laguisma, Mark
11. Landingan, Ernesto
12. Legaspi, Hannah Grace
13. Lontoc, Lon
14. Lontoc, Melanie P.
15. Medina, Jonathan
16. Medina, Joshua
17. Puminic, Marjorie T.
18. Villena, Chuck
19. Villena, Hann Iry Y.
20. Villena, Heart Irish Y.
21. Villena, Shen P.

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