E-Port Resume

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University of Wisconsin-La Crosse La Crosse, WI
M.S.Ed. Student Affairs Administration May 2018-May 2020

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI

B.S. Agricultural Business Management September 2013-May 2017
Certificate in Environmental Studies
Multicultural Outreach Coordinator | University of Wisconsin-River Falls June 2018-Present
 Develop, coordinate, and implement recruitment and admission-related activities for diverse student
 Evaluate multicultural outreach programs, provide training, develop procedures, and determine the
effectiveness of recruitment strategies
 Manage all aspects of UWRF’s special visit program, serving over 40 school and college prep
organizations each year
 Serve as an active member of the admissions team; working collaboratively to recruit and enroll a highly
qualified diverse group of students

Transfer Adviser | University of Wisconsin-River Falls August 2019-Present

 Assist and support transfer students through the enrollment funnel
 Create transfer pathways with community college partners and UWRF academic departments
 Complete unofficial credit evaluations
 Serve as an active member of the transfer team; working collaboratively to recruit and enroll a highly
qualified diverse group of transfer students

College Coach | College Possible Milwaukee - AmeriCorps August 2017-June 2018
● Coach 140 low-income college students via technology and face to face counseling sessions to support
their goal of acquiring a college degree.
● Problem-solve individual student situations and advocate on behalf of students as needed.
● Update CRM system with student progress, graduation milestones, and sensitive information.
● Support students through the financial aid renewal process including completing verification.
● Collaborate with other positions and working groups within the organization on various projects
including ACT’s, campus visits, and service opportunities for students.
● Founding member of the Culturally Responsive Taskforce; a group that presents on how social justice
and culture influences our work.

Remote Reader | UW-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment October 2017-March 2018
● Conducted 600 first reviews of freshman applications for appropriate admissions decisions.
● Developed an understanding of grading systems, course content, school activities, test scores, and letters
of recommendations.
● Used a holistic, comprehensive, and selective review process to make admission decisions.
● Data entry and management in PeopleSoft, Oracle, and Perceptive Content.
Guide Operations Specialist | UW-Madison Campus and Visitor Relations May 2017-August 2017
● Created and implemented a 360-degree evaluation tool for Information Guides to ensure staff provided
high quality customer service.
● Redefined the Information Guide supervisor role by taking staff feedback, analyzing strengths and
weaknesses of the organization, and adapting new policies so that employees better understand their
● Read and evaluated 50 applications and conducted interviews as part of the search and screen committee
for the Campus Relations Manager professional position.
● Conveyed strategic insight and planning with professional staff and campus partners to develop a
working model and logistical operations for a fourth Information desk.

Information Guide Coordinator (IGC) | UW-Madison Campus and Visitor Relations May 2016-May 2017
● Fostered the development and growth of more than 45 Information Guides and Supervisors with a co-
IGC by utilizing effective communication skills, making team decisions, and having consistent
messaging to ensure excellent customer service at three information desks.
● Developed and implemented new internal systems including lost and found, contact logs, and employee
feedback to improve our customer services and enhance the overall Information Guide program.
● Facilitated the Information Guide and Supervisor hiring process by reading applications, evaluating
candidates, modifying, and adapting interview materials and processes, and making hiring decisions.
● Designed, implemented, and assessed intensive training sessions for all employees upon hiring to ensure
excellent customer service for all contacts, which included 40 hours of hands-on skills training,
educational sessions with our campus partners and workshops focused on social justice, conflict
management and leadership.
● Created and maintained a dynamic schedule for 3 facilities utilizing flexibility and adaptability to meet
student staff needs, while keeping a log of student hours for timesheets and payroll budget tracking.

 Licensed Mental Health First Aid Responder (3 Year Certification) September 2019

 PeopleSoft
 Microsoft Office Suite
 Fireworks CRM
 Salesforce CRM
 Qualtrics

Professional Development

Member, National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)

Member, Wisconsin Association for College Admission (WACAC)
Member, Wisconsin Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (WACRAO)

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