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Performance Analysis of Downlink NOMA

Multi-user with Multiple Antennas Beamfoming

Hoang Duc
. Vinh Vu Van
. Son Duong Duc
. Thien
Ministry of informations and communications Le Quy Don Technical University Air foce air defence Institute of Technology
Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

Tran Manh
. Hoang Pham Thanh
. Hiep
Le Quy Don Technical University Le Quy Don Technical University
Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

Abstract—In this paper, a downlink Non-Orthogonal Multiple summarized as follows. In [10], the authors investigated a
Access (NOMA) system, where multi-user is clustered into clus- NOMA downlink system, where all users locate randomly,
ters based on the located region, is taken into consideration. The and derived the close-form expressions of outage probability
base station (BS) is equipped multiple antennas to communicate
instantaneously with all users in multiple clusters by using as well as ergodic capacity., In [11], the authors investigated
beamforming combining with NOMA method. The close-form both downlink and uplink of NOMA systems. The dynamic
expressions to evaluate system performance is shown through the power allocation with undertaking QoS for different users was
outage probability and ergodic capacity. The derived analytical proposed. Based on the obtained result, the authors concluded
results are corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations and shown that the proposed dynamic power allocation can provides
that when perform creating the clusters for the system combining
with beam can be improve performance of the system. more whippiness to fairness performance of all users. Outage
Index Terms—Non orthogonal multiple access, Successive in- performance and ergodic capacity were investigated in [12]. In
terference cancellation, close-form expression, outage probability, this work, the authors have analyzed a NOMA system under
ergodic capacity. condition of fairness of the users quality, it leads to necessary
of allocating power following the channel gains. In [13], the
I. I NTRODUCTION authors discussed on NOMA scheme aspect of cognitive radio,
The non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is consider- in which the power allocation coefficient is chosen to satisfy
ing as a promising multiple access technique for the fifth the predefined requirements of user QoS. The authors in [14]
generation (5G) mobile networks due to its superior spectral and [15] proposed the NOMA-MIMO multi-user systems and
efficiency [1]–[3]. The main technique of NOMA is to use the results shown that the performance is improved in case
the power domain for multiple access which adopt the su- multi-user is gathered into a cluster.
perposition code at the transmitter and successive interference Throughout the reviewed works, the bandwidth efficiency
cancellation (SIC) method to detect the signals at the receiver of NOMA system is improved, and then the throughput is
[4]. While decoding the received signal, the SIC is performed enhanced. These characteristics lead to the fact that NOMA
at each user to separate superimposed symbols and remove the technology is suitable for multi-user. Furthermore, the NOMA
inter-user interference. In the downlink NOMA scenario, less technology is providing an ultrahigh connectivity for many
transmission power is allocated to users having better channel billions of electronic devices in the IoT by using the non-
condition, whereas more transmission power is allocated to orthogonal properties. Especially, the design for NOMA sys-
users having worse channel conditions [5], [6]. The purpose of tems has a low-complexity when comparing with other multi-
this strategy is to achieve a balance between system throughput ple access methods such as: multi-user shared access (MUSA),
and fairness of users [7]. Moreover, NOMA systems allocates pattern-division multiple access (PDMA) and sparse-code mul-
power based on priority of users, users that have higher tiple access (SCMA) [2].
prior are allocated more power and whereas users with lower The above mentioned works just investigated the perfor-
priority are allocated less power [8], [9]. mance of the multi-user NOMA system and solved these
In addition, compared with conventional multiple access problems through simulation. To the best of our knowledge,
systems, such as TDMA, CDMA, FDMA and so on, the there is a research that takes multi-beam multiple input single
NOMA systems offer better fairness of users, even for users output (MISO) NOMA into consideration [16]. However, the
with weak CSI. In the present, the works are focusing on author assumed that each cluster has only two user, namely
performance of NOMA aspect of different scenarios and near user and far user. We are going to extend this work with
more users in the same beam. Consequently, in this paper, we tracking algorithms1 . Note that users in each cluster have
propose combination of NOMA and beamforming method for different propagation distances, and we assume the channel
downlink multi-user NOMA system, in which every user has state information (CSI) is perfect.
only one antenna, and several nearby users becomes a cluster, To keep a balance between complexity of implementation
the BS equips multiple antenna and transmits to clusters of and performance of system, we use zero-force beamforming
user by beamforming method. The contributions of the paper (ZFBF) at the BS. We design a weight wm for the mth cluster
are summarized as follows. to mitigate the interference from the other clusters.
• We focus on the downlink NOMA system with multiple The channel matrix between the BS and nth user in mth
antennas at the BS and single antenna at user site. Several cluster (hereafter called (m,n)th user) is denoted by hm,n
users are clustered and becomes a cluster based on the with m ∈ {1, · · · , M } and n ∈ {1, · · · , N }. The channel
their location. To mitigate the crisscross interference from coefficients is denoted by hm,n ∼ CN (0, Ωm,n ), where
the other clusters, the beamforming is applied at the BS E{|hm,i |2 } = Ωm,i with i ∈ {1, · · · , N } is a variance of the
site. channel gains, where E{·} denotes the average operator. In
• The system performance is analyzed, and close-form this model, we assume that all channels are quasi-static inde-
expressions of outage probability and ergodic capacity pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and keeps constants
for each user at the arbitrary cluster is derived in order in a time slot, however they changes independently over time
to evaluate the proposed system model. We compare the slots meaning block fading.
simulation result with calculation result to confirm the Every antennas at the BS transmit the superposition code,
close-form expressions. which includes N signals of the mth cluster, it can be
described by xS,m = [xm,1 , · · · , xm,N ]T , where xm,n is the
• We compare the proposed system with the OMA system
signal of (m,n)th user, E{|xS,m |2 } = PS and [· · · ]T denotes
to indicate the better system.
the transpose matrix. Hence the signals are intended to the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
mth cluster is given by
presents the multi-user NOMA system model and channel

model. The performance analysis is given in Section III. 
Numerical results are presented in Section IV. Finally, the xS,m = wm am,n PS xm,n , (1)
Section V concludes the work.
where am,n denotes the power allocation coefficient for the
(m, n)th user and n=1 am,n = 1.
Without loss of generality, we assume the channel gains of
the mth cluster are sorted as follow:
|wm hm,1 |2 ≤ |wm hm,2 |2 ≤, ..., ≤ |wm hm,N |2 . (2)
Hence, following the rules of NOMA, the power allocation

  coefficients for each users are ordered as follows:


am,1 ≥ am,2 ≥, ..., ≥ am,N . (3)


The received signal at the (m, n)th user with perfect beam
is given by




ym,n = hm,n wm am,n PS xm,n + nm,n


= hm,n wm am,n PS xm,n + hm,n wm am,i PS xm,i
desired signal of (m, n)th user   
interference of other user

Fig. 1. System Model. 
+ hm,n wm am,k PS xm,k +nm,n , (4)
In this model, we consider a combination of NOMA and k=1
beamforming for downlink MU-MISO system, where a base interference of imperfect SIC
station is equipped M antennas to serve the M clusters of 2
where nm,n ∼ CN (0, σm,n ) is an i.i.d additive white Gaussian
users, while each user has a single antenna because of limited
noise (AWGN)at the(m, n)th user. In case perfect SIC, the
size. Let the number of the users in every cluster is the n−1
term hm,n wm k=1 am,k PS xm,k equals to zero.
same and equals N . To simply perform cluster, the users are
clustering by information of spatial direction method such as 1 We can use performing cluster by the exhaustive search method, however
Global Positioning System (GPS) technique or user location result in high implementation is more complexity.
Although the ZFBF is applied, it can cancel the inter-cluster where
interference, however the intra-cluster interference meaning XN
the interference between users in the same cluster is still bm,n = am,i
existing.Hence the successive interference cancellation (SIC) Xm,n = |wm hm,n |2 .
technique should be used to remove the intra-cluster interfer-
ence. Note that, in this paper we assume the perfect SIC at all It is clear that in (9) the outage always occurs if
users. 2 am,n  th bm,n . Hence we need to allocate more power
At receiver site, each user conducts the SIC to remove the for users whom have small channel gain.
interference from the other users which have worse channel Based on the ordered variable Xm,n in term of CDF is given
gain, i.e., the interference from (m, n + 1 · · · N )th users is by [20, eq, (6.58)]. Thank to the help of [21, eq, (7-14)], [20,
removed by (m, n)th user. The signal interference noise ratio eq, (3.27)], after some manipulations, and then using [17, eq,
(SINR) of (m, n)th user is denoted by m,n , and from (4), the (2.43)] we have the close-form outage probability expression
SINR is given as of the (m,n)th user as

PS am,n |hm,n wm |2 N! Xn ( 1)k ✓N n◆


m,n = PN . (5) OPm,n =

i=n+1 PS am,i |hm,n wm |2 + 2
(N n)!(n 1)!
n+k k
" #n+k
The (m, N )th user uses the SIC to cancel all interference ⇣ ✓⇤ ⌘
signals of other users, thus the SNR of (m, N )th user is ⇥ 1 exp , (10)
PS ⌦m,k
described as follows.
where k  n  N , ✓⇤ = max {✓i = th
PS am,N |hm,N wm |2 i=1:N PS (am,n th bm,n )
m,N = 2 . (6)
m,N B. Ergodic capacity
Since the nomalized wm is designed independently of hm,n , The key of NOMA technology is to improve efficient
the |hm,i wm |2 , i 2 {1, · · · , N }, is Chi-square distributed spectrum, moreover the data rate of NOMA system is the total
with 2 degree of freedom 3 [18]. Therefore, |hm,n wm |2 is rate of all users which are served. Therefore, in this section
the exponential random variables. Our detail system model is we are going to derive a close-form expression of sum rate of
following the system model described in [19]. all users in mth cluster.
Based on the Claude Shannon theory, the instantaneous data
III. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS rate at (m, n)th user is given by
A. Outage probability of (m, n)th user PS am,n |wm hm,n |2
Rm,n = log2 1 + PN .
In this section, we derive the outage probability of (m, n)th
i=n+1 PS am,i |wm hm,n | + m,n
2 2
user. In order to keep fairness for all users, the required data (11)
rate from the BS to each user is assumed to be the same
and denoted by r. Hence, the outage event happens if the Eq. (11) can be rewritten as
instantaneous end-to-end capacity, log2 (1 + m,n ), is smaller ✓ ⇣ XN ⌘◆
than r. The mathematical outage probability can be given as Rm,n = log2 1 + |wm hm,n |2 ⇢ am,i + am,n
⇣ ⌘ ✓ XN ◆
OPm,n = Pr m,n  th . (7) log2 1 + ⇢am,i |wm hm,n |2 , (12)
where th = 2r 1 is the outage threshold. PS
here ⇢ = 2 .
Replacing (5) into (7), we have m,n

! From (12), the ergodic capacity of the (m, n)th user is

PS am,n |hm,n wm |2 represented as follows.
OPm,n = Pr PN  th .
i=n+1 PS am,i |hm,n wm |2 + 2
m,n R̄m,n = E{Rm,n }
(8) ( ✓ )
⇣ XN ⌘◆
After some manipulations, the mathematical outage probability = E log2 1 + |wm hm,n |2 ⇢ am,i + am,n
expression is given as ( ✓ ◆)
! XN
E log2 1 + ⇢am,i |wm hm,n | 2
. (13)
th i=n+1
OPm,n = Pr Xm,n  = ✓i , (9)
n: 1÷N PS (am,n th bm,n )
The first expectation of a random variable X is defined as
2 In practical, the SIC is mostly imperfect due to the limited computing Z1
capability of receiver. E[log2 (1 + X )] = log2 (1 + x)fX (x)dx. (14)
3 If a variable is random and has Chi-square distribution with 2 degree of
freedom, it becomes a Rayleigh distribution [17, pp. 16]. 0
Using the integration-by-parts method and after some manip-
ulations we can rewrite (13) as

Z1 Z1
1 1 FX (x) 1 1 FY (y)
R̄m,n = dx dy,
ln 2 1+x ln 2 1+y −1
0 0 10

Outage Probability (OP)

where the FX (x) and FY (y) are the cumulative
PN functions (CDFs) 2of the random variables −2
i=n+1 PS am,i |wm hm,n | and X = PS |wm hm,n | .
Y =
From (15) and above suppositions, the ergodic capacity of
the (m, n)th user is derived as
N ✓ ◆
10 Ω =1, Ω = 2, Ω = 3
X N ( 1)n 1 1 2 3

R̄m,n = J1 (x) User 1−Sim

n ln 2 User 2−Sim
User 3−Sim
XN ✓ ◆ Analytical
N ( 1)n 1 −4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

n ln 2 SINR [dB]

Z1 !
1 y
⇥ exp PN dy, (16) Fig. 2. Outage probability of every user in the mth cluster of single cellular
1+y i=n+1 ⇢am,i ⌦m,n with BFZF.

0 1 and a3 = 0.1. As shown in this figure, the theoretical analysis
1 x matches the simulation results. And the performance of the
J1 (x)= exp @ ⇣ P ⌘ A dx.
1+x ⇢
a m,i + a m,n ⌦ m,n
third user is the best among the users, although its allocated
0 i=n+1
power is the lowest. This reason is the third user is the closest
to the BS meaning its channel gain is the highest4 .
Applying [22, 3.352.4] to (16) and (17), we have the closed-
form expression of the ergodic capacity of (m, n)th user given
R x(18). It is shown in the top of the next page. Where Ei(x) = 0
1 x t dt denotes the exponential integral function [22].
Finally, the ergodic capacity of the mth cluster is the sum
of ergodic capacity of all users in this cluster.
Rm = Rm,n . (19) −1
Outage Probability (OP)

IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS r = 1 [bit per symbol]− Sim
r = 2 [bit per symbol]− Sim
The aim of this section is to provide numerical results r = 3 [bit per symbol]− Sim
for valuating the performance of proposed NOMA multi-user
system and validating the derived analytical results. In most −2

of published work, the number of users in one superposition

signal is up to three, there is not the case of larger number of
users. Hence, in this work we consider three users per cluster,
where the BS generates perfect beam for each cluster.
All of the channels between the BS and each user are as- −3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
sumed to be Rayleigh distribution. Without loss of generality, SNR in [dB]

we assume the first user is the farthest one, and the third user
is the nearest one from the BS. Thus, we can choose average Fig. 3. Outage probability of the second user versus average SINR with
channel gains as ⌦m,1 = 1, ⌦m,2 = 2, ⌦m,3 = 3, and then different number of bits per symbol.
the power allocation coefficients are sorted as a1 > a2 > a3 .
In the generality of cases, the power allocation coefficient is When BPSK, QPSK and 8-PSK modulations are respec-
given by an = N n+1 , where = N (N2+1) to ensure that tively applied, the number of bits per symbol is changed as
PN p r = 1, r = 2 and r = 3. Fig. 3 depicts the outage probability
ai = 1.
of the user with different number of bits per symbol, while
In Fig. 2, we present the outage probability of each user
versus SNR in dB. In this scenario, the transmit power is 4 The decay of magnitude of signal is according to a square of distance (of
allocated based on the channel gain, i.e., a1 = 0.7, a2 = 0.2 the multi-path fading) [23, pp.33].
0 1 0 1
XN ✓ ◆
N ( 1)n 1
1 1
R̄m,n = exp @ ⇣ P ⌘ A Ei @ ⇣
PN ⌘ A
n ln 2 ⇢
a + a ⌦ ⇢ a + a ⌦
i=n+1 m,i m,n m,n i=n+1 m,i m,n m,n
N ✓ ◆
! !
X N ( 1) n 1
1 1
exp PN Ei PN . (18)
n ln 2 i=n+1 ⇢am,i ⌦m,n i=n+1 ⇢am,i ⌦m,n

the other parameters are the same as above. The increase of

modulation order leads the performance of system to decrease, 16
r = 1 [bit/symbol] − Sim
this is explained that, the transmit power of all cases is fixed, r = 2 [bit/symbol] − Sim
r = 3 [bit/symbol] − Sim
consequently the power of every bit is decreased when the 14
Sum rate − Analytical

modulation order increases, b = s / log2 (M), where M and

s denote the modulation order and the power of sysmbol,
respectively. Finally, the Monte Carlo simulations guarantee

Ergodic Capacity [bit/s/Hz]

the correctness of the analytical results.

15 6
User 1−Sim
User 2− Sim
User 3−Sim 4
Sum of 3 users−Sim
OMA− Sim
Ergodic Capacity [bit/s/Hz]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
SINR in [dB]

Fig. 5. Sum of ergodic capacity versus SNR with different number of bits
5 per symbol.

are as above. The sum of ergodic capacity increases while

SNR increases, moreover, the number of bits per symbol can
improve the capacity of the system. However, according to
0 5 10 15 20
25 30 35 40 investigated researches of NOMA, it is said that the NOMA
technology is only suitable for low rate systems because of
limitation of SIC detector at users. Finally, from these figures
Fig. 4. Comparing capacity of three users in NOMA ZFBF and OMA schemes we can say that the Monte Carlo simulations guarantee the
correctness of the analytical results.
Fig. 4 represents the ergodic capacity of the users versus
SNR in NOMA ZFBF and OMA schemes. Based on the V. C ONCLUSION
derived results in (18), the ergodic capacity is a function A multi-user NOMA downlink network with ZFBP was pro-
of SNR, and it increases when SNR increases, however the posed and the theoretical closed-form expressions of its outage
increasing rate of every user is different. The ergodic capacity probability and ergodic capacity are derived and verified by the
of User 1 and User 2 increases slowly, whereas that of User Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed system was compared
3 increases following exponential function. There is a trade- to OMA systems and the calculation result indicated that the
off between the complexity and the capacity, i.e., the User 1 proposed system outperforms OMA systems.
directly detected itself signal and the User 2 has to perform The BS with multi-antenna was considered and the ZF
the SIC once, while the User 3 has to perform the SIC twice. method was applied to cancel the inter-cluster interference.
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system is higher than that of conventional OMA system, it can a balance between the complexity and system performance.
be said that the NOMA system outperforms the conventional On the other hand, the SIC technology also was applied to
OMA system. The reason is clearly provided by mathematic cancel the intra-cluster interference. However, both ZF and
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