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Title: Annotated Bibliography for Review Article on Goldilocks Planets

The purpose would be to write a review research article to inform and educate people on the
latest research on our topic of Goldilocks planets.

Our research topic is on Goldilocks planets which are planets in the habitable zone. The

habitable zone is the area around a star this is not to hot or too cold for it to have liquid water

[1]. Scientists assume that for a planet to have some sort of life form it would have to be

located in this ideal area where the atmosphere would be able to have water and its

temperature would be just right [1]. Earth would be considered a goldilocks planet because it

has the ideal location and atmosphere to sustain life [2]. The topic of goldilocks planets has had

some research in trying to find other planets that could resemble earth and be able to sustain

life. There are other planets in the habitual zone like Kepler-69c which have been seen [4]. With

more research in this topic there could be other planets that are discovered and help provide

more information about space, and possibly other life forms.

A.) “How Do We Find Habitable Planets?” NASA, NASA, 14 Oct. 2019,

B.) A habitable zone is important but so is time because bright stars burn out quicker and time is

needed to allow multi-celled organisms to evolve

C.) This source can be used by our team to describe the topic of goldilocks planets because it

gives information about the factors that are important in making a planet habitable. It

mentions how time is also a factor that was involved in the formation of earth, and how the

formation of multi-celled organisms was seen on earth. The article mentions how a few

hundred million years could be enough for some life but not enough time for large animals.
This could be seen with Earth which is estimated to be near 4.543 billion years and larger

organisms like human life are seen. This source can be used to compare and contrast Earth to

other planets that are in a habitual zone and if they have the possibility of sustaining life.

A.) Novacurious. “The Goldilocks Planet: Why Earth Is Our Oasis.” Curious, 23 Nov. 2017,

B.) Earth is seen as our goldilocks planet because it has the essentials for sustainability like

water, the right distance from the sun.

C.) My team might use this source to help with our topic because it talks about how Earth is

a goldilocks planet because of its position to the sun. This can help compare Earth to

other planets that could been seen as possible goldilocks planets. Earth has the right

atmosphere to sustain life with oxygen and allowing the temperature to not fluctuate.

This could help comparing life on earth and on other planets which could help the

audience have something it is familiar to compare to.

A.) Howell, E. (2018, December 7). Kepler Space Telescope: The Original Exoplanet Hunter.

Retrieved from

B.) The Kepler Space Telescope has a mission to find planets that are like earth in our solar


C.) My team might use this source to help us with the topic of goldilocks planets because it

talks about the tools like this space telescope that is being used to find more information.

This article can help use talk about how information is collected, the process, and the

possible findings. This can relate to the In the Zone article to find other habitable planets.
A.) Greicius, T. (2015, March 2). In the Zone: How Scientists Search for Habitable Planets.

Retrieved from

B.) NASAs system development could help with research to locating planets in a habitable


C.) My team could use this article on the topic of goldilocks planets because it talks about

what makes a planet habitable like its location. Depending on the location of the planet

there can be different properties to it like the different molecules in its atmosphere. In

this article there is a comparison between earth and Kepler-69c being in the habitual

zone but are stull different. The article also talks about new technology that can help

find new information about planets.

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