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Contraception 94 (2016) 328 – 339

Original research article

Impact of estrogen type on cardiovascular safety of combined oral

Jürgen Dinger a,⁎, Thai Do Minh b , Klaas Heinemann b
Pharmacoepidemiology, Berlin, Germany
ZEG—Berlin Center for Epidemiology and Health Research, Berlin, Germany
Received 14 March 2016; revised 14 June 2016; accepted 17 June 2016


Objectives: The International Active Surveillance study “Safety of Contraceptives: Role of Estrogens” (INAS-SCORE) investigated the
cardiovascular risks associated with the use of a combined oral contraceptive (COC) containing dienogest and estradiol valerate (DNG/EV)
compared to established COCs in a routine clinical setting.
Study Design: Transatlantic, prospective, noninterventional cohort study conducted in the United States and seven European countries with
two main exposure groups and one exposure subgroup: new users of DNG/EV and other COC (oCOC), particularly levonorgestrel-
containing COCs (LNG). All self-reported clinical outcomes of interest (OoI) were validated via attending physicians and relevant source
documents. Main OoI were serious cardiovascular events (SCE), particularly venous thromboembolic (VTEs) events. Comprehensive follow-
up procedures were implemented. Statistical analyses were based on Cox regression models.
Results: A total of 50,203 new COC users were followed up for up to 5.5 years (mean value, 2.1 years). Overall 20.3% and 79.7% of these
women used DNG/EV and oCOC (including 11.5% LNG users), respectively. A low loss to follow-up of 3.1% was achieved. Based on 47
(VTE) and 233 (SCE) events, the primary analysis (European data set) yielded adjusted hazard ratios for DNG/EV vs. oCOC of 0.4 and 0.5,
respectively. The upper bounds of the 95% confidence intervals were 0.98 (VTE) and 0.96 (SCE). The corresponding hazard ratios for DNG/
EV vs. LNG showed similar point estimates but the confidence intervals included unity.
Conclusion: DNG/EV is associated with similar or even lower cardiovascular risk compared to oCOC and LNG.
Implication Statement: A COC containing DNG and EV is associated with similar or even lower cardiovascular risk compared to COCs
containing levonorgestrel or other progestogens.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: VTE; ATE; Combined oral contraceptives; Dienogest; Estradiol valerate; Routine clinical practice

1. Introduction that lower EE doses lead to a better safety profile and

specifically to a lower incidence of venous thromboembo-
As combined oral contraceptives (COCs) have been lism (VTE). However, reducing the EE dose led also to a less
further developed over the past decades, their ethinylestra- favorable control of bleeding. Although EE has been used in
diol (EE) content has been reduced based on the hypothesis numerous COCs, efforts have also been made to use estradiol
(E2) and estradiol valerate (EV), which have a lower impact

on the hepatic system and subsequently on hemostatic
Funding: Unconditional grant from Bayer AG, Germany.
☆☆ parameters [1]. Recently, a new EV-based COC was
Conflict of interest: The study was funded by a manufacturer of
hormonal contraceptives. The study was supervised by an independent introduced to the market that appears to combine both
Safety Monitoring and Advisory Council with full authority over the study reliable contraception and an acceptable bleeding profile [2].
(including study protocol, protocol amendments, data analysis and stopping This regimen consists of four phases within a 26-day time
the study). The funder had no access to the source data and did not frame, with each phase containing different doses of EV,
participate in designing the study or analyzing the data.
★ either alone or in combination with different doses of
Registration number at the clinical trials registry of the US National
Library of Medicine: NCT01009684. dienogest (DNG): (1) 2 tablets with 3 mg EV, (2) 5 tablets
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 171 974 5433; fax: +49 30 945 101 46. with 2 mg DNG and 2 mg EV, (3) 17 tablets with 3 mg
E-mail address: (J. Dinger). DNG and 2 mg EV, and (4) 2 tablets with 1 mg EV. This
0010-7824/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339 329

sequence is followed by 2 days of placebo tablets. The hospitalization, persistent or significant disability/incapacity
four-phase sequential regimen aims to ensure that sufficient or require medical/surgical intervention to prevent one of
estrogen levels are available during the first half of the cycle in these outcomes) were analyzed, including confirmed angina
which endometrial proliferation is promoted under the necessitating hospitalization, acute coronary syndromes and
influence of estrogens. Shortening the hormone-free interval congestive heart failure. Secondary objectives were to
from the conventional 7 days to only 2 days and extending the ascertain: (1) drug utilization patterns of DNG/EV and
estrogen phase at the end of the progestin phase are expected to established COCs in a study population that is representative
be beneficial for cycle control and tolerability. Furthermore, it for typical use of the individual preparations under routine
is conceivable that the short hormone-free interval has a medical conditions — the study's nonexperimental design
beneficial effect on contraceptive failure rates [3]. was intended to minimize interference of normal drug
This article describes the cardiovascular results from the utilization patterns by study-specific requirements and
regular follow-up phase of the International Active Surveillance measures; (2) baseline risk for users of the individual
Study on the Safety of Contraceptives and the Role of Estrogens formulations (lifetime history of comorbidity, risk markers,
(INAS-SCORE). Other outcomes will be reported elsewhere. comedication, sociodemographic and lifestyle data); (3)
The INAS-SCORE study was conducted as a phase IV pregnancy-related data on discontinuation of DNG/EV and
commitment to the European regulatory authorities. Two main established COCs, that is, return to fertility and pregnancy
COC user groups — users of preparations containing DNG/ outcomes; and (4) risks associated with short- and long-term
EV and users of other COCs (oCOC) plus an oCOC subgroup use of DNG/EV and of established COCs in adolescents
consisting of the users of levonorgestrel-containing COCs below the age of 18 years. The results of the secondary
(LNG) — were followed throughout the study. objectives will be reported elsewhere.

2. Materials and methods 2.2. Study population

The study was conducted in the United States and seven
A cohort of more than 50,000 new COC users was European countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Poland,
actively monitored for up to 5 years for the occurrence of rare Sweden and the United Kingdom. A random sample of
or unexpected adverse outcomes possibly related to COC approximately 10% of all COC prescribers in these countries
exposure. The methodology of the INAS-SCORE study is was contacted for participation in the study. Recruitment of the
similar to that of the EURAS, INAS-OC and TASC studies cohort members was conducted via a network of 880 and 427
on hormonal contraceptives described elsewhere [4–6], so COC-prescribing health care professionals in Europe and the
some methodological details are presented here succinctly. United States, respectively. The combined cohort was planned
Planning, conduct and evaluation of the study were to include 50,000 women, including about 20,000 in the
supervised by an independent Safety Monitoring and United States and 30,000 in Europe.
Advisory Council, which endorsed all the conclusions Recruitment in Europe began in September 2009 and ended
presented in this publication. The primary ethical approvals in October 2012. Because of the late market introduction of
of the study in Europe and the United States were granted by DNG/EV in the United States, recruitment did not commence
the physicians' association in Berlin, Germany (“Ethik- there until October 2010 and was completed in February 2013.
Kommission der Ärztekammer Berlin”), and the Western Study participants were followed until February 2015. The
Institutional Review Board (WIRB) in Olympia, WA, USA. individual maximum follow-up therefore varied from 2 to
The study is listed in the public clinical trials registry of the 5.5 years.
US National Library of Medicine under the number Study participants were women who received a new
NCT01009684. prescription for a COC. Participating physicians discussed
2.1. Study objectives the study with the subjects only after a COC had been
prescribed. This ensured that study participation was not
The primary objective of the study was to assess the risks considered a requirement for treatment. Participating women
of short- and long-term use of DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG in could be starters (first-ever users of COCs), switchers (users
a study population that is representative for the actual users who switched from one COC to another — without an intake
of the individual preparations. break or with one of less than 4 weeks) or restarters (users
The main clinical outcomes of interest for the short- and who restarted a COC after an intake break of at least
long-term follow-up were serious cardiovascular events, in 4 weeks, i.e., at least one complete cycle). More specific
particular VTE such as deep venous thrombosis and inclusion or exclusion criteria were not introduced in
pulmonary embolism (PE), as well as arterial thromboem- keeping with the noninterference approach of the study
bolism (ATE) such as acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and design. At the centers, all women seeking a prescription for a
cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). In addition to VTE and new COC were asked by their physicians whether they were
ATE, all other serious cardiovascular events (i.e., events that willing to participate. All new COC users who were willing
result in death, a life-threatening experience, inpatient to sign the informed consent and data privacy forms had to
330 J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339

be included in the study. The objective was to avoid did not lead to a response, multiple attempts were made to
influencing the prescribing behavior, while at the same time contact the woman, her friends, relatives and gynecologist/
making significant efforts to ensure standardized, compre- primary care physician via telephone. In parallel to these
hensive and reliable documentation of all baseline charac- Level 2 activities, searches in national and international
teristics and adverse events during the follow-up period. telephone and address directories as well as social networks
Once enrolled, a subject could switch or discontinue use were started (Level 3 activities). If this was not successful, an
of the prescribed COC at any time. However, subjects official address search via the respective governmental
continued to be followed whether or not they continued to administration was conducted (in some countries centralized,
use hormonal contraception, provided that they did not in others decentralized at community level). The study
withdraw their consent. During the follow-up phase, subjects protocol specified that the total loss to follow-up at the end of
were asked whether they had switched or discontinued the study should be less than 10% of the study population.
hormonal contraceptive use. Information on dates and The four-level follow-up procedures are summarized in
reasons for switching/discontinuation during the follow-up Fig. 1.
phase was also collected. For reported serious adverse events — including ATE
The recruitment procedures for the study centers and and VTE — a group of medical doctors specializing in
participants were the same as those used in the EURAS-OC epidemiology, drug safety and internal medicine (medical
and INAS-OC studies, where they successfully yielded reviewer group) contacted the study participants as well as
representative samples of typical COC users with regard to the diagnosing or treating physicians to clarify and validate
age structure, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors, cardio- the information (including diagnosis, diagnostic procedures,
vascular risk factors, the spectrum of prescribed OCs and exposure and treatment) received from participants [4]. All
percentages of urban and rural COC users [4,5,7–9]. serious adverse events were classified as confirmed or not
confirmed. Events that were confirmed by a diagnostic
2.3. Data collection and quality control measure with high specificity (e.g., phlebography for deep
venous thrombosis or cerebral magnetic resonance imaging
Baseline data were recorded within the INAS-SCORE for CVAs) or by a clinical diagnosis supported by a
study via self-administered questionnaires on participants' diagnostic test with low specificity (such as d-dimer for
state of health, medical history including medication history VTE) were considered confirmed. Events were considered
and history of COC use, and potential prognostic factors for not confirmed if the diagnosis reported by the participant was
serious diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease. In excluded by diagnostic measures, if a different medical
addition, participants provided their addresses and phone condition was diagnosed by the attending physician, or if the
numbers, as well as back-up contacts and contact informa- participant did not contact a health professional to clarify her
tion for their primary care physicians and/or gynecologists. symptoms and no diagnostic measures were performed [4].
Baseline questionnaires were completed in the physicians' The primary analysis was based on confirmed cases only.
offices and checked by the physicians or their coworkers. Unconfirmed cases were only used for sensitivity analyses.
Follow-up assessments for each woman in the INAS-SCORE For the analysis, classification of all VTE was verified by
study were scheduled every 6 months for the first 2 years independent blinded adjudication. In order to minimize
and annually thereafter. The follow-up questionnaires classification bias, all decisions made by the medical
addressed the occurrence of adverse events — in particular reviewer group were reassessed by three independent
serious adverse events and cardiovascular events. Reasons medical experts specializing in radiology and nuclear
for discontinuing OC use or for switching to another medicine, cardiology, as well as internal medicine and
hormonal contraceptive (OHC) were requested if applica- vascular diseases. These specialists reviewed all available
ble. The questionnaires were collected in each country by information on the reported events. Brand names, doses,
local study teams. These teams reviewed the question- regimens and compositions of the hormonal contraceptives
naires for completeness, plausibility and consistency of the used by the study participants were rendered anonymous for
responses. Missing or inconsistent information was this process. The adjudicators performed the reviews
clarified directly with the women by phone. In a second independently of each other and without knowing the
quality control step, the central study team in Berlin judgment of the other adjudicators or the medical reviewer
subjected all data to electronic and manual plausibility group. [4]. Events were classified as confirmed if that was
checks. the judgment of at least one adjudicator.
A low loss to follow-up rate was essential for the validity
of the study. In order to minimize loss to follow-up, a 2.4. Evaluation
comprehensive four-level process was established [4]. Level
1 activities included mailing the follow-up questionnaire The analyses were carried out in accordance with the
and — in case of no response — two reminder letters. Study statistical analysis plan, which was agreed upon with the
participants received a small compensation for each European regulatory authorities and approved by the Safety
follow-up on returning the questionnaire. If Level 1 activities Monitoring and Advisory Council prior to the first inferential
J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339 331

Documentation of addresses and phone numbers
- patients
- relatives and/or friends of the patient
- gynecologist and/or primary care physician

1st level Follow-up questionnaire to all study participants every
six months

no response: 1st reminder letter

no response: 2nd reminder letter

no contact

2nd level
Multiple attempts to contact participant per phone using
information provided in the baseline questionnaire:
- patient contact
- friends/relatives
- gynecologist/primary care physician

no contact

3rd level Search in national and international telephone/address contact

directories as well as social networks

no contact

4th level contacaddress inquiry at the National and/or Local

Formal contact
Registry of the appropriate public authority

no contact

Lost to follow-up; Drop out;

exposure and occurrence of (S)AEs after documentation of exposure and reported
the last follow-up unknown (S)AEs till the timepoint the patient with-
drew her informed consent.

Fig. 1. Cascade of activities to contact patients for follow-up information.

analysis. Statistical analyses were conducted based on the from those based on AT results. Therefore, only the most
“as treated” (AT) population as well as the “intention to important ITT results are reported.
treat” (ITT) population. For the AT analyses, data on Inferential statistics were based on Cox proportional
outcomes of interest were assigned to the hormonal hazard models. Adjustment for potential confounding was
contraceptive actually used by the respective study partic- based on an a priori defined expert model (primary model).
ipant at the time of the event. For the ITT analyses, all For VTE, this model included age, body mass index (BMI),
clinical outcomes were assigned to the treatment the study duration of current hormonal contraceptive use and family
participant had used at study entry, regardless of any history of VTE; for ATE, it included age, BMI, smoking,
switching (or stopping) or of any different (or no) product treated hypertension and a family history of fatal ATE. The
being used at the time of the event. For a drug safety study, prognostic factors were included as time-varying covariates
the ITT approach dilutes potential risk differences among in the statistical model. In addition, a “backward stepwise
treatments [4]. The investigators and the Safety Monitoring procedure” was chosen to generate an automated statistical
and Advisory Council therefore designated the AT approach model (secondary model). This procedure started with all
as the primary analysis for the study data. In this study, available prognostic factors (e.g., age, BMI, duration of
however, conclusions based on ITT results did not differ current hormonal contraceptive use, family history of
332 J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339

thromboembolic events, starter, restarter and switcher status, (1.5%), (3) did not start OC use after study entry (2.5%), or
estrogen dose of the OC preparation, concomitant medica- (4) declined to sign the informed consent form (1.1%). The
tion, chronic disease, smoking, geographical region, educa- remaining 50,203 quality-controlled computerized data sets
tional level) included in the statistical model as covariates from the women (one per woman) with baseline information
(like in a saturated model). All prognostic factors that had no were analyzed. A total of 30,098 (60.0%) and 20,105 women
relevant impact on the risk estimates were removed from the (40.0%) were recruited in Europe and the United States,
model in a stepwise procedure. The results of the primary respectively (Table 1). In the combined European and US
and secondary models were nearly identical. Therefore, only cohorts, these 50,203 study participants were followed up for
the results of the primary model are reported. 105,761 woman-years (WY) of observation (mean value,
Three exposure groups were compared: users of new 2.1 years per study participant): 73,174 WY (69.2%) in
COCs containing DNG/EV, users of oCOCs and users of Europe and 32,586 WY (30.8%) in the United States
LNG-containing COCs. All VTE and ATE were always (Table 2). The late start of recruitment in the United States
adjudicated for the hormonal contraceptive used by the resulted in a shorter average follow-up in the United States
respective participant at the time. It did not matter whether compared to Europe: 1.6 and 2.4 years, respectively.
the participant was a starter, a switcher or a restarter at the At study entry, 10,191 women received a prescription for
time of the event. If hormonal contraceptive use had been DNG/EV and 40,012 for oCOC. The latter included 5796
stopped during the 3-month period prior to the VTE users of LNG (Table 1). During follow-up, 30%, 35% and
diagnosis, the event was adjudicated to the last hormonal 35% of users of DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG, respectively,
contraceptive used before the event. switched from their baseline prescription to another OC or
The analyses for VTE used two different data sets: all non-oral hormonal contraceptive brand. At the end of the
VTE and what are known as “idiopathic” VTE. The latter INAS-SCORE study, DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG had been
data set excludes cases with acute risk factors (such as used for 12,512, 63,539 and 10,071 WY, respectively. For
pregnancy, delivery, trauma, immobilization, long-haul 4279 WY and 25,431 WY of 105,761 WY, study
travel, surgery and chemotherapy). The analysis of this participants had switched to OHCs (e.g., patches, injections,
data set will allow future comparison of the INAS-SCORE vaginal rings) or had not used any hormonal contraceptive,
data with the results from other scientific groups who often respectively. Overall, 12% of the time without exposure to
base their analyses on hypothesized “idiopathic” VTE. hormonal contraceptives (“no use”) can be attributed to
The study was powered to detect a 2.0-fold and 0.5-fold intended and unintended pregnancies.
VTE risk for DNG/EV compared to oCOC, respectively.
This calculation was based on the combined US and
Table 1
European study population. However, it turned out that the Number of women enrolled, excluded and analyzed.
market introduction of DNG/EV in the United States was
Women Nos. (%) a [%] b
less successful than expected by the manufacturer of DNG/
EV. As a result, the proportion of US study participants who A) Who agreed to participate 53,750 – [100.0]
B) excluded because of protocol violations c 3547 – [6.6]
used DNG/EV was very small. This fact raised concerns on
C) analyzed 50,203 (100.0) [93.4]
the part of the European regulatory authorities about basing Cohorts
study conclusions solely on the combined US and European DNG/EV 10,191 (20.3) [19.0]
data. They requested that an additional analysis be based on oCOC 40,012 (79.7) [74.4]
the European arm of the study alone. To compensate for the of which LNG 5796 (11.5) [10.8]
loss of statistical power, it was decided to extend the
United States 20,105 (40.0) [37.4]
INAS-SCORE study in Europe. Despite this, the decision Europe 30,098 (60.0) [56.0]
was also made to complete the first study part (transatlantic European countries
phase) as planned. This decision was based on the Austria 2208 (4.4) [4.1]
consideration at that time (January 2014) that the first part France 252 (0.5) [0.5]
Germany 8613 (17.2) [16.0]
of the study would have a power of 0.8 to detect a two-fold
Italy 8508 (16.9) [15.8]
increased risk of VTE that might potentially be associated Poland 9131 (18.2) [17.0]
with the use of DNG/EV. Sweden 1111 (2.2) [2.1]
UK 275 (0.5) [0.5]
Primary analysis (based on European data)
DNG/EV 9791 (19.5) [18.2]
3. Results
oCOC 20,307 (40.4) [37.8]
of which LNG 3736 (7.4) [7.0]
A total of 53,750 women were enrolled by 1327 active a
Percentage of women who agreed to participate.
study centers. Overall, 3547 of these 53,750 women (6.6%) b
Percentage of women who were in the final analysis.
had to be excluded because they: (1) were enrolled two or c
Women who (1) were enrolled two or more times by one or more study
more times by one or more study centers (1.5%), (2) centers, or (2) continued their previous hormonal contraceptive, (3) never started
continued to use their previous hormonal contraceptive OC use after study entry, or (4) declined to sign the informed consent form.
J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339 333

Table 2
User cohorts (USA and Europe combined): number of women, exposure and descriptive statistics on age, weight and BMI at study entry.
n (%) N=10,191 (20.3) N=40,012 (79.7) N=5796 (11.5) N=50,203 (100.0)
WY (%) 12,512 (11.8) 63,539 (60.1) 10,071 (9.5) 105,761 (100.0) a
Age, mean (SD) 31.7 (10.0) 26.0 (7.9) 26.0 (8.4) 27.1 (8.7)
Age, minimum 11 11 12 11
Age, percentile 5 17 16 16 16
Age, percentile 25 23 20 19 20
Age, median 31 24 24 25
Age, percentile 75 40 30 31 32
Age, percentile 95 48 42 43 44
Age, maximum 59 58 55 59
Weight, mean (SD) 62.7 (12.2) 66.6 (16.4) 66.1 (15.2) 65.8 (15.7)
Weight, minimum 30 30 37 30
Weight, percentile 5 48 48 48 48
Weight, percentile 25 55 55 55 55
Weight, median 60 63 63 62
Weight, percentile 75 69 73 73 72
Weight, percentile 95 85 99 96 96
Weight, maximum 172 191 173 191
BMI, mean (SD) 23.0 (4.2) 24.5 (5.9) 24.2 (5.4) 24.2 (5.6)
BMI, minimum 12.7 10.6 14.2 10.6
BMI, percentile 5 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.1
BMI, percentile 25 20.2 20.4 20.5 20.4
BMI, median 22.2 23.0 23.0 22.8
BMI, percentile 75 24.8 26.9 26.6 26.4
BMI, percentile 95 31.1 36.2 35.1 35.3
BMI, maximum 60.9 71.9 61.6 71.9
Exposure includes 29,710 WY for women who stopped hormonal contraceptive use after study entry or switched to non-COC hormonal contraceptives.

After completing all four levels of the loss to follow-up pronounced in the European study population (difference in
cascade, the figure for both Europe and the United States was mean: 6.2 years) and less so in the US study population
3.1%. The planned follow-up procedures worked well in all (difference in mean: 1.5 years).
countries. At the end of the transatlantic part, 1557 of the This geographical difference could be explained by
50,203 women, or 3.1% (3.4% for DNG/EV, 3.0% for oCOC regional differences in (1) the use of E2-containing hormone
and 3.1% for LNG), were lost to follow-up during that 2- to replacement therapy (HRT) preparations and (2) the
5.5-year period. Overall, all loss to follow-up rates were low approved indications for DNG/EV at the time of patient
and balanced across exposure groups. The goal of a loss to enrollment. European gynecologists traditionally prescribe
follow-up rate of less than 10% was achieved for the total E2-containing HRT preparations, while HRT preparations
study population, for each of the exposure groups, and for with conjugated estrogens are much more prevalent in the
the European and US populations. United States. The association of E2 use with menopause in
For each of the main user groups (DNG/EV and oCOC) Europe probably leads to preferrential prescription of DNG/
plus the LNG subgroup, Table 2 shows the number of EV to premenopausal women in need of contraception. In
women with baseline information (N), the exposure, the addition, shortly after its registration in Europe, DNG/EV
corresponding proportion of exposure for each of these was indicated for treating heavy menstrual bleeding in
populations, and descriptive statistics for age, weight, and women who desired oral contraception, whereas in the
BMI. At study entry, 20.3% of women were prescribed United States, it was prescribed throughout nearly the entire
DNG/EV, 60.0% oCOC and 11.5% LNG. Mean age in the study period for pregnancy prevention alone, and only lately
DNG/EV exposure group was 5.7 years higher than that in was also approved for heavy menstrual bleeding. The higher
the COC and LNG (sub)-groups. The age distribution of the prevalence of “older” women of fertile age who suffer from
oCOC and LNG users — as indicated by the minimum, 5th, heavy menstrual bleeding probably contributes to the higher
25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles, and the maximum mean age of European DNG/EV users.
values — corresponds to the typical age profile of oral Mean weight and mean BMI were similar for all COC
contraceptive users [4,5]. The DNG/EV users were clearly (sub)-groups. This is true for both the European and the US
older as indicated by a median of 31 years and a 75th study populations. The lower weight and BMI for the DNG/
percentile of 40 years. The latter exceeds the oCOC figure EV cohort in the total study population (Table 2) is
by about 10 years (Table 2). These differences were more misleading. Given that (1) weight and BMI were substantially
334 J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339

60 60
54 52 52
40 40
40 38 38
% %
25 26
20 20 23 23
13 13 13 18
11 11 11
11 11 15 5 4 5
1 2 2
0 0
<20 [20-25[ [25-30[ [30-35[ 35+ <20 [20-25[ [25-30[ [30-35[ 35+

Fig. 2. Mean BMI by cohort and region.

higher in the United States than in Europe (Fig. 2), and (2) only Table 3 shows the distribution of prognostic factors for
few DNG/EV users were recruited in the United States, the cardiovascular outcomes of interest and also the medical
combined DNG/EV data from the two continents were history of selected diseases. As can be seen, major differences
influenced much more by the relatively low European values between the three cohorts were not found at baseline for most
than the high US values. of the risk factors examined. The prevalence of some of these
Overall, 16,233 women (32.3% of the study population) factors seemed to be higher in the DNG/EV cohort. However,
were starters (first-time users) at study entry, 10,175 women these differences (e.g., family history of VTE and family
(20.3%) were switchers, and 23,795 (47.4%) were restarters. history of fatal ATE) disappeared after adjusting for age. The
No substantial differences were observed between the three prevalence of other factors such as overweight and obesity
(sub)-groups of DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG. As to be seemed to be lower in the DNG/EV cohort. However, these
expected for COCs with progestogens that have been figures reflect the low usage of DNG/EV and the higher
established for decades, the proportion of starters was prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States.
slightly lower for oCOC (32%) and LNG (30%) compared Sub-analyses showed that the age difference between the
to the new DNG/EV (34.0%). In addition, more European European exposure groups had a substantial impact on the
participants were starters compared to the United States prevalence of age-dependent variables such as hypertension
(36% vs. 27%). No notable differences between the COC and family history of VTE and fatal ATE (Table 3). The
(sub)-cohorts were seen regarding gynecological history, reason for this impact on family history is that the higher age
including mean age at menarche (DNG/EV, 12.9 years; of European DNG/EV users compared to oCOC and LNG
oCOC, 12.8 years; LNG, 12.9) and number of live births users means that they also have older parents/siblings who
(DNG/EV, 1.7; oCOC, 1.7; LNG 1.7). The mean age at first consequently have a greater probability of VTE or fatal ATE.
delivery was also similar between cohorts and continents After age standardization, no substantial differences between
(Europe: 25, 24, and 24 years for DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG; the groups were seen, with 3.0%, 3.2% and 3.6% of
USA: 23, 23 and 23 years for DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG). European DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG users reporting a

Table 3
Prognostic factors for outcomes of interest, past medical history and selected diseases per user (sub)-group: total number and percent of enrolled women.
Risk factor
n % n % n % n %
Treated high blood pressure 266 2.6 820 2.0 139 2.4 1086 2.2
High cholesterol 110 1.1 370 0.9 51 0.9 480 1.0
Family history of fatal ATE 278 2.7 764 1.9 105 1.8 1042 2.1
Family history of VTE 400 3.9 1158 2.9 187 3.2 1558 3.1
BMI [25–30 kg/m 2] 1789 17.6 8020 20.0 1549 26.7 1223 21.1
BMI [30–35 kg/m 2] 517 5.1 3476 8.7 202 3.5 441 7.6
BMI 35+ kg/m 2 177 1.7 2492 6.2 4375 7.3 301 5.2
Smoking 2846 27.9 8679 21.7 1549 26.7 11,525 23.0
Heavy smoking a 422 4.1 1096 2.7 202 3.5 1518 3.0
Diabetes 53 0.5 260 0.6 43 0.7 313 0.6
Myocardial infarction 0 0.0 5 0.0 1 0.0 5 0.0
Stroke 5 0.0 15 0.0 4 0.1 20 0.0
PE 1 0.0 5 0.0 0 0.0 6 0.0
Deep venous thrombosis 22 0.2 34 0.1 6 0.1 56 0.1
Cancer 44 0.4 198 0.5 22 0.4 242 0.5
Any surgery 3352 32.9 11,150 27.9 1800 31.1 14,502 28.9
More than 15 cigarettes per day.
J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339 335

50 50
40 40
28.4 30.5 33.5

30 30
% %
15.8 12.6 14.5
20 20

10 10

0 0

Fig. 3. Current smoking stratified by cohort and region.

family history of VTE. The corresponding proportions of cardiovascular outcomes associated with DNG/EV use
European women with a family history of fatal ATE below would be lower compared to crude risk estimates.
the age of 50 years were 1.9%, 1.8% and 1.7% for DNG/EV,
oCOC and LNG. The prevalence of smoking was similar
3.1. VTE events
across (sub)-cohorts, although substantial continent-specific
differences were observed. In the USA, 15.8%, 12.6% and A total of 77 VTEs were observed, with a lower incidence
14.5% of DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG users were current rate in the DNG/EV group compared to the oCOC groups:
smokers at baseline compared to 28.4%, 30.5% and 33.5% in DNG/EV 9 cases for 7.2 VTE per 10,000 WY, oCOC 58
Europe (Fig. 3). Regular use of concomitant medication was cases for 9.1 VTE per 10,000 WY, and LNG 10 VTE for 9.9
slightly different for the COC (sub)-cohorts: USA 25.5%, VTE per 10,000 WY. The incidence rate in the “no use”
23.7% and 27.9% for DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG; Europe cohort (9 cases for 3.5 VTE per 10,000 WY) was
15.4%, 12.0% and 12.0% for DNG/EV, oCOC and LNG substantially lower compared to the COC (sub)-cohorts.
(Fig. 4). The prevalence was substantially higher in the The results for those women who switched after recruitment
United States compared to Europe (23.7% vs. 13.2%). to OHCs (i.e., injections, implants, LNG-releasing IUDs, or
Psychotropics were the most widely used concomitant contraceptive patches) are too sparse (1 VTE) for any
medication in the USA, with 10.0% of the US study meaningful analysis. Table 4 shows the number of VTE,
population taking them regularly compared to 2.3% in point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for
Europe. Thyroid drugs (including iodine-containing prepa- the exposure groups. For 26 of the 77 VTE cases (34%), a PE
rations) were used most frequently in Europe (3.8%). was observed (DNG/EV cohort: 5 cases; oCOC cohort: 19
Overall, the oCOC and LNG exposure groups showed cases; LNG sub-cohort: 5 cases; OHC cohort: no case; “no
typical characteristics of US and European COC user use” cohort: 2 cases). The PE incidence rates for the COC
populations regarding age structure, socioeconomic and cohorts were similar with a broad overlap of CIs: DNG/EV 5
lifestyle factors and cardiovascular risk factors [4,5,7–9]. PE for 4.0 cases per 10,000 WY (95% CI, 1.3–9.3), oCOC
The most important difference between the COC (sub)- 19 PE for 3.0 cases per 10,000 WY (95% CI, 1.8–4.7), and
groups was the substantially higher age of DNG/EV users LNG 5 PE for 5.0 cases per 10,000 WY (95% CI, 1.6–11.6).
compared to oCOC and LNG. Given this difference, the risk The VTE risk for COC users was approximately 2.5 times
of serious cardiovascular events was a priori higher for higher than that for nonusers. A total of 5 out of 9 VTE in the
DNG/EV users compared to those of oCOCs. It was to be “no use” cohort were associated with pregnancy and
expected that age-adjusted relative risk estimates for delivery. Exclusion of these cases resulted in an incidence

60 60
USA Europe
50 50

40 40

% 30 27.9 % 30
25.5 23.7
20 20
12.0 12.0
10 10

0 0

Fig. 4. Regular use of medication by cohort and region.

336 J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339

Table 4
VTE events: number, incidence and 95% CIs per exposure group.
Data set DNG/EV oCOC LNG OHC No use Total
a a a a a
n Incidence n Incidence n Incidence n Incidence n Incidence n
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)
USA and Europe (confirmed VTE) 9 7.2 (3.3–13.7) 58 9.1 (6.9–11.8) 10 9.9 (4.8–18.3) 1 2.3 (0.1–13.0) 9 3.5 (1.6–6.7) 77
USA (confirmed VTE) 0 0.0 (0.0–81.9) 25 10.4 (6.8–15.4) 4 14.3 (3.9–36.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–16.6) 5 7.7 (2.5–18.0) 30
- Confirmed VTE (primary analysis) 9 7.4 (3.4–14.1) 33 8.3 (5.7–11.7) 6 8.2 (3.0–17.9) 1 4.0 (0.1–22.5) 4 2.1 (0.6–5.4) 47
- Confirmed and potential VTE 11 9.1 (4.5–16.2) 41 10.4 (7.4–14.0) 7 9.6 (3.9–19.8) 1 4.0 (0.1–22.5) 6 3.2 (1.2–6.9) 59
- “Idiopathic” VTE 6 4.9 (1.8–10.7) 24 6.1 (3.9–9.0) 6 8.2 (3.0–17.9) 1 4.0 (0.1–22.5) 2 1.1 (0.1–3.8) 33
Incidence rates are given in events/10,000 WY.

rate of 1.6 VTE per 10,000 WY. Exclusion of 21 US and A total of 47 VTE were observed in the European study
European VTE cases associated with acute risk factors for population (primary analysis) with a lower incidence rate in
VTE (“idiopathic” VTE) resulted in an overall VTE incidence the DNG/EV cohort compared to the oCOC (sub)-cohorts:
in COC users of 6.0 per 10,000 WY. The VTE risk for COC DNG/EV 9 cases for 7.4 VTE per 10,000 WY, oCOC 33
users without acute risk factors was about 3.8 times higher than cases for 8.3 VTE per 10,000 WY, and LNG 6 VTE for 8.2
that for non-pregnant nonusers without acute risk factors. VTE per 10,000 WY. The incidence rate in the “no use”
Cox regression analysis of the combined US and European group (4 cases for 2.1 VTE per 10,000 WY) was
data was performed for exploratory reasons only. The substantially lower compared to the COC exposure groups.
following predefined prognostic factors were included in the Number of VTE, point estimates and 95% CIs for the
Cox regression model: age, BMI, duration of current use and (sub)-cohorts are presented in Table 4.
family history of VTE. The results are shown in Table 5. The The HRcrude for DNG/EV vs. oCOC was 0.9 with a 95%
crude hazard ratio (HRcrude) for DNG/EV vs. oCOC was 0.8 CI of 0.4 to 1.8. The HRadj. was 0.4 (Table 5) with an upper
(95% CI, 0.4–1.6). The corresponding adjusted hazard ratio 95% confidence limit of 0.98. The effect of the adjustment
(HRadj.) was 0.5 (95% CI, 0.2–1.0). The effect of the reflects primarily the differences in the age profile of the two
adjustment reflects primarily the differences in the age profile cohorts. Alternative analyses using a backward stepwise
of the two cohorts. Alternative analyses using a backwards procedure for the selection of prognostic factors yielded
stepwise procedure for the selection of prognostic factors almost identical results. A comparison of the DNG/EV
yielded almost identical results. A comparison of the DNG/EV cohort with the LNG sub-cohort showed similar point
and LNG groups showed similar results (Table 5): the crude estimates with wider CIs: the crude and adjusted VTE
and adjusted VTE HRs were 0.7 (95% CI, 0.3–1.8) and 0.5 hazard ratios were 0.8 (95% CI, 0.3–2.4) and 0.5 (95% CI,
(95% CI, 0.2–1.3), respectively. 0.2–1.5), respectively.

Table 5
VTE incidence rates, HRcrude and HRadj, and 95% CIs.
Data set Exposure Incidence (events/10,000 HR (DNG/EV vs. comparators)
Point estimate 95% CI Crude estimate 95% CI Adjusted a estimate 95% CI
USA and Europe (confirmed VTE) DNG/EV 7.2 3.3–13.7 – – – –
oCOC 9.1 6.9–11.8 0.8 0.4–1.6 0.5 0.2–1.0
LNG 9.9 4.8–18.3 0.7 0.3–1.8 0.5 0.2–1.3
Confirmed VTE (primary analysis) DNG/EV 7.4 3.4–14.1 – – – –
oCOC 8.3 5.7–11.7 0.9 0.4–1.8 0.4 0.2–1.0 b
LNG 8.2 3.0–17.9 0.8 0.3–2.4 0.5 0.2–1.5
Confirmed and potential VTE DNG/EV 9.1 4.5–16.2 – – – –
oCOC 10.4 7.4–14.0 0.8 0.4–1.6 0.5 0.3–1.0 b
LNG 9.6 3.9–19.8 0.9 0.3–2.3 0.5 0.2–1.5
“Idiopathic” VTE DNG/EV 4.8 1.8–10.4 – – – –
oCOC 6.3 4.5–8.6 0.8 0.3–1.9 0.4 0.2–1.1
LNG 8.9 4.1–17.0 0.6 0.2–1.9 0.4 0.1–1.4
Adjusted for age, BMI, current duration of use and family history of VTE.
Statistically significant.
J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339 337

No VTEs were observed in US users of DNG/EV. for the DNG/EV group compared to the oCOC and LNG
Therefore, no meaningful analysis of the US VTE data is (sub)-groups, but the DNG/EV point estimate is based on
possible. Number of VTE, point estimates and 95% CIs for one case only and the 95% CIs overlap widely.
the (sub)-cohorts are presented in Table 4. The 4 AMIs break down among the (sub)-groups as
The validation process for reported VTE identified 19 follows: DNG/EV no case, oCOC 3 cases, LNG 1 case, OHC
events that did not represent VTE according to the definition no case, and “no use” 1 case. This corresponds to AMI
above but could still not be completely ruled out. The blinded incidence rates of 0.0 ATE/10,000 WY for the DNG/EV
adjudicators unanimously classified them as non-VTE. As cohort, and of 0.5, 1.0, 0.0 and 0.4 for the oCOC, LNG, OHC
such, these cases were probably not VTEs. In order to assess and “no use” cohorts, respectively (Table 6). Overall, 10
possible error, an additional evaluation was performed in cases of ischemic strokes and 2 cases of TIA occurred: DNG/
which these potential VTEs were combined with confirmed EV 1 and 0 case, oCOC 9 and 1 case(s), LNG 0 and 0 case,
VTEs. The results are shown in Tables 4 and 5. Overall, these OHC 0 and 0 case, and “no use” 0 and 1 case. This
results are similar to those for confirmed VTE. corresponds to the following incidence rates: DNG/EV, 0.8
For the analysis of “idiopathic” VTE, 26 and 14 VTE and 0.0 events/10,000 WY; oCOC, 1.4 and 0.2 events/
cases with acute risk factors (such as pregnancy, delivery, 10,000 WY; LNG, 0.0 and 0.0 events/10,000 WY; OHC, 0.0
trauma, immobilization, long-haul travel, surgery, chemo- and 0.0 events/10,000 WY; and “no use” 0.0 and 0.4 events/
therapy) were excluded from the combined US and European 10,000 WY (Table 6).
and the primary (Europe only) data set, respectively. Tables The results for Europe alone are similar to the overall
4 and 5 show the results compared to those of confirmed ATE results (Table 6). The US data were too sparse for any
VTE in Europe. Overall, Cox regression analyses yielded meaningful comparison between the (sub)-groups (Table 6).
only slight differences between the results of confirmed and Cox regression analysis was not done, in accordance with
“idiopathic” VTE. the analysis plan which stipulated that hazard ratios were
only to be calculated if a minimum of 5 confirmed events
3.2. Arterial thromboembolic events were available in each of the comparison groups. This
requirement was not fulfilled for two of the three COC
A total of 18 ATE were observed in the study (Table 6): 4 (sub)-groups (DNG/EV and LNG). For the European data set
AMIs, 10 ischemic strokes, 2 transient ischemic attacks (primary analysis), the ATE incidence rate ratios for DNG/
(TIAs) and 2 complete thromboses of a peripheral artery. The EV vs. oCOC and LNG were 0.3 (95% CI, 0.0–1.8) and 0.6
ATEs break down among the (sub)-groups as follows: DNG/ (95% CI, 0.0–47.0).
EV 1 case, oCOC 15 cases, LNG 1 case, OHC 0 cases and
“no use” 2 cases. This corresponds to ATE incidence rates of 3.3. Serious cardiovascular events
0.8 ATE/10,000 WY for the DNG/EV cohort, and of 2.4,
1.0, 0.0 and 0.8 for the oCOC, LNG, OHC and “no use” A total of 233 serious cardiovascular events were
(sub)-cohorts, respectively. The incidence rates were lower observed in the European study population: DNG/EV 33

Table 6
Arterial thromboembolic events: number, incidence and 95% CIs per exposure group.
Category DNG/EV oCOC LNG OHC No use Total
a a a a a
n Incidence (95% CI) n Incidence (95% CI) n Incidence (95% CI) n Incidence (95% CI) n Incidence (95% CI) n
Complete data set
All ATE 1 0.8 (0.0–4.5) 15 2.4 (1.3–3.9) 1 1.0 (0.0–5.5) 0 0.0 (0.0–7.0) 2 0.8 (0.1–2.8) 18
of which AMI 0 0.0 (0.0–2.4) 3 0.5 (0.1–1.4) 1 1.0 (0.0–5.5) 0 0.0 (0.0–7.0) 1 0.4 (0.0–2.2) 4
Ischemic stroke 1 0.8 (0.0–4.5) 9 1.4 (0.6–2.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–3.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–7.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–1.2) 10
TIA 0 0.0 (0.0–2.4) 1 0.2 (0.0–0.9) 0 0.0 (0.0–3.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–7.0) 1 0.4 (0.0–2.2) 2
Peripheral ATE 0 0.0 (0.0–2.4) 2 0.3 (0.0–1.1) 0 0.0 (0.0–3.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–7.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–1.2) 2
European data
All ATE 1 0.8 (0.0–4.6) 12 3.0 (1.6–5.3) 1 1.4 (0.0–7.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–12.1) 2 1.1 (0.1–3.8) 15
of which AMI 0 0.0 (0.0–2.4) 2 0.5 (0.6–1.8) 1 1.4 (0.0–7.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–12.1) 1 0.5 (0.0–2.9) 3
Ischemic stroke 1 0.8 (0.0–4.6) 8 2.0 (0.9–4.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.1) 0 0.0 (0.0–12.1) 0 0.0 (0.0–1.6) 9
TIA 0 0.0 (0.0–2.4) 0 0.0 (0.0–0.8) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.1) 0 0.0 (0.0–12.1) 1 0.5 (0.0–2.9) 1
Peripheral ATE 0 0.0 (0.0–2.4) 2 0.5 (0.6–1.8) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.1) 0 0.0 (0.0–12.1) 0 0.0 (0.0–1.6) 2
US data
All ATE 0 0.0 (0.0–82.0) 3 1.3 (0.3–3.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–10.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–16.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.6) 3
of which AMI 0 0.0 (0.0–82.0) 1 0.4 (0.0–2.3) 0 0.0 (0.0–10.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–16.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.6) 1
Ischemic stroke 0 0.0 (0.0–82.0) 1 0.4 (0.0–2.3) 0 0.0 (0.0–10.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–16.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.6) 1
TIA 0 0.0 (0.0–82.0) 1 0.4 (0.0–2.3) 0 0.0 (0.0–10.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–16.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.6) 1
Peripheral ATE 0 0.0 (0.0–82.0) 0 0.0 (0.0–1.3) 0 0.0 (0.0–10.7) 0 0.0 (0.0–16.6) 0 0.0 (0.0–4.6) 0
Incidence rates are given in events/10,000 WY.
338 J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339

cases, oCOC 150 cases, LNG 32 cases, OHC 7 cases, and (3) validation of outcomes of interest and exposure for the
“no use” 43 cases. This corresponds to incidence rates of relevant cases; (4) comprehensive long-term follow-up and
27.2 cases/10,000 WY (95% CI, 18.7–38.1) for DNG/EV, very low loss to follow-up to minimize underreporting; (5)
and of 37.9 (95% CI, 32.1–44.4), 43.9 (95% CI, 30.1–62.0), independent, blinded adjudication of critical outcomes; (6)
28.3 (95% CI, 11.4–58.2) and 22.7 (95% CI, 16.4–30.5) for relevant statistical analyses (e.g., stratified analyses by user
oCOC, LNG, OHC and “no use”, respectively. The HRadj for status and exposure period; comparison of isochronous, new
the comparison of DNG/EV and oCOC was 0.6 with an user cohorts; sensitivity analyses on the impact of prognostic
upper confidence limit of 0.96. The point estimate of the factors); (7) study population with baseline characteristics
HRadj. for the comparison of DNG/EV vs. LNG was also 0.6 similar to OC users under routine clinical conditions; (8)
but the 95% CI included unity (0.4–1.1). The results for the reproducibility of the typical time pattern of VTE risk; and
combined US and European data set were similar to those for (9) supervision by an independent Safety Monitoring and
the European data set (primary analysis). Advisory Council as well as scientific independence from
the study funder.
In our judgment, selection bias was probably not a major
4. Discussion issue in the INAS-SCORE study because adverse events for
both inpatients and outpatients were included in the analyses
The incidence rates for VTE, ATE and serious cardio- and because participants' demographic characteristics were
vascular events were lower for DNG/EV compared to oCOC similar to those in the EURAS- and INAS-OC studies, which
and LNG. The primary statistical analysis (European data were representative for typical COC users [4,5]. Also,
set) of these outcomes yielded HRadj of 0.4 for VTE and 0.6 misclassification bias probably had no substantial impact on
for serious cardiovascular events for the comparison of the results because precise information on the exposure and
DNG/EV vs. oCOC. The corresponding 95% CIs did not the outcomes of interest were available. In addition, reliable
include unity and suggested superiority of DNG/EV. The information on duration of current use was available.
data on ATE were too sparse for meaningful statistical Furthermore, the low loss to follow-up rate of 3.1% is
testing. Comparisons vs. LNG yielded point estimates of the noteworthy. In theory, a disproportionately high percentage
HRadj of 0.5 and 0.6 for VTE and serious cardiovascular of serious adverse events (including VTE, ATE and serious
events (i.e., similar to the comparison of DNG/EV vs. cardiovascular events) could have occurred in those patients
oCOC) but the 95% CIs included unity. The fact that the who were lost to follow-up, because these events could be
point estimates of the HRs were similar for DNG/EV vs. the reason for the break in contact with the investigators. An
oCOC and DNG/EV vs. LNG suggests that potential advantage of the INAS-SCORE study design, however, is
differences between the cohorts were not “diluted” by the that the investigator team had direct contact with the
inclusion of COCs that are potentially associated with an participants; contact was not lost if the women changed
increased risk of VTE. Furthermore, analyses that included their gynecologists, for example (e.g., due to change of
potential VTE or were restricted to “idiopathic” VTE showed residence or dissatisfaction with treatment).
similar results to the analysis of confirmed VTE. In addition, In contrast, it was impossible to exclude diagnostic bias.
sensitivity analyses that included all other available Clinical symptoms of VTE cover the spectrum from a
prognostic factors for VTE confirmed the results of the complete absence or unspecific, slight symptoms to
primary analyses. dramatic, acute, life-threatening symptoms [19–21]. A
The methodological limitations of prospective, con- high awareness of potential cardiovascular risks of COC
trolled, noninterventional, active surveillance cohort studies use might have led to more diagnostic procedures and,
such as INAS-SCORE have been discussed elsewhere therefore, to more detected VTE, ATE or other serious
[4–6,10]. Like in other nonexperimental studies, it is not cardiovascular outcomes. It is conceivable that this potential
possible to entirely eliminate potential effects of bias and bias leads to an overestimate of the relative risk for new
residual confounding [11–16]. Therefore, the ability to infer COCs like DNG/EV. Therefore, diagnostic bias should not
causation is limited [11] and relative risk estimates that are result in underestimating the cardiovascular risk carried by
close to unity may not allow differentiation between DNG/EV.
causation, bias and confounding [15,16]. In general, it is Unlike many other observational studies on hormonal
difficult to interpret a relative risk of 1.5 to 2.0 and 0.5 to contraceptives, a strength of this study was the availability of
0.67 in observational research; a valid interpretation of information on many important prognostic factors for the
relative risks of 1.0 to 1.5 and 0.67 to 1.0 is almost outcomes of interest. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that due
impossible [17,18]. to the noninterventional character of the study, information
Within these limitations, the INAS-SCORE study com- on specific gene mutations was only available for VTE cases
bines several methodological strengths that support the but not for the vast majority of study participants. This
validity of its results: (1) a prospective, comparative cohort limitation was mitigated by information on family history of
design; (2) availability of important confounder information VTE which has a higher predictive value for VTE compared
(e.g., BMI and family history of cardiovascular outcomes); to gene mutations [22].
J. Dinger et al. / Contraception 94 (2016) 328–339 339

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