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Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and

Dissections—Incidence, Modes of Inheritance, and


Phenotypic Patterns
Gonzalo Albornoz, MD, Michael A. Coady, MD, Michele Roberts, MD, PhD,
Ryan R. Davies, MD, Maryann Tranquilli, RN, John A. Rizzo, PhD, and
John A. Elefteriades, MD
Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Department of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

Background. We examined the genetic nature and phe- Among all 197 probands and kindred with aneurysm, 131
notypic features of thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAAs) and (66.5%) had TAA, 49 (24.9%) had abdominal aortic aneu-
dissections in a large cohort of patients. rysm (AAA), and 17 (8.6%) had cerebral or other aneu-
Methods. Interviews were conducted with 520 patients rysms. Ascending aneurysm paired most commonly with
with TAAs and their pedigrees were compiled to identify ascending, and descending with abdominal. Abdominal
family members with aneurysms. Study patients were aortic aneurysms (AAAs) and hypertension were more
divided into three groups: 101 non-Marfan patients, in 88 often associated with descending than with ascending
pedigrees, had a family pattern for TAA (familial group), TAAs (p < 0.001). Aortic growth rate was highest for the
369 had no family pattern (sporadic group), and 50 had familial group (0.21cm/y), intermediate for the sporadic
Marfan syndrome (MFS). We determined incidence of group (0.16 cm/y), and lowest for the Marfan group (0.1
familial clustering, age at presentation, rate of aneurysm cm/y; p < 0.01).
growth, incidence of hypertension, correlation of aneu- Conclusions. TAAs are frequently familial diseases.
rysm sites among kindred, and pedigree inheritance The predominant mode of inheritance is autosomal dom-
patterns. inant. Familial TAAs have a relatively early age of onset.
Results. An inherited pattern for TAA was present in Aneurysms in relatives may be seen in the thoracic aorta,
21.5% of non-MFS patients. The predominant inheritance the abdominal aorta, or the cerebral circulation. Screen-
pattern was autosomal dominant (76.9%), with varying ing of first-order relatives of probands with TAA is
degrees of penetrance and expressivity. The familial essential. Familial TAAs tend to grow at a higher rate,
TAA group was significantly younger than the sporadic exemplifying a more aggressive clinical entity.
group (p < 0.0001), but not as young as the MFS group (p (Ann Thorac Surg 2006;82:1400 – 6)
< 0.0001) (mean ages, 58.2 versus 65.7 versus 27.4 years). © 2006 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

O ur group [1] and others [2– 4] have previously re-

ported family patterns of transmission of thoracic
aortic aneurysm (TAA) and dissection. The present study
loci have been mapped to the 5q13-14, 11q 23.2-24, and
3p24-25 chromosome sites [5–7]. Most recently, impor-
tant work by Pannu and colleagues [8] has localized the
looked at a large number of family pedigrees of patients mutation on the 3p24-25 chromosome to the transform-
with TAA or dissection seen at the Yale Center for ing growth factor-␤ receptor type II. As these advances in
Thoracic Aortic Disease. Our goals were to confirm the molecular genetics continue, it remains important to
genetic nature of TAAs in a large population of affected evaluate the clinical patterns of genetic transmission of
patients and families and to describe patterns of inheri- thoracic aortic aneurysm in large populations. That is the
tance and phenotypic features among familial clusters. goal of the present investigation.
Rapid advances are being made in the understanding
of TAA disease at the molecular genetic level. In pedi-
grees with several generations of multiply affected family Material and Methods
members, chromosomal loci have been identified that From nearly 3000 patients presenting since 1996 to the
relate to the TAA phenotype by using the methods of Yale Center for Aortic Disease with TAAs or dissections
linkage analysis and gene sequencing. Thus far, these for operative or nonoperative management, 520 patients
were interviewed to obtain a thorough medical history
Accepted for publication April 19, 2006. and a full pedigree analysis and to permit determination
Presented at the Poster Session of the Forty-second Annual Meeting of of whether other family members had known TAAs.
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Chicago, IL, Jan 30 –Feb 1, 2006. Interviews were conducted in person or by phone with
Address correspondence to Dr Elefteriades, 121 FMB, 333 Cedar St, New prior consent. This study was approved by the Yale
Haven, CT 06510; e-mail: University Human Investigation Committee.

© 2006 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/06/$32.00

Published by Elsevier Inc doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2006.04.098
Ann Thorac Surg ALBORNOZ ET AL 1401

presentation. The rate of aneurysm growth was deter-

mined according to methods previously established at
this institution [10].
In 73 of the 88 familial pedigrees, a correlation was
possible between the site of the TAA in the proband,

either ascending or descending, and the site of the
arterial aneurysms among their kindred, including TAAs,
abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), and cerebral arte-
rial aneurysms. In the remaining 15 pedigrees, a family
member was known to have had an aneurysm, but the
aneurysm site was unknown and could not be
The presence of antecedent hypertension was deter-
mined in 74 familial pedigrees, permitting analysis of the
difference in prevalence between ascending and de-
Fig 1. Flow diagram of pedigrees created.
scending TAA involvement by using the nondirectional
Yates ␹2 analysis.
The interviewees consented to be interviewed. Selec- Rates of aneurysm growth for 160 non-Marfan pro-
tion of patients for interview was essentially random and bands (31 familials and 129 sporadics) were calculated
not based on any clinical patient characteristics. Inter- from the change in the measured aneurysm size on
viewers tended to select for contact, from the overall lists successive imaging studies. The method for calculating
they were provided, patients recently seen rather than this rate of growth was published earlier [10]. The rate of
remotely seen, with regards to the time of interview. The growth of 39 MFS patients analyzed in our prior study is
labor-intensive interview process was conducted episod- included in the analysis. The mode of inheritance is
ically over nearly 10 years, however, so we did not described for the 88 familial pedigrees and confirmed by
anticipate significant selection bias, temporal or other. a clinical geneticist (MR).
Among all patients in all groups, 22% had presented to
Yale or to another institution with a complication (rup-
ture or dissection), and the rest were diagnosed after an
imaging study. Incidence of Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
When a proband reported a positive family history for Familial clustering of TAA was evident in 101 (21.5%) of
aneurysm disease or sudden cardiac death, detailed the 470 non-MFS patients.
investigations were undertaken to determine if the sus-
pect family member(s) indeed harbored aneurysms. With Sex of Probands
few exceptions, the kindred’s having an aortic aneurysm Males predominated in the three groups. This was most
was confirmed either by direct interview of the kindred, pronounced in the familial group (2.5:1) and least in the
by obtaining a corroborating imaging study, or by veri- MFS group (1.6:1).
fying surgery for correction of an aortic aneurysm.
Merely anecdotal cases were excluded. Family screening Age at Presentation
was strongly recommended but was not performed as a A statistically significant difference was noted in the
formal part of this study. When family members were mean age at presentation among the three groups
screened at their local centers, the results were for-
warded to us by the proband and incorporated into our
No evidence of a named syndromic connective tissue
disorder was found in 470 of the 520 patients, and 50 were
classified as having Marfan syndrome (MFS) in accor-
dance with the Gent criteria [9]. The evaluation for
Marfan disease was done by the surgical team, with
formal genetic consultation only when the clinical picture
appeared ambiguous. Of the non-Marfan patients, 101
exhibited familial clustering of TAAs (familial group), and
369 had no family member with TAA (sporadic group). In
the familial group, 23 patients had a relative who was also
a proband in the group, resulting in 88 separate familial
pedigrees. See Figure 1 for a patient flow diagram.
For each group, the age at presentation, site of aneu-
rysm or dissection, and rate of aneurysm growth were
determined. The two-tailed, unpaired Student t test was
used to evaluate for difference in the mean age at Fig 2. Rate of aneurysm growth in different groups.
1402 ALBORNOZ ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

Fig 3. Modes of inheritance. Round symbols represent females and square symbols males. Black symbols indicate individuals affected by aneu-
rysm, and open symbols indicate those free of aneurysm. A crossed line through a symbol indicates that the individual represented has died.
An arrow indicates the proband. Partial blackening indicates an aneurysm other than thoracic (ie, abdominal or cerebral). The alternate aneu-
rysms sites (abdominal, cerebral, other) are represented by blackening in the different corners of the box (right upper, right lower, left lower,
respectively). See the illustrated legend accompanying the illustrations.

studied. Age at presentation refers either to the age at Nature and Anatomic Location of Aneurysm Disease
which a symptomatic patient presented with a compli- For the 520 patients in the three study groups, the
cation or the age at which an asymptomatic patient had ascending aorta was affected with an aneurysm or
an incidental finding of aneurysm on radiographic dissection in 413 cases (79.4%) and the descending
imaging. The MFS patients were significantly younger aorta in 107 cases (20.6%). Arch aneurysms cases were
than the familial group (27.4 years versus 55.4 years, p grouped with the portion of the aorta, ascending or
⬍ 0.0001), and the familial group was significantly descending, most closely related anatomically to the
younger than the sporadic group (58.2 years versus 65.7 arch aneurysm.
years; p ⬍ 0.0001). For the familial group, 63 (79.7%) of 79 ascending
Ann Thorac Surg ALBORNOZ ET AL 1403

Distribution of Kindred Aneurysms

Among the 88 familial pedigrees, the site of the aneurysm
in the family members was known for 73 probands (Fig
4). These 73 probands had 124 kindred with an arterial

aneurysm. Fifty-eight of these had a TAA, yielding 131
family members with TAA, 105 with ascending, and 26
with descending aneurysms. Sixty-six family members
had aneurysms at sites other than the thorax, yielding a
total of 197 probands and kindred with aneurysm in
some site; of these, 131 (66.5%) had TAA, 49 (24.9%) had
AAA, and 17 (8.6%) had cerebral or other arterial
To determine the nature and prevalence of other
arterial aneurysms in kindred of family members with
TAA, we generated all possible pairings of aneurysm
sites for the 131 family members with TAA and their 66
kindred with other arterial aneurysms. This resulted in
193 proband-kindred pairs, 148 pairs involving family
Fig 4. Distribution of sites of arterial aneurysms and dissections in members with ascending TAAs and 45 involving family
kindred of familial probands. AAA ⫽ abdominal aortic aneurysm;
members with descending TAAs.
asc ⫽ ascending; desc ⫽ descending.
It was seen that the pairing of ascending TAAs with
ascending TAAs, 90 (60.8%) of 148 pairs, was signifi-
aortas affected had aneurysms and 16 (20.3%) had dissec- cantly more common than for descending TAAs with
tions. Of 22 descending aortas, an equal number (11, ascending TAAs, 7 (15.6%) of 45 pairs (p ⬍ 0.0001).
50%) were affected with aneurysms as with dissections. Similarly, it was seen that the pairing of descending
For the sporadic group, 235 (82.1%) of 287 ascending TAAs with AAAs, 27 (60.0%) of 45 paired sites, was
aortas affected had aneurysms and 52 (17.9%) had dissec- significantly more common than for ascending TAAs
tions. Of 82 descending aortas affected, 43 (52.5%) had and AAAs, 34 (30.0%) of 148 paired sites (p ⬍ 0.0001),
aneurysms and 39 (47.5%) had dissections. using the nondirectional Yates ␹2 method. As can be
For the MFS group, 41 (87.2%) of 47 ascending aortas seen in Figure 4, the kindred could harbor the aneu-
affected had aneurysms and 6 (12.8%) had dissections. Of rysm in any site, but ascending paired most commonly
3 descending aortas, all were affected with dissections. with ascending and descending paired most commonly
For the three groups, the presented data reveals that with AAA.
the proportion of dissections in the descending aorta was
significantly greater than in the ascending (familial, p ⬍ Hypertension in Ascending Versus Descending
0.05; sporadic, p ⬍ 0.0005; MFS, p ⬍ 0.005) Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
Of 74 probands and kindred in the familial group for
Rate of Aneurysm Growth whom a history of antecedent hypertension could be
Growth rate determinations were done using two mea- ascertained, a statistically higher prevalence was found
surements for each patient, determined a mean of 21
months apart. The weighted average rate of growth was
0.21 cm/y for 31 familial probands, 0.16 cm/y for 129
sporadics, and 0.10 cm/y for 39 Marfan patients (p ⬍ 0.01;
Fig 2).

Mode of Inheritance
Of 88 familial pedigrees evaluated, 70 (79.5%) had an
inheritance pattern that was most consistent with a
dominant mode of inheritance: 30 were autosomal dom-
inant, 24 were autosomal dominant versus X-linked dom-
inant, 15 were autosomal dominant with decreased pen-
etrance, and there was one pair of monozygotic probands
with a likely autosomal dominant spontaneous mutation.
A nondominant pattern could not be excluded in several
of these pedigrees (see Fig 3). The other 18 pedigrees
(20.5%) were most consistent with a recessive inheritance
pattern, eight being autosomal recessive versus X-linked
recessive, five autosomal recessive, and five autosomal
recessive versus autosomal dominant with decreased Figure 5. Hypertension (htn) in ascending (asc) versus descending
penetrance. (desc) familial probands.
1404 ALBORNOZ ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

among patients with descending TAAs, 13 (86.7%) of first-order family members of patients with aneurysms of
15, compared with patients with ascending TAAs, 15 any type should be screened for TAA and AAA. We use
(25.4%) of 59 (p ⬍ 0.001), using the nondirectional Yates cardiac echocardiography for younger individuals (age ⬍
␹2 method (Fig 5). 40) and echocardiography plus computed tomography
(CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the

chest and abdomen for the older group. We screen

Comment siblings, parents, grandparents, children, and grandchil-
The data in this study has remained remarkably constant dren, as well as more distant relatives in highly affected
as our series of analyzed patients has grown and permits families.
the following conclusions: Additional commentary is warranted on several of
these observations.
1. TAAs and dissections are frequently familial diseases.
The predominant mode of inheritance for our TAA
More than 20% of patients with a TAA and no
pedigrees is autosomal dominant, an inheritance mode
known vascular connective tissue syndrome have at
that is best explained by the transmission of a gene(s)
least one first-order family member with an arterial
encoding for a protein that affects the vascular wall
aneurysm. Our data strongly support the growing
integrity. We also found reduced penetrance and vari-
appreciation of a genetic role in the causation of
able expressivity as well as multiple anatomic locations of
TAA. This concept is also emerging strongly in the
familial arterial aneurysms, consistent with other studies
literature from other investigators [5– 8, 11–18], and
of the inheritance pattern of TAAs [18]. The decreased
especially in the pioneering work of Milewicz and
penetrance, however, gives rise to the possibility of
colleagues and [13].
noninclusion of affected family members owing to a lack
2. The predominant mode of inheritance of TAA is autoso-
of overt clinical signs.
mal dominant, with varying degrees of penetrance and
Indeed, it is quite likely that the true rate of inheri-
variable expressivity. Other forms of inheritance,
tance of TAA is even higher than this study indicates.
including recessive patterns, were also noted.
To be counted as affected in this study, a family
3. Relative to their sporadic TAA cohorts, familial TAA
member needed to have a known aneurysm. Many
patients tend to be younger at presentation than sporadic
family members of our probands may well have har-
aneurysm patients—suggesting a more aggressive clini-
bored an aneurysm but simply not have been diag-
cal entity.
nosed or aware. An additional cause for noninclusion
4. Relative to sporadic and Marfan TAA cohorts, familial
was the relatively advanced age of onset of aneurysm
TAAs grow at a higher rate–again suggesting a more
formation, so that younger patients harboring the
aggressive clinical entity and an added risk factor
preclinically overt TAA phenotype may have also been
for associated complications. The range of growth
underdiagnosed [18].
rates noted in this study is consistent with our prior
Our finding in this large series that more than 20% of
reports on our overall population of patients with
TAAs occur with familial clustering is a result that has
TAA and dissection. That TAAs in the familial
remained remarkably constant, because our series of
patients grew faster than even the Marfan patients
analyzed patients has increased and accords with re-
is consistent with one of our prior studies [19].
sults from other series. This statistic certainly under-
5. Patterns of aneurysm clustering between probands and
estimates the true prevalence of aneurysm disease in
their family members are apparent. Probands with
kindred, however, because many family members may
ascending TAAs were significantly more likely to
harbor unknown aneurysms. A limitation of this study
have kindred with ascending TAAs, whereas pro-
is that it is based on interviews and not on routine
bands with descending TAAs were significantly
radiographic screenings of family members. Another
more likely to have kindred with AAAs. This dis-
limitation is that only a fraction of all the patients in
parity in association of aneurysm sites suggests that
our database underwent the labor-intensive patient
descending TAAs and AAAs have clinical and pos-
and family interviews.
sibly pathophysiologic features in common and
We have a program currently underway for screen-
that these features differ from those of ascending
ing family members of probands with thoracic aortic
TAAs. This finding is supported in the literature
aneurysm by two-dimensional ultrasound scans of the
[20, 21].
thoracic and abdominal aortas. This study should ap-
5. Underlying hypertension frequently characterizes de-
proach the true incidence of familial inheritance of this
scending aneurysm patients and their kindred, but not
disease more closely and is essential for accurately
ascending. The significantly higher prevalence of
phenotyping affected family members for the purpose
hypertension in probands and kindred with de-
of linkage analysis. Simultaneously, we are performing
scending TAAs compared with those with ascend-
genome-wide screening of a large cohort of patients
ing TAAs suggests that these segments of the aorta
that may identify specific genetic mutations for this
may also differ regarding certain associated risk
known genetically heterogeneous disorder [22].
factors, with hypertension also being a known risk
Although there is much additional genetic clarifica-
factor for AAAs.
tion to be done, we believe the present study, with a
The thrust of this investigation argues strongly that all wealth of clinical information in a large cohort of
Ann Thorac Surg ALBORNOZ ET AL 1405

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The study by Elefteriades and colleagues at Yale is yet that for sporadic or MFS patients; and these aneurysms
another in the series of seminal contributions his occur at a younger age than sporadic aneurysms,
group has made to the study of thoracic aortic disease suggesting a more aggressive pathophysiology. The
[1]. This study is particularly important because it authors also report that the most common pattern of
highlights the common occurrence of familial patterns inheritance is autosomal dominant with a correlation
of inheritance in thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA) and between ascending aneurysms in the patients (pro-
dissections occurring in patients without defined ge- bands) and ascending aneurysms in the kindreds (fam-
netic syndromes as well as the nature and natural ily members). Similarly, those with descending aneu-
history of these aneurysms. Although this concept is rysms are more likely to have descending thoracic or
not entirely new to this report, there have been re- abdominal aortic aneurysms in family members, sug-
markably few previous studies documenting nonsyn- gesting disparate genetic bases for non-MFS familial
dromic familial predisposition to thoracic aortic dissec- aneurysms in these two locations.
tion and aortic aneurysm disease. In fact, one of the Although the familial occurrence of abdominal aortic
earliest reports documenting a familial pattern of in- aneurysms was first described nearly 30 years ago [3],
heritance for TAA was also published by the Yale the appreciation for the importance of familial inheri-
group [2] in 1999. The findings of the current study tance for thoracic aneurysms is quite recent. As the
confirm and extend the preliminary conclusions of the authors of the current report discuss, the actual inci-
earlier study in a much larger cohort of patients. The dence of familial TAA is likely to be higher than the
key findings of both articles are that approximately 20% estimate due to variable penetrance, the large
20% of non-Marfan’s (MFS) syndrome patients with number of asymptomatic aneurysms likely to be found
TAA have an inherited pattern; the growth rate for in kindreds and the relatively advanced age at presen-
familial non-MFS patients is significantly greater than tation. Thus, in contrast to MFS patients, many first-

© 2006 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/06/$32.00

Published by Elsevier Inc doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2006.06.044

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