Classroom Manangment Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Setting a routine in the classroom is one of the most important things to ensure good

classroom management. Routines and rules need to be set in place from the very beginning of the

year. To make sure those routines are followed keep the students accountable. Making sure

students understand they need to follow the rules and setting a routine that they are most

comfortable with. One thing I think is very important in the classroom is having the students help

with setting up rules. This is a great way to help students realize what needs to be done and why

they are doing it. If the students help set the rules, they will be more likely to want to follow

them as well. In the classroom this might look something like where they are allowed to sit

during free reading time, partner work, and individual work. Student would be able to set the

rules of where they think they would learn and understand the best during different parts of the

day. Along with them getting to help make these rules, there will always be expectations in the

classroom. The students will know starting from day one what my rule, routines, and

expectations are in the classroom.

Engagement & Participation:

I believe student engagement is one of the biggest roles in how the students learn the

material. If the lesson is boring them then they will be less likely to remember down the road. I

think making lessons fun and engaging helps students learn at their best capacity. I believe

students should be moving quite often and not just sitting behind a desk being lectured. This is

how students learn best and attention stays on what matters. During my student teaching I saw

this quite often. In math, we often do a mini-lesson around 15-20 minutes. Most third graders

have the attention span of around eight minutes. We tried to get them moving by at least 10
minutes. I would often have them switch their attention to something else or simply get up and

grab something. This allows them to restart that attention span. Another thing to ensure all

students are engaged and learning is holding them accountable for what they are doing. During

group work not just one member should be doing the work. I think the think-pair-share method

works great and also a gallery walk method. These methods hold students accountable while also

allowing students to have the confidence to speak in front of their peers. Most of all I think

students need to get something out of learning so relating the material to their lives is something

I strive to do so they are more interested in the topics we are discussing.

Relationship are the formation for classroom management. I believe that the better

relationship you have with a student the more you can understand what they need, while also

knowing what they have yet to learn. Coming to school with a good attitude not only helps me

teach my students better, but also helps them learn better as well. If am more positive they will

be too! I know for student teaching working on stuff students are interested in is something that

is important to keep in mind, so they want to learn. One example I can think of is reading, often

students are asked to read books they may not be interested in. I believe we should give some

sort of choice whether it be picking their own free reading book they are interested in or simply

picking guided reading books with topic they like. I think respect goes both ways in the

classroom. If I give you respect, then I expect it back. That goes with building relationships in

the classroom as your students get to understand you more and you understand them you will

soon learn what needs to happen to help the class run smoothly.

Behavior Intervention/Consequences:
I will handle behavior in my classroom on a tiered basis. I will use gentle redirects the

first time the student or students are off task. I can do this in multiple ways such as simply giving
them a look or tapping on their desk, so they know they need to redirect themselves. If the

student keeps going with the misbehavior, Asking the student to repeat what I said or simply

restating what he or she is supposed to be doing. If the student still is acting out, I will ask them

to talk in the hallway. In the hallway we will determine a plan on how we can behave in class.

This will hold the student accountable and help the determine the consequences of their actions.

Finally, if the student still persist the counselor or principal will become involved. I made sure

throughout to be fair and made sure each student is expected to do the same. I gave the student

multiple warnings and even their own decision to make their expectation of what they need to

do. I was consistent and used a soft manner to approach the misbehaving student

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