Reflection Music Printing Music Hit Lit 2 1

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Music Printing: Its History and Development Reflection

Name of assignment being reflected on

Music Printing: Its History and Development

Date of assignment being reflected on

Due 5/7/19 Completed 5/1/19

Description of how you fulfilled the assignment

(who, what, when, where, as appropriate)
Careful research and planning ahead helped a lot with this assignment. In my
dorm room after a quick stop by the school library, I decided I wanted to work
ahead to prepare this project as to give myself time to prep for the presentation.

Analysis of assignment’s value, how it enhances your ability, etc.

I would definitely rate the importance and value of this assignment as high. I have
personally grew in areas of understanding through this topic through research and
close observation to interesting facts that I missed the first time I studied about
music printing.

Appraisal of how the assignment (or skills involved in completing it) fits into your
future plans, how worthwhile completing it was, etc.
I plan to be heavily involved in church music ministries after I graduate so it’s just
really cool that I was able to grow in my appreciation of music that much more
through this assignment.

Discussion of how completing the assignment has changed you

It for sure, gave me a deeper appreciation and love for music. Studying more
intently how much work some people put into reproducing music has made me
appreciate music that much more.

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