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A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 1

A Study on the Life of William Byrd

Daniel Brandon
Music History & Literature I
A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 2


● An English organist and composer of the Renaissance born in 1538 in Lincoln, United
● He wrote in many of the forms current in England at the time, including various types of
sacred and secular polyphony, keyboard, and consort music.
born in 1538 in Lincoln, United Kingdom
● Begins musical training at the age of 7
● in 1563 William Byrd meets Thomas Tallis and becomes the organist and master of the
choristers at Lincoln Cathedral
● In 1572, he becomes a member of the Chapel Royale
● In 1575 Elizabeth I granted William Byrd and Thomas Tallis a joint monopoly for the
importing, printing, publishing, and sale of music and the printing of music paper.
● 1588-1591 he published four collections of his own music: Psalmes, Sonets, & Songs of
Sadness and Pietie (1588), Songs of Sundrie Natures (1589), and two further books of
Cantiones sacrae (1589 and 1591).
● 1593-1595- He composes and publishes three masses for 3,4,and 5 voices
Best known for his development of the English madrigal.
● He also wrote virginal and organ music that elevated the English keyboard style to new
● Composed and published what are considered to be the finest 4 and 5 voice masses
composed by an English Composer in his time.
● He wrote extensively for almost every medium then available
● Played an extremely important role, pioneering the development of the freely composed
fantasia, which was to become the most important form of Jacobean and later composers.
● His virginal and organ music brought the English keyboard style to new heights and
pointed the way to the achievements of other English composers, such as John Bull, Giles
Farnaby, Orlando Gibbons, and Thomas Tomkins.
A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 3

A Study on the Life of William Byrd

William Byrd was an extremely gifted composer and organist who lived between 1538 - 1623

during the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation, best known for his development of the

English madrigal.Byrd's works include English polyphonic songs, keyboard pieces and liturgical

music; undoubtedly his best vocal compositions are his Latin Masses and motets. As an English

organist, He wrote in many of the forms current in England at the time, including various types

of sacred and secular polyphony, keyboard, and consort music and also wrote extensively for

almost every medium then available. It was undeniable that even from an early age, Byrd was

simply destined to be a great Composer

Early life

William Byrd was born in 1538 in Lincoln, United Kingdom and by the age of 7, he began his

musical training. Very little of Byrd’s origins and early life in London little is known. We do

know, however, that he was a pupil and protégé of the organist and composer Thomas Tallis, and

his first authenticated appointment was as organist at Lincoln Cathedral in 1563 and in 1572 he

returned to London to take up his post as as a member of the Chapel Royal, (This career move

vastly increased Byrd's opportunities to widen his scope as a composer and also to make contacts

at Court) where he worked closely with Thomas Tallis as an organist.

A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 4

William Byrd and Thomas Tallis

Since Thomas Tallis was a very renowned and gifted composer (he is noted to be the earliest

known English Composer), there is no question as to how he and William Byrd quickly rose to

the spotlight with their many compositions and great works. Perhaps what contributed the most

to the success of this duo has to do with an interesting approval made by Queen Elizabeth I

herself, as depicted by an article in

In 1575, Queen Elizabeth granted to Thomas Tallis and William Byrd a 21-year

monopoly for polyphonic music and a patent to print and publish music, which was one

of the first arrangements of that type in the country. Tallis' monopoly covered 'set song or

songs in parts', and he composed in English, Latin, French, Italian, or other tongues as

long as they served for music in the Church or chamber. Tallis had exclusive rights to

print any music, in any language. He and William Byrd were the only ones allowed to use

the paper that was used in printing music. Tallis and Bryd took advantage of the patent to

produce a grandiose joint publication under the title Cantiones que ab argumento sacrae

vocantur consisting of 34 Latin motets dedicated to the Queen herself.

When Tallis died in 1585, Byrd is said to have wrote these words, “Tallis is dead and music

dies” --a lament which captures the esteem and veneration in which Tallis was held by his fellow

composers and musical colleagues in the 16th century and, indeed, by the four monarchs he

served at the Chapel Royal.

A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 5

Works and Great Accomplishments

Some of William Byrds greatest accomplishments take place from 1588 to 1595. Starting from

1588 until 1591 he published four collections of his own music: Psalmes, Sonets, & Songs of

Sadness and Pietie (1588), Songs of Sundrie Natures (1589), and two further books of Cantiones

sacrae (1589 and 1591). Even with these great accomplishments, from 1593 to 1595 he also

composes and publishes three masses for 3,4,and 5 voices.( of which are considered to be the

finest 4 and 5 voice masses composed by an English Composer in his time) We also find that

through these, he also wrote virginal and organ music that elevated the English keyboard style to

new heights Composed and published what.

What’s more, I also, find it amazing to note that he is credited to have played an

extremely important role, pioneering the development of the freely composed fantasia, which

was to become the most important form of Jacobean and later composers. His virginal and organ

music brought the English keyboard style to new heights and pointed the way to the

achievements of other English composers, such as John Bull, Giles Farnaby, Orlando Gibbons,

and Thomas Tomkins.

To sum it up, I believe that Tom McComb says it best, “ Taken together, Byrd's huge

legacy of music – several hundred individual compositions – makes him one of the most brilliant

composers in Western history. His vocal music has retained its popularity from his own time

directly into ours, and his other music is now growing in appreciation as it is rediscovered. In

particular, Byrd's position in the history of keyboard music is once again assured, and his

contribution to the development of the North German virtuoso style is now firmly established.”
A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 6


Basic Repertoire List - Byrd. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Home of The Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace. (n.d.). Retrieved from
A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 7


Name of assignment being reflected on​ - ​A Study on the Life of William Byrd

Date of assignment being reflected on​ - ​November 29, 2018

Objective, standard, Educated Christian Statement component or cross-curricular

concern assignment relates to​ - ​I think it was really cool to study William Byrd. The

objective of this assignment I believe was to help me in learning and appreciating the

development and important historical information in this era of music

(Reformation/Renaissance) which really did serve its purpose. The Christian statement

component of this assignment appeared to be that music in the church came about by

consistent strenuous work by many different composers and we should take it seriously.

Description of how you fulfilled the assignment (who, what, when, where, as

appropriate) ​- ​I assigned this assignment by spending a collective time of 3 hrs in the

library and 2 hours of work in my dorm room studying and researching. I found it

beneficial overall to search through many articles and databases with additional unique

information that I never knew before concerning William Byrd

Analysis of assignment’s value, how it enhances your ability, etc. ​- ​This assignment

helped me to realize how valuable it is to study the history of music because we can

benefit through techniques from past composers

Appraisal of how the assignment (or skills involved in completing it) fits into your

future plans, how worthwhile completing it was, etc​. - ​Since I’m planning to be a song
A Study on the Life of William Byrd Daniel Brandon 8

evangelist, this assignment helps me to realize that behind every song I sing, there’s a

story and it’s important to know it.

Discussion of how completing the assignment has changed you​ -​ It’s helped me to

take music history more seriously. It’s important to study music history since God takes

music seriously.

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