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Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and cycling.

Recommended exercise includes to run, to swim, and cycling.

Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and to cycle.

Recommended exercise includes running, to swim, and cycling.

Question 2.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

Exercise helps people maintain healthy bodies and handling mental pressures.

Exercise helps people maintaining healthy bodies and handle mental pressures.

Exercise helps people maintain healthy bodies and handle mental pressures.

Exercise helps people to maintain healthy bodies and handling mental pressures.

Question 3.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

Many people exercise because they want to look healthy, because they need to increase
stamina, and because they hope to live longer.

Many people exercise because they want to look healthy, to increase stamina, and because they
hope to live longer.

Many people exercise because they want to look healthy, because they need to increase
stamina, and to live longer.

Many people exercise because they want to look healthy, to increase stamina, and because they
are hoping to live longer.

Question 4.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

The strikers had tried to shout, threatening, and pleading.

The strikers had tried shouting, threatening, and pleading.

The strikers had tried shouting, to threaten, and pleading.

The strikers had tried shouting, threatening, and to plead.

Question 5.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

The strikers had tried shouts, to threaten, and pleas.

The strikers had tried shouts, threats, and pleas.

The strikers had tried shouts, threats, and to plea.

The strikers had tried to shout, threats, and pleas.

Question 6.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

The strikers read the offer, discussed it, and unanimously to decide to reject it.

The strikers are reading the offer, discussed it, and unanimously decided to reject it.

The strikers read the offer, discussed it, and unanimously decided to reject it.

The strikers read the offer, discussing it, and unanimously decided to reject it.

End of Question 6

Question 7.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

You come to understand what to expect when you are teasing a cat, or toss a pebble in a pool,
or touch a hot stove.
You come to understand what to expect when you tease a cat, or toss a pebble in a pool, or
touch a hot stove.

You come to understand what to expect when you tease a cat, or tossing a pebble in a pool, or
touch a hot stove.

You come to understand what to expect when you tease a cat, or toss a pebble in a pool, or
touching a hot stove.

End of Question 7

Question 8.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

Differing expectations for marriage can lead not only to disappointment but also to anger.

Differing expectations for marriage can lead not only to disappointment for the couple but also
to anger.

Differing expectations for marriage can lead not only to disappointment but also to angering the

Differing expectations for marriage can lead not only to a disappointment but also to anger.

End of Question 8

Question 9.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you
cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the
time, but not fooling all of the people all of the time.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people sometime, but you cannot
fool all of the people all of the time.

You can fool some of the people, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all
of the people all of the time.

End of Question 9

Question 10.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

By night, the litter and desperation disappeared as the city's glittering lights came on; by
daytime, the filth and despair reappeared as the sun rose.

By night, the litter and desperation disappeared as the city's glittering lights came on; by day,
the filth and despair reappeared as the sun rose.

At nighttime, the litter and desperation disappeared as the city's glittering lights came on; by
day, the filth and despair reappeared as the sun rose.

At night, the litter and desperation disappeared as the city's glittering lights came on; but when
day dawned, the filth and despair reappeared as the sun rose.

End of Question 10
Question 11.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

He took us up the hill, through the valley, and then we went across the river.

He took us up the hill, and then through the valley, and across the river.

He took us up the hill, then through the valley, and across the river.

He took us up the hill, through the valley, and across the river.

Question 12.

Which example avoids faulty parallelism?

The experience taught us to be courageous, patience, and humility.

The experience taught us courage, patience, and humility.

The experience taught us courage, patience, and to be humble.

The experience taught us courage, to be patient, and humility.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Radiation pollutes the ocean, contaminates the air, and is damaging to bone cells.

Radiation pollutes the ocean, causes air contamination, and can damage bone cells.

Radiation pollutes the ocean, contaminates the air, and damages bone cells.

Radiation pollutes the ocean, it contaminates the air, and causes damage to bone cells.
Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Over the weekend, Sue mowed the lawn, baked a cake, and was reading a book.

Over the weekend, Sue mowed the lawn, baked a cake, and read a book.

Over the weekend, Sue mowed the lawn, baked a cake, and she read a book.

Over the weekend, Sue engaged in lawn-mowing, cake-baking, and read a book.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Driving a car there may be just as fast as a train trip or boarding a bus.

Driving a car there may be just as fast as riding by train or a bus trip.

Driving a car there may be just as fast as taking a train or riding a bus.

Driving a car there may be just as fast as going by train or a bus trip.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

My over-ambitious nephew desires fame, popularity, and to be a wealthy man.

My over-ambitious nephew longs to be famous, popular, and make himself wealthy.

My over-ambitious nephew wants to become famous, popularity, and wealth.

My over-ambitious nephew is determined to achieve fame, popularity, and wealth.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Jill needs a ride to the post office, the supermarket, and to the library.

Jill needs a ride to the post office, to the supermarket, and the library.

Jill needs a ride to the post office, the supermarket, and the library.

Jill needs a ride to the post office, the supermarket, and a lift to the library.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Mom loves walks on the beach, Italian food, and to go stargazing.

Mom loves taking walks on the beach, eating Italian food, and to gaze at stars.

Mom loves to walk on the beach, eating Italian food, and stargazing.

Mom loves walking on the beach, eating Italian food, and gazing at stars.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

In his younger days, Grandpa was an encyclopedia salesman, delivered newspapers, and was a

In his younger days, Grandpa sold encyclopedias, delivered newspapers, and he painted houses.

In his younger days, Grandpa sold encyclopedias, delivered newspapers, and painted houses.

In his younger days, Grandpa was an encyclopedia salesman, a newspaper delivery-boy, and did
housepainting work.
Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Rich Mrs. Vanderlay vacations in spring, summer, and in the fall.

Rich Mrs. Vanderlay vacations in spring, summer, and fall.

Rich Mrs. Vanderlay vacations in the spring, in the summer, and fall.

Rich Mrs. Vanderlay vacations in spring, in summer, and in the fall.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

In the comic books, Batman wears a cape, a cowl, and has a utility belt.

In the comic books, Batman is caped, cowled, and wears a utility belt.

In the comic books, Batman wears a cape, a cowl, and a utility belt.

In the comic books, Baman is caped, wears a cowl, and a utility belt.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Frankly, I would rather eat stale pizza than to eat fresh spaghetti.

Frankly, I would rather eat stale pizza than be eating fresh spaghetti.

Frankly, I would rather be eating stale pizza than eat fresh spaghetti.

Frankly, I would rather eat stale pizza than eat fresh spaghetti.
Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

My brother likes tennis more than to be playing baseball.

My brother likes tennis more than to play baseball.

My brother likes to play tennis more than playng baseball.

My brother likes tennis more than he likes baseball.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

On our family trips to Alaska, I love to hunt, to fish, and camping.

On our family trips to Alaska, I love hunting, fishing, and camping.

On our family trips to Alaska, I love hunting, fishing, and to camp out.

On our family trips to Alaska, I love to hunt, fishing, and camp-outs.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

My dog Bradford likes fetching sticks, hunting rabbits, and to chase cats.

My dog Bradford likes stick-fetching, rabbit-hunting, and to engage in cat-chasing.

My dog Bradford likes to fetch sticks, to hunt rabbits, and also chasing cats.

My dog Bradford likes fetching sticks, hunting rabbits, and chasing cats.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)
Carlotta's new boyfriend kept her out dancing and attended parties with her all night.

Carlotta' new boyfriend kept her out at dances and going out to parties all night.

Carlotta's new boyfriend kept her going to dances and out at parties all night.

Carlotta's new boyfriend kept her out dancing and partying all night.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Tim would rather pay for his education than to be a recipient of financial aid.

Tim would rather pay for his education than to receive financial aid

Ted would rather pay for his education than be receiving financial aid.

Tim would rather pay for his education than receive financial aid.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Linda likes biking, rodeos, and to build birdhouses.

Linda likes biking, attending rodeos, and building birdhouses.

Linda likes to bike-ride, attending rodeos, and to build birdhouses.

Linda likes to ride bikes, attend rodeos, and to build birdhouses.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

My objections are, first, that this measure is unjust; and, second, its unconstitutionality.

My objections are, first, the injustice of the measure; and, second, it is unconstitutional.

My objections are, first, this measure's injustice; and, second, because it is unconstitutional.

My objections are, first, that this measure is unjust; and, second, that it is unconstitutional.
Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

We thought his behavior was petty, it was vulgar, and we found it rude.

We felt his behavior displayed pettiness, vulgarity, and was rude.

We agreed that his behavior was petty, vulgar, and rude.

We found his behavior marked by pettiness, vulgarity, and by rudeness.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Yes, you deserve some fun, but working is just as important as it is to play.

Yes, you deserve some fun, but work is just as important as play.

Yes, you deserve some fun, but working is just as important as play.

Yes, you deserve some fun, but to work is just as important as playing.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Citizens, this is a time not just for talking but to take action!

Citizens, this is a time not just for talk but for taking action!

Citizens, this is a time not just to talk but for action-taking!

Citizens, this is a time not just for talk but for action!
Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Our union demands higher salaries, that safety conditions be improved at work, and shorter

Our union demands that salaries be higher, working conditions be better, and that we get
shorter hours.

Our union demands higher salaries, safer working conditions, and shorter hours.

Our union demands higher salaries, safer conditions to work in, and shortening the number of
work hours.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

Old Mr. Drake wrote his dead wife's name slowly, carefully, and with love.

Old Mr. Drake wrote his dead wife's name slowly, with great carefulness, and with love.

Old Mr. Drake wrote his dead wife's name with slowness, carefully, and lovingly.

Mr. Drake wrote his dead wife's name slowly, carefully, and lovingly.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

The candidate is charismatic, he has charm , and has the contacts to run successfully.

The candidate has the charisma, the charm, and the contacts to run successfully.

The candidate has the charisma, the charm, and he has the contacts to run successfully.

The candidate is charismatic, charming, and has the contacts to run successfully.
Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

This new breakfast cereal has lower fat content and has had its vitamin richness increased.

This new breakfast cereal is lower in fat and its vitamin content is rich.

This new breakfast cereal is lower in fat and it has had a vitamin richness increase.

This new breakfast cereal is lower in fat and richer in vitamins.

Which item below displays "parallelism"--in other words, is written with correct use of "parallel
structure"? (1 point)

In many high schools, persistent truancy results in suspension or getting expelled.

In many high schools, persistent truancy results in being suspended or expulsion.

In many high schools, persistent truancy results in suspension or expulsion.

In many high schools, persistent truancy gets students suspended and is an expulsion cause.

Olympic athletes usually like practicing, competing, and to eat ice cream sandwiches.

Olympic athletes usually like practicing, competing, and eating ice cream sandwiches.

Olympic athletes usually like to practice, compete, and eat ice cream sandwiches.

For dinner we like lamb chops and to fry brussel sprouts.

For dinner we like lamb chops and brussel sprouts.

For dinner we like to grill lamb chops and fry brussel sprouts.

Sam is responsible for stocking merchandise, writing orders for delivery, and sales of computers.

Sam is responsible for stocking merchandise, writing orders for delivery, and selling computers.
At Lincoln High School, vandalism can result in suspension or even being expelled from school.

At Lincoln High School, vandalism can result in suspension or even expulsion from school.

Mother could not persuade me that giving is as much a joy as to receive.

Mother could not persuade me that giving is as much a joy as receiving.

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