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ls – this command is used to see the list of files

present on a computer
syntax- ls
Cat – this command is used to create a new file or
to see the contents of existing file.
a) Cat > file name
Press Ctrl + d to save file

b) Cat file name

#cat > book

this is a file created in linux
Ctrl + d

# cat physics
rm – this command is used to delete a file
syntax- rm <file name>
rm physics

-i this option is used to delete a file after

rm –i book
delete book yes/no?
pwd – this command shows name of present
working directory.
Syntax- pwd
mkdir – this command is used to create a new
syntax- mkdir <directory name?

cd – this command is used to go to desired

Syntax- cd <directory name>
mkdir science
cd science
cd without any option is used to go to home
cp – this command copies files from one directory
to another.
Syntax- cp <source> <target>
cp science/phy other
cp science/* other

mv – this command moves files from one directory

to another.
Syntax- mv <source> <target>
mv science/che other

cal – this command is used to see calendar of

desired month.
Syntax- cal <month> <year>
Cal 7 2020
man – this command is used to get help on any
command of Linux.
Syntax- man <command>

man ls

more – This command is used to see the contents

of file page wise.
Syntax – more <file name>
wc – this command is used to count number of
words, line and characters in a file.
Syntax- wc <file name>

grep – this command is used to search a word in a

Syntax – grep ‘word’ <filename>
vi – It is word processing program of LINUX. It is
used to create, edit, and save file.
syntax – vi <file name>
who – this command is used to see list of users
with their login time.
Syntax- who
who am I – this command show current user’s
name and login time.
Syntax- who am i

Differences between LINUX and Windows-

1. LINUX is Free of cost software but Windows
OS needs to be purchased
2. LINUX is open source operating system (it is
not protected by copyright) but Windows not
open source OS. It is protected by copyright
and end user license agreement(EULA)
3. LINUX commands are case sensitive while
commands of windows can be written in upper
case as well as lower case
4. LINUX OS is difficult to learn and used than
5. There are limited number of application
software available for LINUX while large
number of application software available for
Microsoft windows
6. LINUX is considered as more secure than
7. LINUX being used from Microcomputer to
supercomputer, but Microsoft window is
mainly used for microcomputer or PC
8. LINUX is updated in every 6 months, but new
versions of windows generally release after 2
or 3 years

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