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IV Semester Diploma Examinations Oct/Nov. 2019
Q.NO. Marks breakup Total marks
1. Define 1Mark x 5 5
i. Explanation 2Marks
2. ii. Sketch 3Marks
i. Statement 3Marks
3. ii. Any Two Limitations 2Marks
i. Statement 3Marks
4. ii. Expression 2Marks
5. Any five advantages 1Mark x 5 5
i. Explanation 2Marks
6. ii. Sketch 3Marks
7. Any Five losses 1Mark x 5 5
i. Define 1Mark
8. ii. Two conditions 2Marks x 2
i. Chezy’s formula 2Marks
9. ii. Manning’s formula 2Marks 5
iii. Notations 1Mark
Q.NO. Marks breakup Total marks
(a) Define 1Mark x 2 2
(b) i. Area of plate 1Mark
10. ii. Total pressure 3Marks
iii. Centre of Gravity 1Mark
iv. Centre of Pressure 3Marks
(a) Any one difference 3Marks 3
(b) i. Sketch 2Marks
11. ii. Equating heads/Pressure of right and left limb 3Marks 7
iii. Difference in mercury level 2Marks
(a) i. Areas of smaller and larger end 1Mark
ii. Discharge 2Marks 4
iii. Velocity of smaller end 1Mark
12. (b) i. Areas of inlet and throat 1Mark
ii. Head calculation 1Mark 6
iii. Discharge equation 2Marks
iv. Substitution and answer 2Marks
(a) Any one difference 2Marks x 2 4
(b) i. Datum z1 and z2 1Mark
ii. Areas a1 and a2 1Mark
13. iii. Velocities v1 and v2 1Mark 6
iv. Bernouli’s equation 1Mark
v. Substitution and calculation of pressure 1Mark

(a) i. Define Three Coefficients 1Mark x 3

14. ii. Relationship 1 Mark
(b) i. Cv formula and calculation (1+2) Marks
(1+2) Marks 6
ii. Cc formula and calculation
(a) i. Explanation 1Mark
ii. Sketch 2Marks 4
iii. Discharge equation 1Mark
(b) i. Discharge formula 3Marks
ii. Substitution and calculation 3Marks
(a) i. Definition 2Marks
ii. One difference 1Marks
(b) i. Discharge formula 2Marks
ii. Substitution and calculation of head 3Marks 7
iii. Height calculation 2Marks
(a) Define each 1Mark x 2 2
(b) i. Discharge calculation 2Marks
ii. Loss of head formula 2Marks
iii. Substitution 2Marks
iv. Calculating diameter 2Marks
i. Calculating n 1Mark
ii. Economical section formula 2Marks
iii. Establishing relation between d and b 2Marks
18. iv. Chezy’s Discharge formula 2Mark
v. Substitution and calculating d 2Marks
vi. Calculation of b 1Mark
(a) Any Four comparison 1Mark x 4 4
19. (b)
i. Sketch 3Marks
ii. Working 3Marks
Certified that the Model answers prepared by me for code no 15CE41T are from prescribed text book and
model answers and scheme of valuation prepared by me are correct.

Signature of Chief reviewer

Selection Grade Lecturer
MEI Polytechnic


IV Semester Diploma Examinations Oct/Nov. 2019
1. i)Compressibility
The property by virtue of which fluids undergo a change in volume under the action of external
pressure is known as compressibility.
Viscosity is the resisting property of a fluid to shearing force.
iii)Atmospheric Pressure
The weight of the air column above unit area of the earth’s surface is called the atmospheric
iv)Specific Weight
The specific weight is defined as the weight per unit volume at standard temperature and
v)Mass Density
The density of a liquid may be defined as mass per unit volume at a standard temperature and
2. U-tube differential manometer
It is used to measure the pressure difference between two points. These points may be on
same pipe or in different pipes. It consists of a U-tube, containing heavy liquid. The ends of U-tube
are connected to the points whose pressure difference is to be determined.

hA = Pressure head at A,
hB = Pressure head at B,
S2= S1 = Specific gravity of liquid at A and B,
S = Specific gravity of heavy liquid,
h = Difference of heavy liquid (mercury) level in the U-tube,
h1 = Distance between the point A and mercury or heavy liquid in right limb,
h2 = Distance between the point B and mercury level in right limb.
Difference in pressure head at A and B


3. Bernoulli’s Theorem
Bernoulli’s theorem states that in an ideal, incompressible and steady flow, the total energy at
any point of the fluid remains constant.

i) It is assumed that the velocity at a cross-section is uniform which is not true. The velocity
at centre is maximum and gradually decreases towards the wall of pipe due to friction.
ii) It is assumed that no external force except the gravity force is acting on liquid. But, in
actual practice, some external forces always acting on the liquid.
iii) It is assumed that there is no loss of energy of liquid particle while flowing. But actually
energy losses occurs in liquid flows due to viscous and turbulent friction.
iv) If the liquid is flowing in a curved path, the energy due to centrifugal force should also
be taken into account.
v) Bernoulli’s equation is applicable only steady, incompressible and irrotational flows.
4. Forms of Energies in a flowing liquid
Potential energy
The potential head is due to the position of the fluid element from a datum line. It is denoted by z.
Kinetic energy
The kinetic head is due to the velocity of flowing liquid. If ‘v’ is the velocity of flow, then
Kinetic head = , Where, ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity which is equal to 9.81.
Pressure Energy
Pressure head is due to the pressure of liquid and it is measured as
Where, p = pressure and w = weight density of the liquid.

5. Advantages of a triangular notch over rectangular notch

Following are the advantages of triangular notch over rectangular notch.
1. The computation of discharge for a right angled V notch is very simple.
2. To find the discharge only one reading H ( head ) required to be taken in triangular notch.
3. For measurement of low discharge, a triangular notch gives more accurate results than a
rectangular notch.

4. Triangular notch can measure a wide range of flows accurately.

5. In most of cases of flow over the triangular notch, the velocity approach may be neglected.
A surge tank is a storage reservoir on a long pipeline or penstock of turbine so that to receive
water on suddenly stoppage of water on closing of the valve. Surge tank helps in relieving the
pipeline of excessive pressure produced due to valve closing, thereby eliminating water hammer
effect by admitting a large mass of water in it. Surge tank also helps on supplying additional water
when valve is opened so as to meet the initial large water requirement of the turbine to start. Surge
tanks are also used in large pumping plants to control the pressure variations, resulting from rapid
changes in the fluid flow.

7. Losses in flow through pipes

1. Loss of head in pipes due to friction
2. Loss of head due to sudden enlargement.
3. Loss of head due to sudden contraction.
4. Loss of head at the entrance to pipe.
5. Loss of at the exit of a pipe.
6. Loss of head due to obstruction in a pipe.
7. Loss of head due to bend in a pipe.
8. Loss of head in various pipe fittings.
8. Most Economical Section
A section of an open channel is said to be most economical or efficient when it carries the
maximum discharge for a given cross sectional area.
Conditions for the most economical trapezoidal section



Where, C is known as Chezy’s constant, m = hydraulic mean depth, i = Slope of the channel bed.

m = hydraulic mean depth, i = Slope of the channel bed.

10. (a) Total pressure
Total pressure is defined as the force exerted by a static fluid on a surface. It is always perpendicular
to the surface.
Centre of pressure
The centre of pressure is defined as a point on the immersed surface at which the resultant of
all the hydrostatic pressure act and is always expressed in terms of depth from the liquid surface.
(b) Diameter of plate, d = 2.7 m
Distance of C.G. and free water surface, x = 2.5 m
𝜋𝑑2 𝜋×2.72
Area, 𝐴 = = = 5.72𝑚2
4 4

i) Total pressure :
We have,
𝑃 = 𝑤𝐴𝑥̅ = 9.81 × 5.72 × 2.5 = 140.28𝑘𝑁
ii) Centre of pressure :
𝜋𝑑 4 𝜋 × 2.74
𝐼𝐺 = = = 2.60𝑚4
64 64
𝐼𝐺 2.6
ℎ̅ = 𝑥̅ +
= 2.5 + = 2.68𝑚
𝐴𝑥̅ 5.72 × 2.5
Position of centre of pressure = 2.68 m
11. (a) Simple Manometers
A simple manometer consists of glass tube whose one end is connected to point where pressure
is to be measured and other end is open to air. The pressure at a point is obtained in terms of
difference of level of fluid flowing through pipe.
Differential Manometer
It is used to measure the pressure difference between two points. These points may be on
same pipe or in different pipes. It consists of a U-tube, containing heavy liquid. The ends of U-tube
are connected to the points whose pressure difference is to be determined.

11. (b)

12. (a) d1=150mm = 0.15m, d2= 50mm = 0.05m, v1=2.5m/sec


𝑎1𝑣1 0.01767 × 2.5

𝑣2 = = = 22.53𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝑎2 0.00196

12. (b) d1 = 150mm = 0.15m, d2 = 100mm = 0.1m, S = 0.8, Cd = 0.98, hm =250mm= 0.25m

𝑆𝐻 13.6
ℎ=[ − 1] = [ − 1] × 0.25 = 4𝑚
𝑆 0.8

0.98 × 0.017 × 0.00785√2 × 9.81 × 4 0.001158

𝑄= = = 0.0772𝑚3/𝑠𝑒𝑐
√0.0172 − 0.007852 0.015
13. (a) (i) Uniform and Non uniform Flows
Uniform flow: The type of the flow, in which the velocity at any given time does not change
with respect to space, is called uniform flow. Example: Flow through a pipe of constant
Non uniform flow: It is that type of flow in which the velocity at any given time changes
with respect to space. Example: Flow through a pipe of varying diameter.
(ii) Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow
Laminar flow: A laminar flow is one in which paths taken by the individual particles do not
cross one another and move along well defined paths.
Turbulent flow: A turbulent flow is that flow in which fluid particles move in a zig-zag way.
Example: High velocity flow in a conduit of large size, flow of water in river.
13. (b) l = 300m, d1 = 1m, d2 = 0.5m, Q = 900lit/sec=0.9m3/sec, Pipe slope 1 in100, p1 = 80kN/m2


𝑄 0.9
𝑣1 = = = 1.14𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝑎1 0.7854
𝑄 0.9
𝑣2 = = = 4.58𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝑎2 0.1964

80 1.142 𝑝2 4.582
+ +3= + +0
9.81 2 × 9.81 9.81 2 × 9.81



14. (a) Hydraulic co-efficients

Coefficient of Velocity (Cv)
It is the ratio of the actual velocity of the liquid jet at vena- contracta to the theoretical value of
the liquid jet.
Coefficient of contraction (Cc)
It is the ratio of the area of the jet at vena-contracta to the area of the orifice.
Coefficient of discharge (Cd)
It is the ratio of the actual discharge to the theoretical discharge.

14. (b) x = 0.55m, y = 0.080m, H = 0.95m, Cd = 0.60

𝐶𝑣 = = 0.997
√4 × 0.080 × 0.95

𝐶𝑐 = = 0.601
15. (a) Discharge through an external mouthpiece
The mouthpiece in a from of short tube is fixed to the orifice having length of about 1.5 to 2
times the diameter of orifice so that vena contracta of the jet occurs inside the short tube and also
jet is fully developed inside the tube before discharging out. Hence the coefficient of contraction
becomes unity.
Discharge through external mouth piece given by equation,

Where a = Area of mouthpiece,

H = Height of the liquid above the centre of mouthpiece.
Here Coefficient of discharge, Cd = 0.855

15. (b)
H = 0.30 m, Cd = 0.6

8 60
𝑄= × 0.6 × 𝑡𝑎𝑛 ( ) × √2 × 9.81 × 0.305/2 = 0.0403𝑚3 /𝑠𝑒𝑐
15 2
16. (a) Cippoletti weir
The Cippoletti weir is a trapezoidal weir having 1 horizontal to 4 vertical side slopes. By providing
slopes on the sides, the reduction of discharge due to the two end contractions from length will be
compensated by the increase in discharge through the triangular portions .
Discharge through cippoletti weir is same as rectangular weir.

16. (b) L = 5m
Total depth of water on u/s = 1.5m
Cd = 0.6
Q=2m3 / sec

2= × 0.6 × 5 × √2 × 9.81 × 𝐻 3/2
3 2
𝐻2 = = 0.225
𝐻 = 0.2252/3 = 0.37𝑚

Height of weir = depth of water on upstream side – H = 1.5 – 0.37 = 1.13m

17. (a) Hydraulic gradient line

Total energy line

It is defined as the line which gives the sum of pressure head, datum head and kinetic head of
a flowing fluid in a pipe with respect to some reference line.
if the total energy of various points along the axis of the pipe is plotted and joined by a line, the line
so obtained is called Total energy line or energy gradient line.


17. (b) l = 4Km = 4000m

No. of inhabitants = 5000
Consumption = 200lpcd = 0.2m3/head per day
hf = 2m
f = 0.008

0.008 × 4000 × 0.0142

3 × 𝑑5
𝑑 5 = 1.04 × 10−03
𝑑 = (1.04 × 10−03)1/5 = 0.25𝑚 = 250𝑚𝑚
18. i= 1/1800, Q = 0.6m3/sec, C = 60

For most economical channel section


0.60 = 1.75𝑑 2 × 60√0.5𝑑 × = 0.175𝑑 2.5
0.60 1/2,5
𝑑=( ) = 0.65𝑚
19. (a) Comparison between centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump

19. (b) Pelton wheel

The Pelton wheel is an impulse turbine where the hydrostatic head is expanded down to
atmospheric pressure in one or two nozzles.


A Pelton wheel/turbine consists of a rotor, at the periphery of which are mounted equally
spaced buckets. Water is transferred from a high head source through penstock which is fitted with
a nozzle, through which the water flows out at a high speed jet. The vanes, generally called buckets,
receive the jet at the centre. The jet then spreads out equally in opposite axial directions. The flow
rate through the nozzle is controlled by varying the position of a spear in the nozzle passage .All
the available potential energy is thus converted into kinetic energy before the jet strikes the buckets
of the runner.

Certified that the Model answers prepared by me for code no 15CE41T are from prescribed text book and
model answers and scheme of valuation prepared by me are correct.

Signature of Chief reviewer

Selection Grade Lecturer
MEI Polytechnic


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