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For More Question Papers Visit - 15MATIL ‘irst Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2018/Jan.2019 Engineering Mathematics - I Time: 3 hrs, Max. Marks: 80 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 1 1a. Find ynif y= (06 Marks) Sx+6 b. Find the angle between the curves r = a(1+Cos 0) r= a” Cos 20 (OS Marks) da’ (2% ' ¢. Find the radius of curvature for the curve y? = 42 28-7) where the Carve meSts x-axis. x (0S Marks) OR 2 a Ifx= Sint y =Cosmt prove that (I-x’)y,..—(2n+Dxy,+(m’—n")y,=0 (06 Marks) ». Find the Pedal equation of the curve r" = a"(Cosm + Sinm®) (05 Marks) ©. Show that for the curve r (1 — Cos6) = 2a p” varies as r°. (05 Marks) Modute-2 3 a, Obtain the Taylor’s expansion of tan’'x in powers of x — | up to the term containing fourth degree (06 Marks) fa 2 b. Evaluate lim) —--Cot x (05 Marks) >is) a y’ tan '| — | show that —— (OS Marks) ty) exéy OR 4° a. Using Maclaurin’s series prove that V1 Sin2x = 14x — > a (06 Marks) b. (05 Marks) c (05 Marks) .¥ = 2 Cos3t, Module-3 5 a. A particle moves along a curve whose parametric equations are x = € z=2 Sin 3t where tis the time, Find the velocity and acceleration at any time t and also their magnitudes at t = 0 (05 Marks) b. Find div F and curl F where F= V(x! + y' +2'- 3xyz) (05 Marks) ©. Show that F=(y +2)i + (ztx)j + (x+y)k is irrotational. Also find a scalar potential such that F=V6. (06 Marks) For More Question Papers Visit - 10 For More Question Papers Visit - 1SMATIL OR If F=(3x°y —2)i + (xz) + y*)j — 2x°2’k find grad (div F) at (2, -1, 0) (06 Marks) Show that F= s both solenoidal and irrotational (05 Marks) Prove curl (grad 4) = 0 for any scalar function 4 (05 Marks) Module-4 Obtain reduction formula for J ‘Sin "xdx where n is a positive integer. (06 Marks) Evaluate f ‘Cos'3xSin? 6x dx using reduction formula. (05 Marks) yoosx Fsiny FY _ 9, (05 Marks) nx +X COSy +X OR Obtain reduction formula for JCostxax where n is a positive integer. (06 Marks) Obtain the orthogonal trajectory of the family of curves r = a(1+Sin®) (05 Marks) If the temperature of the air is 30°C and meial ball cools from 100°C to 70°C in 15 minutes, find how long will it take for the metal ball to reach temperature of 40°C (05 Marks) Mi eS, Ql -3 -1 ri23 -1 Find the rank of the matrixA=)) (06 Marks) ol 1-1 Solve by Gauss Jordan method 2x + Sy +7z= $2, 2x+y-z=0,x+y+z=9. (0S Marks) Find the largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector by power method given that, 4 1%! 2 3. ~1)by taking the initial approximation to the eigen vector as [1 0.8, - 0.8]! 215 (05 Marks) OR Use Gauss seidel method to solve the equations x+y +542= 110, 27x + 6y-2=85, 6x + ISy + 22= 72, (06 Marks) 3 Reduce the matrix to diagonal form ’] and hence find A‘. (05 Marks) Reduce the quadratic form 8x” + Ty’ + 3z” - 12xy + 4xz — 8yz into canonical form. (05 Marks) For More Question Papers Visit -

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