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363 Portfolio SLOs Rubric

By Leslie Bruce
SLO Absent or Below Basic Developing Proficient
Rhetorical Awareness: Shows Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
sophisticated attention to audience's these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
needs, defining necessary terms and on more than a few
ideas and using audience-appropriate occasions.
language. The assignment's purpose is
1 clear and achieved with style. Transitions
between genres and styles with ease.

Ethical Research: Correctly uses MLA-, Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
APA-, or other appropriate style these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
parenthetical citations, quotation marks, on more than a few
and works cited list. Introduces each occasions.
source fully when appropriate—reader
2 knows who did the research or
communicating, for whom, and why.

Persuasion: Supports controlling ideas Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
and paragraph claims with relevant, these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
thorough, and insightful reasoning and on more than a few
analyzed evidence. Sources are occasions.
judiciously balanced and synthesized
3 (with author's opinions and analysis,
when appropriate).

Organization: Clear, specific Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
organizational devices (thesis, statement these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
of purpose, or controlling idea; topic on more than a few
sentences, headings, tabs, dropdowns, occasions.
transitions, page intros) tie ideas together
4 logically and seamlessly. Paragraphs are
Language: Outstanding control of Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
language, including effective diction and these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
sentence variety. Communicates the on more than a few
text's message clearly. Language occasions.
respects gender and cultural differences.

Design: Sophisticated, consistent design Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
follows effective design principles (e.g., these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
alignment, proximity) and enriches the on more than a few
text's message. occasions.

Collaboration: Offers insightful, specific Rarely or never meets Occasionally meets these Usually meets these criteria;
critique to peers and responds these criteria. criteria. Flawed execution uneven performance.
thoughtfully to peer and instructor on more than a few
critique during peer review and revision. occasions.
The style and substance of any
6 collaborative documents are unified; they
appear as though one writer composed
Consistently meets all criteria.

Consistently meets all criteria.

Consistently meets all criteria.

Consistently meets all criteria.

Consistently meets all criteria.

Consistently meets all criteria.

Consistently meets all criteria.

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