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1. Find the area of the shaded region. The graph depicts the standard normal distribution with
mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

2. Find the indicated z score. The graph depicts the standard normal distribution with mean 0
and standard deviation 1.
3. Find probability for the following;
a. P(-1.96 ≤ z ≤ 1.96)
b. P(z ≤1.645)
c. P(z ≤ -2.575 or z ≥ 2.575)
d. P(z ≤ -1.96 or z ≥ 1.96)

Use this information (based on data from the National Health Survey) to answer the following
questions 4-6:
• Men’s heights are normally distributed with mean 69.0 in. and standard deviation 2.8 in.
• Women’s heights are normally distributed with mean 63.6 in. and standard deviation 2.5 in.

4. Doorway Height The Mark VI monorail used at Disney World and the Boeing 757-200 ER
airliner have doors with a height of 72 in.
a. What percentage of adult men can fit through the doors without bending?
b. What percentage of adult women can fit through the doors without bending?
c. Does the door design with a height of 72 in. appear to be adequate? Explain.
d. What doorway height would allow 98% of adult men to fit without bending?

Doorway Height The Gulfstream 100 is an executive jet that seats six, and it has a door- way
5. height of 51.6 in.
a. What percentage of adult men can fit through the door without bending?
b. What percentage of adult women can fit through the door without bending?
c. Does the door design with a height of 51.6 in. appear to be adequate? Why didn’t the
engineers design a larger door?
d. What doorway height would allow 60% of men to fit without bending?

6. The USA Army requires that men have heights between 64 in. and 80 in.
a. Find the percentage of men who meet the height requirements. Are many men denied the
opportunity to become a Marine because they do not satisfy the height requirements?
b. If the height requirements are changed so that all men are eligible except the shortest 3%
and the tallest 4%, what are the new height requirements?

7. A statistics professor gives a test and finds that the scores are normally distributed with a
mean of 25 and a standard deviation of 5. She plans to curve the scores.
a. If she curves by adding 50 to each grade, what is the new mean? What is the new
standard deviation?
b. Is it fair to curve by adding 50 to each grade? Why or why not?
c. If the grades are curved according to the following scheme (instead of adding 50), find the
numerical limits for each letter grade.
A: Top 10%
B: Scores above the bottom 70% and below the top 10%
C: Scores above the bottom 30% and below the top 30%
D: Scores above the bottom 10% and below the top 70%
F: Bottom 10%
d. Which method of curving the grades is fairer: Adding 50 to each grade or using the
scheme given in part (c)? Explain.

8. Using the simple random sample of weights of women from city XXX, we obtain these
sample statistics: n = 40 and x = 146.22 lb. Research from other sources suggests that the
population of weights of women has a standard deviation given by  = 30.86 lb.
a. Find the best point estimate of the mean weight of all women.
b. Find a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean weight of all women.
9. Randomly selected statistics students of the author participated in an experiment to test their
ability to determine when 1 min (or 60 seconds) has passed. Forty students yielded a sample
mean of 58.3 sec. Assume that  = 9.5 sec.
a. Find the best point estimate of the mean time for all statistics students.
b. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean of all statistics
c. Based on the results, is it likely that their estimates have a mean that is reasonably close
to 60 sec?

10. A random sample of the birth weights of 186 babies has a mean of 3103 g and a standard
deviation of 696 g (based on data from “Cognitive Outcomes of Preschool Children with
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure,” by Singer et al., Journal of the American Medical Association,
Vol. 291, No. 20). These babies were born to mothers who did not use cocaine during their
a. What is the best point estimate of the mean weight of babies born to mothers who did not
use cocaine during their pregnancies?
b. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean birth weight for all such babies.
c. Compare the confidence interval from part (b) to this confidence interval obtained from
birth weights of babies born to mothers who used cocaine during pregnancy:
2608 ≤ µ ≤ 2792 g. Does cocaine use appear to affect the birth weight of a baby?

11. In a test of the Atkins weight loss program, 40 individuals participated in a randomized trial
with overweight adults. After 12 months, the mean weight loss was found to be 2.1 lb, with a
standard deviation of 4.8 lb.
a. What is the best point estimate of the mean weight loss of all overweight adults who follow
the Atkins program?
b. Construct a 99% confidence interval estimate of the mean weight loss for all such
c. Does the Atkins program appear to be effective? Is it practical?

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