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1) How would you say that Dr. Jose Rizal life in Dapitan while he was in exiled?

Answer: The four-year interregnum in his life was tediously unexciting, but was abundantly fruitful with
varied achievements. It was the period when Rizal had been more focused on serving the people and
the society through his civic works, medical practices, land development and promotion of education.

2) How would you relate on your educational experiences and of Dr. Jose Rizal education experiences in
his early studies at the traditional village school

and at Atene9 and UST?

Answer: The educational experience of Dr. Jose Rizal is remarkably excellent compare to mine but as I
relate on my Educational experience to Dr. Jose Rizal's experience he was starting learning through his
mother and so am I, my mother taught me how to read, to write and to pray. During his traditional
village school, he was bullied by his maestro due to his tall height, long neck, sharp nose and body bent
forward unlike me I was bullied by my classmate. Dr. Jose Rizal earned excellent marks in subjects like
philosophy, physics, chemistry, and natural history. My educational experience reflects who am I now
just like Dr. Jose Rizal did start from small to bigger achievements in life.

3) Why do we need to study the revolution that failed and what is the significance towards it?

Answer:Studying Revolution that failed is just logically valuing the line “ Learn from Mistake” .According
to Napoleon Bonaparte, France Emperor “God fights on the side with the best artillery”. It is true that
fighting with the best weapon you can win a war or a revolution but sometimes having simple minds as a
simple weapon to conquer is not easy, but this is not about winning it is about learning of what you have
failed. The Characteristic of revolution comprises of Courage and Persistent to make a change but
struggling a revolution is uncontrollable and unpredictable so the only thing we can do is to prepare. The
main importance of studying revolution that failed is you gain knowledge and strength to think
alternatives to counter back and to avoid of what point is weak, by doing this we keep on learning of
what mistake is done.

4) How did Dr. Jose Rizal contribute to the reform movement?

Answer: The reform movements were comprised of different intellectual reformist one of them was Dr.
Jose Rizal. The contribution he made was founded La Liga Filipina and his known two novels Noli Me
Tangere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Subversive) exposed to the world the injustices
imposed on Filipinos under the colonial regime of Spain.

5) What are the consequences of Dr. Jose Rizal's activities and writing?

Answer: Rizal drew on his personal experiences and depicted the conditions of Spanish rule in the
islands, particularly the abuses of the friars, due to this exposition the Filipino National develop its
consciousness of the wrongdoings and unruly colonial. The exposition of Rizal brought serious
consequences which result in the angriness of Spanish Governments and friars leads to his life at risk.
6) What truly happened on his last hours on the trial and execution of Dr. Jose Rizal?

Answer: December 29, 1896 , Captain Rafael Rodriguez read the death sentence and would be shot at
the back by a firing squad at 7:00 am , Bagumbayan. He spent his last moment in the prison chapel
visited by father Miguel Saderra Mata and Father Luis Viza. He was interviewed by a Spanish Journalist
for the Newspaper. The draft of the retraction letter sent by anti-Filipino for signature but Rizal rejected
it because it was too long and he did not like..

December 30, 1896, Rizal heard a mass, he confessed his sins and took holy communion. At 5:30 he took
his last breakfast, after this he wrote two letters for his family and his older brother paciano. Rizal gives
his last gift to Josephine Bracken which is a religious book entitled “Imitation of Christ by Father Thomas
Kempis”.At 6:00 Rizal wrote his last letter to his beloved parents while the soldiers were getting ready
for the Death March to Bagumbayan. At 7: 00 am he was shot at the back.

7) What is the final works of Dr. Jose Rizal and what is the significance?

Answer: The poem often reflected the dual beauty and cruelty of his country, leading to Rizal's final
poem written just before his execution, "Mi último adiós" ("My Last Farewell"), the content of this last
piece is to tell us how beautiful the Philippines and how rizal wants us to learn from our past and to see
the truth about how the world views us. The significance of this is to expresses the love for the country,
the freedom expression and open our eyes to see what is going on, beware of happenings, that we
should speak what is in our mind and stood with our own feet.

8 What relevance does Dr. Jose Rizal in your college education?

Answer: The relevance of Dr. Jose Rizal to my college education is to value Education more than
anything else as my path to my goal and success. The value of hardship and sacrifices while in college
give me strength with the support of my family to continue, how may it disappointing , tearful and
challenging still I will not give up just like what Dr. Jose Rizal did.

9) Is Dr. Jose Rizal still relevant among millenials? What is your view towards this question?

Answer :Yes, because he became an inspiration for us to achieve our goals by striking it in the sense of
knowledge and values. My point of view on this question as millennial valuing Dr. Jose Rizal is that he is
a role model to value study and to express what is right. He is brave to express his ideas and beliefs even
his life at risk. He is helpful to serve his countrymen, especially in medicine and education.

10) How do you explain in yourself the life and legacy of Dr. Jose Rizal as a national hero of the Republic
of the Philippines?

Answer: The Life and legacy of Dr. Rizal admired us starting from an excellent student , intellectual
reformist civic works, medical practices and promotion of education but all of these abundant
achievements still he manages to become patriot because he cares about his fellow countrymen. A hero
symbolizes goodness. Jose Rizal became the National hero because he fought from freedom in a silent
but powerful way, ”Pen is mightier than sword”. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his
novels, essays, articles and poems rather than a force of aggression.

Dead line would be on our opening of our schedule class.

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