Tomas Pop Cycle 2

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Online Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)
Revised 4.20.17

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle
1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section 2, Part B: ME
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be transcribed into one
document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for ILP.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Michael Tomas Physical Education 7-10

Mentor Email School/District Date

Charter Home School Acad./Visalia
Rebekah Moor 3/20/19
Unified School District

Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title

Students will engage in vigorous
physical activity (cardio & strength), in Mechanics of Body
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Workout Assessment & Goal Setting
order to assess and set appropriate Movement/Activity & Health
future goals to improve their fitness.

CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating
NT pedagogical skills are Skills are developing as NT Skills are applied as NT Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as NT
newly formed and just investigates and examines makes increased relevant combines elements into a expands ability to add new
coming into prominence pedagogical practices and suitable use of cohesive and unified methods and strategies
pedagogical choices pedagogical repertoire into pedagogical
Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1
CSTP Element Initial Rating
and 2.)
Using and adapting resources, technologies, Teacher (Applying) – Have students adapt to new technologies utilizing their smart phones and
CSTP and standards - aligned instructional materials, Teacher – 3 various applications to give them information to biometric information.
3.5 including adopted materials, to make subject Student – 2 Student (Exploring) – Students expand their knowledge and explore the possibilities of using
matter accessible to all students technology for biometric information.
Teacher (Applying) – Implement a consistent way that students can accurately set personal
CSTP Involving all students in self-assessment, goal Teacher – 3 goals and track their progress on a weekly basis.
5.5 setting, and progress monitoring. Student – 3 Student (Applying) – Students respond to the various goals set, using information from their
pre-test workout (or last quarter numbers/times).
Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference
Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson plan. Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis Are students’ goals better completed/achieved if they hold
● What is your inquiry focus and/or each other accountable for one another (group
special emphasis? accountability) or if they are allowed to excel on their own
Always make sure that you are checking for
● How will you incorporate the (individual accountability)? Do their pre/post scores
understanding from your students. Make sure to ask
inquiry focus and/or special improve as a result, or do they get worse?
questions that are specific to the lesson.
emphasis into the lesson?
● What specific feedback do you want Are there some questions that I may be missing to aid in
from your ME? student learning?
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Jesus L. – Requires extra explanations or clarification of Jenaya R. – IEP requires the aid of auditory instruction
Focus Students instruction. Occasionally does not understand what is if anything requires reading. If any materials that are Jesse F. - underperforms physically when compared to other
handed out are typed, an auditory or verbal peers in his age bracket. Student may not set proper goals
required of him, and ends up repeating incorrect or extra
● Summarize critical explanation should also be included. Sometimes
due to his lack of confidence or uncertainty of personal
physical tasks. performance.
needs and how you misunderstands detailed instructions.
will address them I will address Jesus by preparing a step-by-step worksheet so I will address Jesse by pairing him with a student who is
that the movements required of him are easily understood and I will address Jenaya by pairing her up with a student somewhat similar (yet slightly better) in terms of physical
during this lesson. can be followed easily. I will try to minimize his errors in that is focused and able to verbally guide her through performance. The hope is that he is given assurance that if
one of his peers who also struggles is able to perform, then he
terms of following along and maintaining the correct order of the physical assessment. can be encouraged to do so as well.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 4

Again, make sure that you are checking for
Given my summary of critical needs for these students, did
understanding throughout the lesson. It is even more
● What specific feedback regarding my plans of addressing them work? What did not work? Is
important for the focus students, as they may already
your focus students do you want there any other ways that they can be improved or is there
have some difficulty with classroom instructions.
from your ME? something that I overlooked to help them be successful in the
Make sure that you allot adequate time for questions
and clarification.

If from an outside perspective, was my lesson At the end of the class period, ask the students to
Specific Feedback implementation clear enough? I want to be sure that my share something with their partner that they learned
● What additional specific feedback communication that I have on paper translate well to the today. You can ask for an informal report from
do you want from your ME students. Was it communicated well, or were there gaps in various groups to see if as a class they also
regarding lesson implementation? the information? understood what was communicated for the class

The lesson will begin with warm-up with partners (students
Instructional Planning choose their partners). They will undergo a series of warm-
● How is the lesson structured up movements to prep the body for vigorous activity. Once
(opening, body, and closing)? warmed up, the entire class will go over each movement, the
● What varied teaching strategies and order of movements, and how they will be scored. Each pair
At what point in the class are you going to
differentiated instruction will help will go through each movement to ensure safety, and if any
communicate the objective for the day?
students meet lesson goals? adjustments need to be made, they will be made at this time
● What progress monitoring (ex. if anyone has any injuries that they cannot perform full
strategies will be used? How will range of motion, adjustments can be made). In closing the
results inform instruction? period, the students will reflect on their performance and set
appropriate long-term goals for the quarter.

Student Engagement/Learning
This would be an appropriate time to ask for
● How will you make the lesson
The lesson will be relevant to all students because it allows reflective statements, or if students ask the question,
relevant to all the students?
them to assess their current overall physical performance “why are we doing this?” to explain to them why.
● How will students show progress
and be able to track their progress till the end of the year. Probably ask what they can do with this physical
towards master of lesson

Classroom Management
● How will you maintain a positive I believe that grouping the students appropriately will
learning environment with a provide a “push” for each student in the class. Of course, at
Probably a good time to review with students some
welcoming climate of caring, atmosphere of positivity is always a rule in my classroom in
positive phrases or examples that they can motivate
respect, and fairness? that this is an assessment for improvement not boastfulness,
each other.
● Identify specific classroom so even those students who are in phenomenal shape need to

procedures and strategies for improve themselves. Each student’s performance is versus
preventing/redirecting challenging themselves, not others in the classroom.
● How will you close your lesson? The closing of the lesson will include self-reflection of how What will the self-reflection look like? A journal?
● How will you assess student they are feeling, and a goal setting time based on what they Verbalized to their partner? How will they keep
learning and prepare them for the experienced. track of this?
next lesson?
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery
Student groups answered worksheet
Students completed the worksheets
EXAMPLE When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked questions that included all levels of
and were able to ask questions. Most
CSTP 1: Engaging All additional questions of analysis and Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving
groups needed revisions for their
Students evaluation (“which problem-solving strategy strategies; pick two strategies and
questions; comparison/contrast was
● In what ways do you prefer? How could you create a math identify at least one similarity and one
the most common analysis question. I
were students problem that could be solved with this difference between them”). Groups then
need to give them a Bloom’s question
engaged? strategy?”) selected a strategy and created two
stems handout next time.
math problems to exchange tomorrow.

Specific Feedback Students were able to complete the

Students were given a worksheet with
● What information Teacher was very clear with his explanation given workout circuit. I feel that I
a description of the workout. Some
can you provide as to what was to be accomplished for the could have made it more challenging
questions were asked, and they were
the NT regarding day. What was handed out was clear for those who are already physically
able to fill out the appropriate sections
requested enough to understand. fit. I need to make these adjustments
during the class period.
special feedback? in the future.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 4
CSTP 1: Engaging All
● In what ways
were students
engaged? How
were students
not engaged? Is there any way to speed up the warm-
Because the students are in their 4th
● How did students Students lined up in their appropriate areas up process to become more efficient?
quarter of the year, I feel that they are
contribute to and each of them was actively participating Is it possible for the groups to start
on “auto pilot” when it comes to the
their learning? in the warm-up. When it came to the once their entire group gets there, or
warm-up. They are able to read on the
● How did teacher explanation of the day’s activities, students do you always want them to wait for
announcement board what the warm-
and/or students asked questions if anything was unclear to the bell before they begin? Teacher
up for the day is, and when they are in
monitor them. had to correct and re-focus a few
their groups, they complete it.
learning? groups during the warm-up.
● How were the
focus students
engaged and
throughout the

CSTP 2: Effective
Try separating the class into two equal
groups so that each one is doing Reflecting on the layout of the gym
Environment The teacher assigned various areas in the
something different, and then switch and the design of the workout, I feel
● How did students gym for the various movements and the
roles. Have a group of students be that I could’ve utilized the outside
and teacher students quickly complied. The space was
autonomous doing the warm-up while portion of the field more instead of
contribute to an well organized as a result.
you play a short game with the other cramming all of the stations inside.
effective learning

CSTP 3: Organizing
Subject Matter
● What actions of
the NT
When I initially designed the workout
contributed to
for the class, I thought that it was
more than enough for all of the
assimilation of Teacher can look into more advanced
varying physical levels of the students
subject matter? The teacher’s lesson was organized in a options for students who are above
based on what they have done in the
● How did students step-by-step manner where each movement and beyond the required movements.
past. What I did not take into account
construct was described and demonstrated. The The re-focusing of some of the groups
is the vast improvements that they
knowledge of students were also given opportunities to can possibly be avoided if they are
have made throughout the year. I
subject matter? try and correct their movements. given something more physically
need to look more closely at the
● What challenging them.
gathered data throughout the year in
order to challenge those students who
did students
physically excel in my class.
have and how
were they
addressed by the
CSTP 4: Learning
● How were
All of my students participated in the
The students were organized into groups assigned workout, and I was pleased
through The activity allowed for different skills
where they held their peers accountable for to not hear any complaining from the
differentiated and fitness levels. Again, teacher may
the work performed. Each student was students. I made sure to emphasize
instruction? want to look into an even higher level
engaged by performing exercises, the different skill progressions should
● How did students for those who physically excel.
encouraging, or evaluating their peers. the students have difficulty with some
of the movements.
● How did the NT
contribute to
CSTP 5: Assessing
Student Learning At the end of the class, I made it a
● How did students point to ask the students about
demonstrate There was numerous times where the several points from today’s lesson. If a
achievement of teacher informally assessed the groups in Although each station rotation was student “kind of knew” the answer, I
lesson the classroom. The teacher also did a quick carefully thought out, teacher may would ask other students to “help”
objectives? review of the lesson at the end, and he want to explore a proper cool down them, and encouraged them that they
● In what ways did asked several students for several points of and reflection time in the class period. were on the right track, which they
students struggle emphasis from the lesson. were, but I always look for extended
or demonstrate reasoning’s and rationales from my
limited students.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 4
● What teacher
contributed to

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

I believe that the students physically achieved the purpose of the lesson. Any movement is good, but when it is structured
To what degree did and purposeful (in this case – upper & lower body, with a cardiovascular interval), it is great! There were most definitely
students achieve lesson varying degrees of success, but I believe that it correlates with the varying degrees of physical difference and body types
objectives? within the class. We discussed ways that I can possibly be more efficient in the classroom and how to better deal with those
students who tend to drift off task.

Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice

Jesse was able to perform all of the
Jenaya excelled at the workout and
movements required of him. In the
she was able to understand all of the
To what degree did Jesus finished the entire workout task. He past, he has physically struggled
verbal instructions given to her
focus students achieve completed each movement with success. He with some of the movements, but
during the class period. Moreover,
lesson objectives? did ask questions about how to fill out his has since grown. Assessing him at
she was able to explain key points
worksheet, but that was quickly clarified. the end of the year should show
accurately at the end of the class
that he no longer struggles

I would try to utilize my surroundings in the gym as well as outside the gym when designing the workouts. Although I feel
What would you do
that each workout station had enough room and the rotations went smoothly, I haven’t really explored the possibility of
differently next time?
“expanding” the stations to utilize what we have outdoors.

What were three top The engagement of the students, the key points that the students were able to verbalize at the end of the class, the
Lesson Strengths? completion of the workout by all of the students.

What were three top

Management of classroom surroundings, degree of difficulty for students to excel physically, time management.
areas for improvement?

Now that it is almost the end of the year, I need to have the students physically assess each other and have them set goals to
What are next steps?
maintain over the summer and set target goals for next year.
Other Comments/Notes

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 4

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