Coppersmith Self Esteem Inventory Adult Version

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Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory: Adult Version

Original Citation - Ryden, M. B. 1978. An adult version of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem

Inventory: Test-retest reliability and social desirability. Psychological Reports 43:1189–1190.

Price & Availability - Click here to view instrument on the University of Michigan website.  

Brief Description of Instrument - Measures self-esteem in adults.

Scale Format - Checklist, 58-items.

Administration Technique - Self-administered questionnaire.

Test-retest Reliability - Correlation ranges from 0.78-0.80 after 6 to 58 week interval.

Construct Validity - Found to correlate with Marelow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale.

Notes for Consideration - The reported scale is a modified form of the Coopersmith Inventory
for children.   25 item short-form is also available.

Published APN Studies Using Instrument - Adams P. Insight: a mental health prevention
intervention.   Nurs Clin North Am. 2000
Jun;35(2):329-38.   View in


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