Peer Review

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Definition Author: Ahlauna King 

Peer Reviewer's Name: Matthew Kim 

Part 1: SLO Scores 

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):   

1-Below Basic  2-Developing  3-Proficient ​ ​ 4-Advanced 

SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):     

1-Below Basic  2-Developing ​ ​3-Proficient​ 4-Advanced 

SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):   

1-Below Basic  2-Developing  3-Proficient ​ 4-Advanced 

SLO #4--Organization (conventional definition organization is present): 

1-Below Basic  2-Developing  3-Proficient ​ ​4-Advanced 

SLO #5--Language and Design (middle-level language and user-friendly, logical design): 
1-Below Basic  2-Developing  3-Proficient ​ ​ 4-Advanced 

Part 2: Successes and Challenges   

Two Successes: 

1. The paper is organized extremely well! The headings are used in order to separate 
different sections of information. The way that each section is separated makes the whole 
paper inviting and easy to read. The use of chunking and the overall design on the paper is 
aesthetically pleasing to the eye, which grabs the attention of the reader and keeps the 
reader interested.  

2. The definition strategies applied in some parts fit well into the paper. There are definitely 
some words that may be unknown to the reader and fitting small points and definitions 
within the sections help ease understanding. For example, in the Background Information 
section, you define “genome” within the section after you introduce the word. Many people 
may not know the definition of genome and I like how you put it within the sentence to ease 

Two Challenges: 
1. The last two pictures are not cited and have no captions. This is required to explain what 
is going on in the picture and what source the picture came from! 

2. Some sections feel a bit empty and in my opinion, require a little more information in 
order to create a full and complete understanding. For example, in the Environmental 
Effects section, you can go more into depth on how the factors affect the epigenome. 
Environmental factors are important and you can also give more effects/factors that affect 
the epigenome in order to give more reason and purpose behind why this topic is important 
to the reader.  

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