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Englfsfi idrbms & tdiomaffc Expressions

Happfness - Sadness
on cloud nine A perwn rrtro is on fuud nine is very happy because
something rronderful has happened-
Whentfre &ess onnounced my promation, I was on eteud nine.

cry oneb ey€ If you cty Wur eyes out, you cry a lot ard for a lorry tinre.
out tuly san cried his eyes acrt when he disovered hk bike had
fuen stolen.

like a dog with lf sonrwre b like a dq wifr, fun faile they ate exhernely
two hils happy-
When Paul wan the first prize he was like a dag wrth twe taits.

down in Sonreone s'ho b down in ttre dumpsb deprcssed or
dumps feeling gloomy.
Alex has been down in the dumps since he failed his excm.

down in the WtEn s<xnetxre b &rtar in fie fimiufrt, they bok

mouth unhappy, dismuraged or @ressed.
You look a bit down in the mouth. Whqt's the rnqtter?

face like a wst lf sorneone has a fu like a wet vwk+rld., tey bok sad
week-end and miserabb.
What's wrafig with Pete? He's got a face tike a wet week-endt

fool's paradise lf someone b lMrg in a fool's pradrise., they are in a

state of conbntnent that will not last because their '
happines b based
on illusion orfalse hqe-
liso is living in a faot's paradise rf she thinks her bass is going
to marry her.

full of lfie joys lf you are tull ot the firys of spring, you are happy,
of spring enthusiastic and full of energy.
8*rbara is fut| af the jays af sp*ng at the mament! ffes she
gat a new boyfriend?

grin from earto lf wnebody ginsfrom earto ear, they lookvey satisfied
car and happy.
When wesow Paul grinningfram earta esr, we tnew he hod
possed the exam.

grin like a lfilhen sorneorrc has a smib on their fae because ftey
Chehirc cat are happy or satisfied about something, ttey gin like a
Cheshire cal
f kner,nsfie hcd sueceeded when t saw ker witk a grin Erke a
Cheshire cat.

happy camper Someone who is a happy campris generally mnbnt or

satisfied wi$r ufiat is happening in their lives and has no
With bis new iob and his new car, An* is a heppy can Wr-

happy as a flea lf someone is (as) haryy as a flea in a dogtrcuse., they

in a doghouse are very happy and contented.
Sinee she rnoved ta e smctter opcrtment, my mather is cs
happy as ofleo in o dogheusel

happy as Larry lf you are (as) haryy as Lany, you arc very happy
My dad's as heppy as Larry at the week-end whe* we cll
onive hame.

happygo-lucky lf you are a happygo-lucky person, you are cfieerful and

careftee all the tirne-
He's a happygo-lucky sort af guy - always in gaod humeur.

your ftearf sinks lf your heart sinl<s. you ftd very unhappy and
My heart sank when I saw the amaunt af wo* r*aiting fur me.

iump for joy Wten gb jump forioy, they ergress their happiness
throqgh excited movements and gmfures.
The player jumped far jay when he scored the winning gwL

Engtistt ldroms & tdiomatic Exp,ressrons

ff4ppfness - Sadness

litu is just a This elpression means that life is pleasant and

bowl of uncomplicated.
cherries fl-his phrase is often used ironically to mean the opposite.)
Naw that he's retired, my grandfather says'tife isjasf a bowt af

lump in lf you have a lump in yourthrwt, you have a t$ht belirg in

your throat your Brroat because of a strong snotion such as sadness or

The speech wcs so tauching t lsr f had a tur*p in my t&rmf"

rnusic to ff somefrring b musrc to your ears, frre information that you

your eaGi receive makes you fuel very happy.
His complimettswere musicta my eor.

neYgr lf you say that you neuer fuked back,you m€n that after an '
Iooked event rryfiich changed your lib for the better, you oontinue to
back be happy with tte situation.
Sfnce *e doy she decided to wark frarn home, she has never leoked

over frre lf you ane overlhe nrrcxxt ahut someffiing, you are \tery
m(xrn happy about iL
When she heard the results af the exam, Caroline was over tke

paint*te lf you pintthe twn td, you go out and enioy a lively
town red evenirg in bars, n(1ht+luhs, etc.
To celebrate the victory, the team's supryrters painted the tawn

as pleased Sonreone wtro b as p/eased oras proud as punch is

as punch del[hted orfeeb very satisfied about something-
Danny wos os praud as punch when he won the tennis rnctch.

in rap&rres lf you are in npfurcs about sonrehing, you ate delighted or

very enfrrusiastic.
Coraline is in raptures about her new aryrtment.

stars in lf sonreone has sfars in ffteireyes,frrey are boking exhmely

your eyes happy-
She hod stors in her eyes when she sow the car she had won-

in seventft lf you are in *venth lreaven, you are exhemdy happy-

heaven Everytime shewins c mateh, she's in seventh hewen!

in stitches Wflar peoph are in sftcfies, they are laughirg a H-

The story wes sofunny, evelyone wos in stitches.

&rilled to Someore wlro b hritld to bits is exbemely pleased about

bits something.
lulie was thritled to bfts when her praiec:t was selecred.

tickled pink lf you are ticl6,d pink, you are very pbased about sunefting-
My dad was tickted pink when he wes osked ta a*nsunce tbe

time of lf you have the time of our life, you enioy yourself very mucfi.
your liG The kids hcd the time af their lives ot Dis*ryfo*d.

on top of lf you feel on tq of tlle world, you are exhenrely happy

the world because everytfiing is going well for you.
[t's bee* such o good year for Amlr that she feets a* top af the

walking on When you are happy and exciled because of a phsant event
air that makes you fuel as if you are flmting, you ate walking on
kphie has fuen watking an cir since her pai*ting woz:' tke first

ndrabver Although you don't quite agree wi$r sonreone, ffs their cfioiae
floats your and you think they shonH so wtratever makes them happy.
boat You're going to spetd yaur honeymaan in AteskeT Weff, whataner
fraors- your baat!

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