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By Samantha
Bordering States State Flag:

● Washin ton and Ore on are The Idaho Territory adopted its first
borderin Idaho in the west. official seal on March 5, 1866. The only
● Nevada and Utah are borderin state seal desi n, created by a women
was, Emma Edwards Green’s desi n.
Idaho in the south.
She desi ned the 1891 state seal. The
● Montana and Wyomin are state seal was similar to the first one
borderin Idaho in the east. just with sli ht chan es. This seal, is
the seal seen on the fla today.
Alon side the valley, the summers are rarely
hot. The ni hts are said to be per ect in Au ust
and July.

Winter can have heavy snow alls.

Late all can also have winter temperatures

and can be snowy.

The temperature can be at 64 de rees in the

summer. In the winter the weather can drop 30
de rees.
Idaho Sports Teams (professional teams)

Baseball: Football: Hockey: Basketball:

Idaho’s baseball team Idaho’s ootball team is Idaho’s hockey team is Idaho’s basketball
is the ”Boise Hawks.” the “Boise State the “Idaho team is the “Idaho
The team is a 6x Stampede.” The team
Broncos.” This is the Steelheads.” Their
lea ue champions. is part o the NBA!
They play in the the most popular team. The plays are at downtown They are Western
Memorial Stadium that team’s ames are very Boise in a 5,000 seat Division champions o
has 3,500 seats. The important. The team Qwest Arena. ECHL is the 2005-2006 season.
team is a arm team plays in the Bronco a amous nationwide They are also
or the Chica o Cubs stadium has 33,500 lea ue. The team is a 2007-2008 lea ue
and in a class A seats. ECHL Kelley cup champions. They play
Northwest Lea ue o in downtown Boise with
Pro essional Baseball.
champions. They are 5,000 seats in a qwest
The team was ormed champions o the arena. The team was
in 1987. 2006-2007 and also ormed in 1997.
2003-2004 seasons.
Famous People:

12.Jason Gray: Comedian , 34

1. Aaron Paul: TV Actor, 40 13.Jeremy Warner: Comedian, 34
2. Jeremy Shada: TV Actor, 23 14.Lillian Disney:illustrator, 1899-1997
3. Claire Blackwelder: TV Actress, 26 15. Lana Turner: Movie Actress,
4. Johnny Sequoyah: TV Actress, 16 1921-1995
5. Christian Jacobs: TV Actor, 48 16. Sydney Ray Bass: Reality Star, 28
6. Sarah Palin: Politician, 56 17. Lauri Peterson: Reality Star, 59
7. Steve Cook: Model, 35 18.Nick Symmonds: Runner, 36
8. Dree Hemin way: Model, 32 19.Taysom Hill: Football Player,29
9. Torrie Wilson: Wrestler, 44 20.Christian Jacobs: retired
10. Isabella Boylston: Dancer, 33 Colorado Rockies baseball player, 38
11. Elena Coats: Rock Sin er,22
Idaho’s Big potato

Idaho has a bi potato. The

potato is an airbnb. The
potato isn’t real, it is a prop. It
is made o steel,plaster and
concrete. It was a prop or the
“Bi Idaho Potato” tour. It
traveled over 48 states. The
potato is 28 eet lon , 12 eet
wide, and also 11.5 eet tall.
Idaho Information:
● Boise, Idaho’s capital, is in the Rocky Mountain
oothill and is split by the Boise River. The Boise
River is known or ra tin and fishin .

● The richest person in Idaho is Frank VanderSloot.

He has 3.22 billion dollars and is a American

● Idaho has an avera e o 39 inches o snow per


● The senators o the state is James Risch and Mike

Reptil: None
Idaho State Symbols Lan ua e: En lish

Bird: Fossil: Insect:

Ho erman
Mountain Tree: Horse Fossil Son : Monarch
Bluebird Butterfly

Western “Here we
Mammal: White Pine Flower: have Idaho” Gemstone:

Mor an
Horse Syrin a Star
Three of the Best Best Places To Visit
1. Craters o the Moon Monument: Uncanny place in southern Idaho. Best
maintained basalt salt zones in the lower 48 states. The place is thou ht to
duplicate the Moon’s sur ace NASA astronauts trained at the lava field as they
become ready or their moon landin .

2. Hells Canyon Recreation Area: It is an 8,000 eet deep canyon river. It is the
deepest river canyon in North America. You can see it on many hikin trails. It
is mixed-up with the Clearwater River to the Hells Canyon. It is also an
important archaeolo ical district. You will find historic areas on both sides o
the canyon.

3. Lava Hot Sprin s: In Southern Idaho, located near Pocatello on the old
Ore on Trail route, is a popular vacation resort. The town has a little over 500
people makin it a ood place to et away rom the crowds. 5 hot sprin pools
can be ound there and the water temperatures o rom 102-112 de rees.
Grown/ Manufactured

Potatoes Su arbeets Mine

Wheat Sheep Dairy

State Quarter

On the Idaho state quarter, you

can see an outline o the state
with a star representin where
Boise, it’s capital, is located. On
top o the outline, you can see
Idaho’s State Motto. “Esto
Perpetua,” this means “May it be
Forever.” The main ocus on the
coin is a bird, that bird is the
Pere rine Falcon. On the top,
you can see a year, 1890, that is
the year o statehood.

● Wikipedia Credit or borderin states

● Worldatlas Credit or weather in o.

● Credit or sport in o.

● Famous Birthdays Credit or amous people

● Credit or “bi potato”

● Goo le Credit or Idaho in ormation

● Credit or Fla in o

● Credit or best places to visit

● a ri.idaho . ov Credit or rown/manu acture

● Credit or State Quarter in ormation

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