EMAG - Problem - 02. Wed, 2020 - 0325. Upload Answers Within The Next 3 Days (Before Monday, 0401)

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EMAG_Problem_02. Wed, 2020_0325. Upload answers within the next 3 days (before Monday, 0401).

A 69 kV three-phase double-circuit transmission line runs southwest out of Woodway, TX. The left-hand photo was taken
from several 100 yards back and uphill at approx. 8am CDT, March 25. The right-hand photo was taken alongside the tower
at 2pm CDT. The tower shadow length on flat ground at 2pm CDT was twelve one-meter steps long. The photo on the left-
hand is far enough from the tower to use linear ruler measurements for the tower and lines. Both left-hand and right-hand
circuits are three-phase a-b-c. Each has a 795 ACSR (aluminum conductor, steel reinforced) conductor. There is also a small
steel ground wire at the top. Using the base of the tower as a reference (0,0), determine the (x,y) coordinates in meters for
each of the seven wires at the tower. You will use these locations to computer electric fields and voltages in a later

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