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Level of Satisfaction among Customers of Speedfast Trucking Delivery


Table. Likers Scale on the Level of Satisfaction as to Services, Price, Place, and

Arbitrary Statistical Limit Description Qualitative

4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly
3 2.50 – 3.25 Acceptable
1.75 – 2.49 Less Acceptable
1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Acceptable

Table show the level of satisfaction among the customers of Speedfast Trucking
Delivery Services as to Price.

Table. Level of Satisfaction among Customers of Speedfast Trucking Delivery

Services as to Services.


1. The business will offer trucking
delivery services through contract Strongly
consignment (freight, cargoes, and 3.868526 acceptable
any belongings).
2. The business will offer delivery
services available through online 3.199203 Acceptable
registration of the freight and cargoes.
3. The business will offer delivery
services through verbal registration 3.438247 Acceptable
with customer of the freight and
Total Average Weighted Mean (TAWM)
3.501992 Acceptable

The table above indicates the Total average of Weighted Mean (TAWN) which
gained 3.501992 and it describe as acceptable.

The table show that the indicator 1 has the highest ranked with the weighted
mean of 3.868526 and describe as strongly acceptable. The indicator 2 has the
weighted mean of 3.438247 and got the 2 nd ranked which describe as the acceptable of
the qualitative description. The indicator 2 which has the lowest weighted mean of
3.199203, got the 3rd ranked which also describe as acceptable in the qualitative

Table. Level of Satisfaction among Customers of Speedfast Trucking Delivery

Services as to Price.


1. The price will be depending of Strongly
numbers and sizes (small, medium, 3.98008 acceptable
large) of boxes.
2. The price will be depend by pieces or Strongly
sacks on delivery. 3.956175 acceptable

3. The price will be depending on Strongly

distance of travel in delivery of 3.972112 acceptable
4. In hardware delivery, the price will Strongly
depend on per cubic of gravel and 3.956175 acceptable
5. In renting the truck, the price will be Strongly
depending on per day basis. 3.956175 acceptable

Total Average Weighted Mean (TAWM) 3.964143 Strongly


The table above show the Total Average Weighted Mean (TAWN) which is
gaining 3.964143 and it described as strongly acceptable.

It shows above that indicator 1 which states that “the price will be depending of
numbers and sizes (small, medium, large) of boxes)”, got the highest ranked weighted
mean of 3.98008 and describe as the strongly acceptable in the qualitative description.
The indicator 3 which states “the price will be depending on distance of travel in delivery
of cargoes”, got the 2nd to the highest ranked which weighted mean of 3.972112 and
describe as strongly acceptable in the qualitative description. The indicator 2, 4 and 5
has equal weighted mean of 3.956175 which states “the price will be depending by
pieces or sacks on delivery, in hardware delivery, the price will depend on per cubic of
gravel and sand and In renting the truck, the price will be depending on per day basis
and describe the three indicators as strongly acceptable.
Table. Level of Satisfaction among Customers of Speedfast Trucking Delivery
Services as to Place.


1. The location of the business will be Strongly
located at Balbagon, Mambajao 3.9721116 acceptable
2. It will be convenient and accessible to Strongly
the customers because it is along the 3.936255 acceptable
3. There will be sofa, table, magazines Strongly
and television inside the office 3.9282869 acceptable
building while the customer is waiting.
4. There will be provided free water in Strongly
dispenser inside the office for the 3.9482072 acceptable
waiting customer.

5. There will be a parking space for the Strongly

customers and employees in the 3.9800797 acceptable
Total Average Weighted Mean (TAWM) Strongly
3.952988 acceptable

It can be observed the table above that the Total Average Weight Mean (TAWN)
is 3.952988 and describe as strongly acceptable.

The table above show the indicator 5 that states of “there will be a parking space
for the customers and employees in the establishment” got the highest ranked with the
weighted mean of 3.9800797 and described as the strongly acceptable. The indicator 1
got the 2nd highest of the ranked which has the weighted mean of 3.9721116 that states
“the location of the business will be located at Balbagon, Mambajao Camiguin”. The
indicator 4 got the 3rd ranked with the weighted mean of 3.9482072 which states “there
will be provided free water in dispenser inside the office for the waiting customer and
describe as the strongly acceptable. The indicator 2 states “it will be convenient and
accessible to the customers because it is along the highway got the 4th ranked which
has the weighted mean of 3.936255. The indicator 3 has a weighted mean of 3.9282869
which would be the last ranked and describe as strongly acceptable.
Table. Level of Satisfaction among Customers of Speedfast Trucking Delivery
Services as to Promotion.


1. The service will be introduced through 3.976096 Strongly
social media. acceptable
2. The business will be promoted 3.964143 Strongly
through flyers. acceptable
3. The business will accept contract 3.960159 Strongly
through personal, social media, acceptable
messages and contacts.
4. The business will be promoted 3.948207 Strongly
through advertising television. acceptable
5. It will have a big billboard outside the 3.948207 Strongly
office building. acceptable
Total Average Weighted Mean (TAWM) 3.959363 Strongly

The table above has the Total Average Weighted mean of 3.959363 (TAWN) and
it can be described as strongly acceptable of the qualitative description.

The table above indicates that the indicator 1 is the highest ranked with the
weighted mean of 3.976096. The 2 nd indicator which states “the business will be
promoted through flyers” got the 2 nd ranked with the weighted mean of 3.964143 that
describe as the strongly acceptable. The indicator 3 got the 3 rd ranked for the weighted
mean of 3.960159 that states “the business will accept contract through personal, social
media, messages and contacts”. The indicator 4 and 5 has similar weighted mean of
3.9487207 that indicates as strongly acceptable in the qualitative description.

Market Analysis

This is an opportunity to entrench its competitive position in the transportation

market by selectively focusing to its target market on the establishment. The business
will be looking for potential clients that believe the growing demand for the reliable
solution in the segment costumer.

Marketing Strategy

The business will have the services as the solution to the many establishments
requiring cargo to be transported promptly and efficiently. The business future plan
marketing will be nationwide, emphasizing hauling capabilities for any cargo around the
Philippines. The services of the business will be available by accepting online
registration, verbal negotiation and contract consignment to deliver with fast and
efficient services to the costumer.


According to Alexander Dobronte (2013), in the survey it should be answer the

question specifically to determine whether actually reaching the target audience and
whether or not gathering the information effectively that should be seek. For instance,
the demographic distribution will help to determine how close the sample replicates of
the target establishment. In other hand, socio- demographic in the surveys help of this
gaining popularity and immediate response rate is higher.


It has been shown in various scientific discipline that opinion on vast number of
topics differ between different age groups. When asking respondents about age, ideally
ask to fill their age (expressed as a number of years). In calculating each respondent, a
value (in number of years) it uses as continues variable in the analysis to express
differences in magnitude. Age will determine the target costumer of the business that
has a potential capability to do logistic transaction.


Knowing up the occupation of every respondents help the business to identify the
target market to have a logistic transaction. The analysis of the occupational variables
shows that the situation will be fairly similar to studies performed in the conducted
survey. The job grade shows that among employed, self-employed and unemployed will
be the chosen target of the survey to identity the occupational target customer. The self-
employed will be the highest category had a participation rate in the survey that will
double the unemployed as the lowest category while few of employed worker had
participated in the conducted survey.

Marital Status

Marital status affects participation, married people participate more than do those
who are unmarried. The studies have observed that the participation rate of married
seems to have a varied effect that mostly of married people participate the conducted
survey. The fact that this married and unmarried played a positive role in participation
reinforces this hypothesis.

Behavioral Characteristic
Behavioral Characteristic are important skill set for business analyst to determine
the affect of efforts and gain trust and respect, it also to understand and focus on
fairness consideration of moral behavior.

According to the article shared by Shristi D (2019), there are some characteristic
of human behavior which are mostly in common. First, the behavior Shows Individual
Differences, this influenced by a number of factors that vary from one person to another
and even from the group of people. It will differ from the physiological and bodily
conditions in their past experiences, abilities and background. Second, the behavior is
always purposeful or goal directed, this will be always purposeful one’s action to direct
toward some goal that purely learnt and acquired.

Table 8 Behavioral Characteristic

Promoter Supporter
High energy Dedicated and committed
Enjoyable to around Loyal team member
Creative imagination Good listener
Initiates relationship Patient
Motivating Good at reconciling faction
Competitive spirit Cause-oriented
Goal oriented Dependable
Table 9

Controller Analyzer

Task accomplisher Objective

Bottom-line result Conscientious
Self-motivated Defines, clarifies
Forward looking Concern with accuracy
Fast decision-maker Gathered data/information
Initiates activities Test data
Disciplined Maintain standards

Geographic Characteristic

According to Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue(1998) geographic characteristic in transport

is a sub-discipline of geography concerned about the mobility of people, freight and
information and the spatial organization considering attributes and constraints related to
the origin, destination extent, nature and purpose of movement.

Geographic residence are available in the data due to census bureau

confidentiality concerns, such variables provide broad geographical demarcations of the
respondent’s area of residence. This is a set of geographic mobility question that will be
included in the survey, occupation, status and residence and current job. Finally, the
characteristic of the respondent’s environment will be available in several describing the
size of the labor force and employment rate for the labor market of current residence.

Competition Analysis

The Speedfast trucking delivery services has a few competitors in the market
place. It will be the biggest opportunity to build a trucking services in the province
because there are establishment needs to transport their freight and cargoes to each of
their respective costumer. A few competitors offered the same affordable services like
what the business will be offered, the competition will be present in this analysis.

Type of Services

The Speedfast trucking delivery services will have the types of services
offered, such as delivering the cargoes and freight to the costumer, delivering the
perishable and non-perishable goods to the market with the contract consignment and
verbal registration, and accepting renting truck services for the costumer request.

The establishment will have their own respective strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats. The partner studied the SWOT that will be intended to
analyze the services in the competitive market.

Strengths Weaknesses
The strong customer relationship The lack of capacity to meet a wider
The business identified the skilled and The lack of funding to purchase additional
competent drivers providing the truck or facilities to reach new market
commitment of work with safe and which the business only depends on
reliable transportation of freight and sales in order to expand and diverse.
The strong thriving entrepreneurial spirit Lack of fully organized systems by control
of the business owner.
Well establish equipment and facilities Gasoline-related increasing price
Readily available facilities and workers

The table above emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of the business
competitors. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses will help to work out where will be
the weak operation to change the business plan or the marketing strategy. This is
absolutely necessary to know how the partners understand what the business doing
and how the people do better for the company. The strong customer relationship
indicates the good communication that essentially build customer relationship.
Promoting the business and listening the costumer will be equally important to build
trust and make more logistic transaction. Also, the business identified the skilled and
competent drivers providing the commitment of work with safe and reliable
transportation of freight and cargoes, this indicates that hiring the right driver will be vital
to do safe delivery of any freights and cargoes with effective and efficient work. The
strong thriving entrepreneurial spirit of the business owner, this will be developed
individuality who demonstrate a true passion for building the business great from
nothing and willing to push themselves to the limit to achieve big goals for the business.
Well establish equipment and facilities, this will also give one’s value to the equipment
and facilities that will help the operation continues and stable foundation of work.
Readily available facilities and workers, this will provide the direct response to the
costumer with good services and availability of facilities and workers in the operation.

On the other hand, the weaknesses will include the lack of capacity to meet a
wider market, lack of funding to purchase additional truck or facilities to reach new
market which the business only depends on sales in order to expand and diverse, lack
of fully organized systems by control and Gasoline-related increasing price. This will
affect the status of the business when this weakness strike but this will help the
business owner to value lesson on how to reposition the weaknesses of the business
into winning advantages.

Technical Feasibility

This is the crucial requirement of the business to accomplish the project

system to be feasible and lead to success goals with an excellent tool for long term
planning. It is the logistic plan of the business on how to produce, store, and deliver the
services to the right quality and to determine the possibility of the business success.

Location Selection

The selection of the location has a factor to be considered in the project site
location. It is convenient and accessible to the costumer; it should be located near the
market and the area or size is appropriate for the business and suitable for the working
operation, it is included the cost of the land which has an affordable price rent, the
availability of the suppliers where the location site is proximity to the market, the
infrastructure will be safe and can accommodate the whole organization and the labour
available near the site of the business. It also considered the environmental regulation
that the area will free from pollution of the public health.
Technological Selection

The technology selection will be appropriate for the business transaction and
suitable for the operation to work effectively and efficient to gain more higher profit. It is
also included the time that should be ready for any transaction and ready to receive and
response the client in the right time of services. The space also considered as a factor
of technology selection which appropriate at one place to generate the outcome of
equipment and machine during the operation.

Labor Requirements

Raw Materials and Equipment

The raw material the required production process to operate the business
included the following:

 Vehicles (trucks)
 Computer
 Television
 Water dispenser
 Air-condition
 Electricity
 Water
 Telecommunication
 Magazine
 Bond paper
 ball pen
 sofa
 table
 chair
 glass


 Air compressor
 Grinder jack
 Early warning device
 Screw driver
 Gauge
 Pliers
 Eye protection
 Work light
 Pressure washer


There is an availability supply of utilities such as water and electricity. The

electric current amount depends on per kilowatt hour upon the imposed of Camiguin
Electric Cooperative (CAMELCO). Also, the water source of the business comes from
the Mambajao Water District that supply mostly of the business establishment in
Mambajao area.

Operational Feasibility

Based on the research and survey of the proponents, it finds out that this is
the concerned issues about the system will be used to develop operation and to the
implemented rules and regulation in the inside and outside of the company. It also
where the partners support the project planning and development of the business. This
will also include the legality of the operation concerning the contract of the workers as
well as the costumer, liability of the business, and the concerning violation.

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