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Maisha Foyez

IR II / 12 AP / PD 2
10 October 2019
Journal 10/24

● Visit UMBC to gather more sources
● Elevate compiled annotations
● Create rough outline for smart speaking presentation

These last two weeks, particularly the last one, have been some of the most stressful of

my life. There are only 8 days left until my college applications are due and the quarter ends, so I

have a great amount of work to do within the next few days. As a result, the time I have spent on

IR has been fairly minimal. During this limited amount of time however, I have been able to

compile the annotations I have been completing throughout the year as my quarter 1 quality

grade. This set of annotations feels reflective of the work I have been doing in this first quarter,

seeing as most of my work has been going towards settling on a topic and narrowing it down

through reading.

The largest obstacle I have faced since my last journal is the obstacle I have been facing

the entire first quarter: time management. Balancing college applications, my other schoolwork,

and IR is a task that has become increasingly difficult as the end of the quarter and the due date

for applications quickly approaches. After college applications are due, I am definitely hoping

that I am going to be getting my affairs in order in IR. I plan to visit UMBC library soon in order

to gather more sources on my topic and continue annotating articles.

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