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F. food is one of the world's hugat growing food types. India's fast food industty is
growing by 4096 Abe multi.ional segment of Indian 1. food industry is up to Rs.
20 billion. a fig= which is expected to zoom more than Rs30 billion by 2010. In I. 6
years, foreign invertment inthis sector maid rs.3600 millionwhich is about onc.founhof
total investment made inthh sector. Because of thc availability of tawmaterial for fast
food. global chains are flooding into the country. The parentage share held by
foodservice of total consumer expenditure on food has increased from a very low base
tostand at2.696 in 390I. Eating at home remains verymuchingtained inIndian culture
and changes in eating habits are very slot., ruching with bamers to eating out
entrenched incertainsectors of lndi. society.The growthinnuclearfamilies.particularly
in urban India. expthure to global medi, and western aasine and an increasing number
ofwomenjoining theworkforcehave had an impactoneatingouttiends.

 McDonald,'
 Pizza hut

 Card coffee day

 Bari.
 Subway

The main reason behind the success of the multinational chains is their expertise in

product procedures in their resumranh. a strength that they have developed over years

ofexpaience MEW,. learnt a few things but them is still a Id of scope for improvement.

..Extract takenfromastudyofIndianmailfood sector


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