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Maisha Foyez


AP English 12

28 February 2020


● Complete full sentence outline

● Finish paper by 3/14

○ First control: 3/4/20

○ Second control: 3/8/20

○ Third control: 3/11/20


The primary focus of the past two weeks I have been working on my outline and my

paper. Finding the ability to motivate myself to write my outline has been difficult, especially

with some issues that have been going on with my grandparents and the death of my classmate,

Marc. My initial plan was to finish my paper by the end of the month, but that has been pushed

back slightly. Now, I have changed my plan to allow for more time to complete my outline so

that it is easier to complete my final paper. Additionally, I have decided to conduct a

meta-cognitive analysis for my data collection. In order to do this, I have to pinpoint the articles I

wish to use for my analysis. Last year, I encountered a lot of difficulty in organizing my thoughts

for my paper, but I eventually figured out that using a spreadsheet to organize what articles I

would use and what information from them I would use is the best method.
One challenge that I have to combat (not only these next few weeks, but for the entire

year) is finding the motivation to continue researching when all my other classes have decreased

their workloads. To combat this lack of motivation, I have tried to incentivize myself. For

example, I have really enjoyed going to the gym the past few weeks, so I make it so that if I

work on IR, I can have time to go. Additionally, I try to plan fun things to do with my friends or

work more at my job because I have found that I am much more motivated when I have a busier

schedule, rather than when I have ample time to slack off.

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