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Psychopharmacological Agents
Practice Question Paper (Unit-05)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Drugs which act on mental disorders are known as

(A) Hormonal pharmacology
(B) Psychopharmacological agents
(C) Antipsychotic agents
(D) Both C and D Contact-
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2. Which is the target for antipsychotic agents

(A) Synthesis of neurotransmitter
(B) Release of neurotransmitter
(C) Degradation of neurotransmitters
(D) All of the above

3. Which of the following is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

(A) Seliginine
(B) Diazepam
(C) Lorazepam Solution-Pharmacy

(D) All of the above Contact-

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4. Find the neurotransmitters listed under monoamines

(A) Dopamine
(B) Serotonin
(C) Norepinephrine Contact-
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(D) All of the above

5. Monoamine are responsible for

(A) Memory and joyfulness
(B) Body balance
(C) Neurogeneration
(D) None of the above

6. Parkinson is related with imbalance between

(A) Dopamine and serotonin
(B) Dopamine and acetylcholine
(C) Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine
(D) Serotonin and Acetylcholine

7. Administration of the following will be effective for the treatment of parkinsonism

(A) Dopamine
(B) Levodopa
(C) Carbidopa
(D) Both B and C Solution-Pharmacy
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8. Alzheimer’s disease is associated with
(A) Loss of memory
(B) Neurodegeneration Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Aging You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

(D) All of the above

9. Depression and Mania in combination is called

(A) Monopolar Disorder
(B) Bipolar disorder
(C) Anxiety
(D) Obsessive compulsive disorders

10. Mechanism of action of antianxiety drugs is based on

(A) GABA mediated receptors
(B) Increasing the opening time of Cl- channel
(C) By causing hyperpolarization
(D) All of the above

11. Which of the following is not the mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs
(A) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(B) MAO inhibitors
(C) MOA Inhibitors
(D) Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

12. Which of the following is example of CNS stimulants

(A) Caffeine
(B) Nicotine
(C) Methyl xanthine
(D) All of the above Contact-
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13. Agent which inhibit the sensation of pain is called

(A) Analgesic
(B) Antipyretic
(C) Antimanic
(D) None of the above

14. Which of the following is an example for drug addiction

(A) Cocaine
(B) Marijuana
(C) Opium
(D) All of the above

15. Which of the following may be a common example of drug abuse

(A) Use of corex*
(B) Use of Petrol
(C) Use of Different solution
(D) All of the above

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16. If a dose of a drug which was enough earlier but now it’s not producing the same effect
as it was used to produce. This condition is called as-
(A) Teratogenicity
(B) Tolerance
(C) Dependence
(D) Abuse

17. If a person believe that he or she will not be able to work without having alcohol
(Liquor) then he is in which condition-
(A) Dependence
(B) Tolerance
(C) Anxiety
(D) Abuse Contact-
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18. Nootropic agents are used in

(A) Improving mental ability
(B) In Alzheimer’s disease
(C) In children who are in poor mental state (Memory problem)
(D) All of the above

19. Basic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease is-

(A) Nerve damage
(B) Formation of plaque
(C) Atrophy of specific nerve cell
(D) All of the above

20. Which of the following is opioid antagonist

(A) Naltrexone
(B) Amphetamine
(D) None of the above

Section- 02- Long Answer type questions. (Attempt any 02)- 20 Marks
1. Explain Depression and give classification of antidepressant drugs and write
mechanism of action of SSRI
2. Explain any 02 of the following- (1) Drug addiction (2) Drug Tolerance
3. Explain the detail etiology of Parkinson disease and give its treatment strategy

Section 03- Long answer type questions. (Attempt any 07)- 35 Marks
1. Explain psychopharmacological agents in short
2. Explain classification and examples of antidepressant drugs
3. Write pharmacological use of CNS stimulants.
4. Give pathophysiology (Etiology)of Alzheimer’s disease
5. Define pain and explain drug used to reduce the pain
6. Write short notes on drug abuse with suitable examples
7. What do you understand by drug dependence?
8. Classify antianxiety drugs with examples
9. Write mechanism of action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

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