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Descriptive Questions
1. What are the characteristics of Pipeline?
2. Explain Linear Pipeline Processors ?
3. Explain Non linear Pipeline Processors?
4. What is Reservation Table in linear pipelining and Non-linear pipeline?
5. What is Instruction Pipeline Design?
6. What are the different types of hazards in Pipelining? Discuss the handling
techniques for each of the type briefly.
7. State Amdahl’s Law for maximum theoretical speedup.
8. Explain Throughput and speedup ratio of pipelined architecture.
9. What is multiprocessors? What are the types of multi-processors?
10.Explain Direct & set associative mapping technique.
11.What is Virtual memory? In how many classes virtual memory system is
12.Explain the techniques to reduce cache miss rate.
13.What is parallel processing?
14.What is Parallelism?
15.What are the various conditions of parallelism?
16.What are the different levels of parallelism?
17.Explain array and vector processor.
18.Explain different types of Vector processing.
19.What is Maximum Vector Length, Stripmining and Vector stride in vector
20.What are the different shared memory multiprocessor models?
21.Describe the PRAM model.
22.What is the significance of interconnection network in multiprocessor
23.Explain different network properties?
24.What is Data routing functions? Describe some data routing functions?
25. Describe 8X8 Omega Network with proper diagram.

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