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1. Constitutional provisions on Environmental protection with case laws 

2. What do you mean by depletion of ozone layer and global warming? What are the importance of greenhouse effect and global

3. What is environment 

4. Major sources of environmental pollution

5. What are the enactments that made in the post independent era 


6. Remedies provided under law of torts and criminal law for environmental pollution

7. Discuss new dynamic role of the Judiciary in the form of PIL in the area of environmental pollution


8. Stockholm declaration Rio Earth Summit 1992 

9. Kyoto conference 

10. What is the sustainable development? Principles of sustainable development 

11. Montreal protocol 1987 

12. Johannesburg conference 2002 

13. Brundtlard Commission


14. What is water pollution? Various measures that are prescribed by (water prevention and control pollution) act 1974 for prevention
and control of water pollution. 

15. Composition powers and functions of the central pollution board for prevention and control of air pollution. 

16. What is air pollution? Sources and effects of air pollution 

17. What are the sewage effluent and trade effluent 

18. Measures laid down for preventing water pollution caused by them in water (prevention and control pollution) act 1974. 

19. What is noise pollution? Various sources of noise pollution What are the effects of noise pollution? What are the legal control of
noise pollution?


20. Historical development that led to the enactment of the Environmental Protection act 1986. For what purpose and when a person
can try any place to inspect or take samples

21. Discuss the provisions of the forest conservation act 1980

22. Salient features of the environment protection act 1986 

23. Measures that have been taken by the government for protection and Improvement of environment as provided for in Section 3 of
the act

24. Objects of the environment protection act 1986 

25. General powers of the central government under the act

26. Principal of no-fault liability. Discuss the provision laid down in Public Liability Insurance act 1991 

27. What do you mean by citizens suit provision

28. Note on - National environment. Appellate Authority Act 1997 

29. Note on - Indian Forest act 1927


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