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Define International Organization? Factors, which necessitated to form International


Note on International organization in 19th century

Responsibility of International organization as the subject of international law

Evolution of international organization and its characteristics

Essentials of international organization

State the aims, purposes and chief functions of international organization.

Process of evolution of international organization


Exhaustive note on the permanent Court of international Justice.

Defect and weaknesses of the league of nation and point out the causes of its dissolution.

Origin object and functions of league of nation? Functions of the Secretariat?

Difference between League of nation and United Nation

Principal organ of the league of nation


The composition, powers and functions of the general assembly and its limitations

Four main objectives of UNO? Discuss the purpose and principles of UNO? Principal organs of
the UNO

Important stages in the establishment of the UNO

Factors and events leading to the establishment of the United Nations

Composition powers and functions of Security Council and its limitations

Preamble of UNO
Secretariat of UNO. Powers and functions Secretary General


Between International court of justice and permanent Court of international Justice

Ad hoc judge
Ad hoc jurisdiction

Composition of the International court of justice. The contributions for development of

international law

Jurisdiction of international court of justice. Interim measures provided by the statute of

International court of justice


Feature function composition and objective of ILO

Contributions made to settle the problems of labour

Essay about the organization of the ILO

Objects and functions of UNESCO

Contributions of WHO



World Bank

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