Peer Review 2

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Author: Wesley Kamau 

Peer Reviewer's Name: Matthew Kim

Part 1:  SLO Scores

Consult the regular Annotated Bibliography Rubric to see the full SLOs.  Highlight, Bold,
or Color the scores you think are appropriate for this draft using the tool bar above.

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):             

1-Below Basic           2-Developing           3-Proficient             4-Advanced

SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):                       

1-Below Basic           2-Developing           3-Proficient             4-Advanced

SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):  

1-Below Basic           2-Developing           3-Proficient             4-Advanced

SLO #4--Organization (conventional definition organization is present):

1-Below Basic           2-Developing           3-Proficient             4-Advanced

SLO #5--Language and Design (middle-level language and user-friendly, logical design):

1-Below Basic           2-Developing           3-Proficient             4-Advanced

Two Successes:

1. Your introduction is great and highly detailed! You cited multiple sources and the information
is targeted towards your sources specifically instead of being broad and general. You also made
sure to stay relevant for our location for our review which is the Atlantic Ocean. 

2. You explained how your team will use your information and sources to support your purpose
for the review. In doing so, you were able to convey specific details on how your team will be
able to apply the information from your sources. 

Two Challenges:

1. You are still missing one source and the citations should be corrected. There is the word
“article” in each of your citations and I am unsure if that should be there and was accidentally
placed there. 

2. The summaries for the citations can be worded in a more general way in order to convey the
purpose of each source. It feels as if the summaries are important information taken from the
articles and not a general summary of the article as a whole. For example, in the second
annotation, your summary states a cause of coral bleaching but it doesn’t relay what the article
talks about as a whole. 

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