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10/30/2018 Quality Management System (QMS) in Concrete Construction

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Quality Management System (QMS) in Concrete Construction

Quality Management System (QMS) for concrete construction must be considered as an important part of the
construction project. A set of detailed guidelines regarding the quality management of concrete construction is
called as QMS. QMS guidelines will help to improve the quality of the construction in a methodical way by

1. Quality Process

2. Quality Functions

3. Quality Tasks

What is the Need for Quality Management System (QMS) in Construction?

The quality of a project will be dependent from the start to end activities involved in the whole project. This starts
with the procurement of construction materials till the curing of the casted structural member. Every step between

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these stages must be performed with utmost quality. Deviation from this will bring failure and penalty issues to
the contractor in charge.

QMS guidelines for concrete construction will include the steps to maintain the strength of the concrete within the
limit recommended and a to built a durable structure. Having a porous member, corroded reinforcement and many
other reasons affect the lifespan of the structure. These issues are avoided by implementing QMS in construction.

The document representing the QMS guidelines must have the step to step procedure to conduct all the concreting
activities. This document is kept as a standard which will involve all the standard test procedures for the
construction materials like aggregates, cement, and admixtures.

A quality management system will have a checklist for formworks, embedments, reinforcement works throughout
the construction stage.

Read More: Checklist for Formwork in Construction (


Conformity and Non-Conformity of Construction Process in QMS

While implementing QMS in construction, we will develop standard operating procedures (SOP) for each and every
concreting process inline with the QMS requirement. Along with this, there exist certain key performance
indicators in order to check the efficiency, deviations etc of the process.

Any deviation from the SOPs or QMS standard requirements ( ISO 9001) then the process will be stated as a non-
conforming process. If the concrete activities follow the procedures as per the standard, it is called as a
conforming process. 1/2
10/30/2018 Quality Management System (QMS) in Concrete Construction

If non-conformity has occurred corrective actions are implemented. Some of the corrective actions in concrete
execution works are:

Testing of concrete compressive strength subsequently

Analysing the stability of concrete structures by the new calculation

Concrete repair caused due to the inadequate care and protection

Adjusting the geometry of concrete elements

Adjusting the consistency of fresh concrete

Benefits of a Quality Management System (QMS) in Concrete Construction

Mentioned below are the major benefits of QMS in concrete construction:

1. The quality management system documents will help to track the quality of the construction activities from
the start to the end of the project. This record will help as a reference for future projects.

2. The quality of construction works at the site like handling works, concrete curing, sampling and testing
procedures are improved. This will help to reduce the chances of potential liability that can be imposed on the

3. Having a QMS for a construction company will develop quality personnel and quality practices. This, in
turn, will help improve the perception of the customers towards the company.

4. Having a high-quality construction practice reduces the wastage of resources. This also facilitates smooth
movement of the team within the budgeted cost.

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Gopal Mishra

Gopal Mishra is a Civil Engineer from NIT Calicut and has more than 9 years of experience in Civil Engineering and Construction. He is the
founder of The Constructor.

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