The Effect of Direct Method On The Students Speaking Competence at Grade Viii of SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar

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Astri Gultom (15120161)




A. The Background of Research

Language is an important tool for human being to communication each other

to exprress their ideas, feeling, and to getand to share the message and

information. Language is primary source of communication. Without existence of

language of couerse the people will difficult to communicate each other.

Moreover, there are various of language in the world. One of the important

language is English.

Nowdays , the use of English has increased especially in indonesia. It can be

seen by the using of English in some fielsd such as politics, internasional trade

and industry, commerce, science and industry in popular culture especially in

education. For the reason, it can motivate every people to learn English with the

purpose to enable the people to communicate with another people from overseas

by using English. As a result, mastering English becomes that need for all people

who wants develop in all fields.

In indonesia, English is a foreign language. In indonesia educational field,

English is put into the curriculum who studied from primary school,junior

school,senior high school, up to university level. In learning English there are four

skill that should be master by the students, they are Reading,Speaking,listening,

and Writing.

Speaking is the most important skill in oral communication, speaking is the

productive skill like writing. It involves using speech to express meanings to other

people (Spart, 2005: 34). Speaking is how to speak competently and creatively to

explore, develop and sustain ideas through talk.

Pronuncation was the major problem that was found at garde eight in SMP

Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar. It was a reality found in SMP Negeri 6

pematangsiantar. They still had low mativation in pronuncation. They here

possibly aware if teacher always remimned and motivation in reading.them that

By applying this method, researcher hope that the students can have a good

competenceoin imitative pronuncation. And researcher will know what is the of

direct method imitative pronuncation to grade eight students in junior high school

especially in SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar.

This research is about the use of Direct Method in teaching speaking

Descriptive Text. The problem of this research is “ The effect of direct method on

the Students Speaking Competence at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 6

Pematangsiantar?” The objective of the research is to find out the effect of direct

method on the students speaking competence of students at second year of SMP

Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar.

In KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan ) Education of Indonesia

can be able to ensure equal educational opportunities, improving the quality and

relevance and efficiency of education management to meet the challenges in

accordance with the demands of changes in local, national, and global, to mobilize

educational reform planned, directed, and continuing through the creation of one

of the best curriculum and made by the people themselves.

The teachers trust that the students have good character, faith , and

students are able in speaking English e.g. speaking competence. Descriptive is a

written English text in which the writer describes an object (Siahaan, 2011:44).

However, the realities indicate that the achievement of the students in the

english lesson in the semester test is still low as presented in the following table :

No Nama Score
1 Ani 60
2 Anton 55
3 Berton 70
4 Bernandus L.Gaol 45
5 Bettaria Tindaon 30
6 Betty Siburian 50
7 Bertha Martua 40
8 Cantika 60
9 Dennyanti 65
10 Desynta 60
11 Dosroha 70
12 Efrika Sianturi 25
13 Gunawan Nainggolan 45
14 Harianto 60
15 Indahsari Manullang 55
16 Jojo Siagian 50
17 Juniar Silalahi 60
18 Kombat Nainggolan 40
19 Lastiar Silalahi 55
20 Manuarang Siburian 45
21 Novita 65
22 Ronald Sidabutar 60
23 Reagent Sidabutar 60
24 Santono Munthe 45
25 Tyar Tambunan 45
26 Tyasni M 60
27 Thamrin L.Batu 65
28 Zulfikri M.N 40
29 Zulyani,T.S 55
30 Zulham Naibaho. 50

That’s why, the writer solves this problem by applying Direct method in

teaching speaking competence. Teaching is a process of guiding, assisting and

facilitating the leaner. In teaching English, a teacher should have a preparation

like the syllabus and teaching material. To drive a maximal achievement in

teaching-learning process there should be interaction between a teacher and her

students in learning-process, both of the teacher and the students must be active. If

the students just keep silent, how can be the teaching-process going on well. An

English teacher should be able to create interesting and enjoyable teaching

learning activities. The purpose is to give students an active and joyful learning,

so they will have a motivation so stay focus on the lesson.

“Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something,

giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge,

causing to know or understand” (Brown, 1994:7). Teaching is a profession that

can yield something amazing when the right ideas and beliefs are implemented in

the classroom. Teaching as a process of encouraging students to make connections

between their real world experiences and the subject being studied. It is important

to provide students with hands-on activities in order to make this connection.

Teaching can also be defined as the process of imparting knowledge, skills, norms

and values into individuals in order to bring a behavioral change in them.

B. The Problem of Research

Based on the background of the research above, the writer formulates the

research problem in form of question, namely: Does the application of direct

method significantly affect the students speaking competence at grade VIII of

SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar?

C. Objective of Research

Based on the above problem, this research is focused to find out if the

application of Direct Method significantly affects the students speaking

competence at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar

D. The Scope of Research

The scope study the writer focused on the effect of direct method on the

students achievement in speaking competence of imitative pronunciation at grade

VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Pemetangsiantar

E. The Significance of Research

The writer works on this study in order to find out the significance for the

students, English teachers and the writer herself.

1) To the students

This research will be useful to the students to improve their knowledge

and makes them to be more creative, brave and confident in speaking.

2) To the English teachers

This research will be useful as the guideline for English teacher in

teaching speaking by using direct method to attract the students to speak


3) To the writer

This research will give more experience to the writer as candidate of

English teacher and to enlarge her knowledge in doing research in using

direct method in teaching speaking skill.

F.Theoretical Framework

In this research, the writer applied library research. Theoretical framework

of this research based on the theories of: Baker and Heather (2000),Brown

(1994),Harmer (1998),Harris (1996), Johnson (2001), Larsen (2000),Patel and

Jain (2008), Richards (1985),Siahaan (2011), and Setiyadi (2006)

G. Hypothesis

In this research, the writer uses statistical hypothesis. Statistical

hypothesis is used to decide whether the hypothesis will be accepted or rejected.

So, the hypotheses, which are formulated in this study, are:

Ha : The application at Direct Method significancel effects the students

speaking at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar

Ho : The application of Direct Method doesn’t significance effect the students

speaking competence at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar

I. The Definition of Key Terms

In this research, the writer writes some of the key terms that are used in

this paper. The key terms are Teaching, Speaking, , Direct Method, , Method and


1. Teaching means showing or helping someone to learn how to do

something, giving instructions and causing to know or understanding.

2. Speaking is the way how to express our feeling and to communicate to

another people

3. Direct method is a method which has one very basic rule, no translation is

allowed and the direct method means that to be connected directly with the

target language, without going through the process of translating into the

students’ native language.



A. Speaking Competence

Speaking is the most important skill in oral communication. And oral

communication is the most often used to communicate by people. If someone

cannot speak, he cannot be communicating to another.

Speaking is a productive skill, like writing. It involves using speech to

express meanings to other people (Spratt, 2005: 34). Speaking is how to speak

competently and creatively to explore, develop and sustain ideas through talk.

Among the four skills in English, speaking is the most difficult subject. The

learners need a lot of helping to prepare for speaking in the classroom.

Practice of necessary vocabulary, time to organize their ideas and what they

want to say, practice in pronouncing new words and expressions, practice in

carrying out a task, before they can speak English freely.

To speak is to say; and say is to use language. Saying with language

means to build an interaction by using spoken language as the medium of

communication. “It is a mental activity where people put ideas into words

talking about perception, feeling and intention” (Clark 1977:3).

According to Rivers, (1971:5) “speaking also essentially interaction

between persons, comprehension plays roles as well as in expression”. This

means that the people as the speaker tend to comprehend the conversation that

involves the again holding, yielding of terms, negotiations of meaning and

direction, shifting of topic and also the speaker tend to have skills to express

about what will be talked perceptions, feelings, interaction or ideas to hold the


Speaking is the second of articulations or word to express state and give

the idea and feelings. Speaking is a mean for communicating ideas. This

arranged and develops with the learner’s need (Webster 1980:23). Speaking is

a complex skill; learners in the classroom may need a lot of help to prepare for

speaking. Practice of necessary vocabulary, time to organize their ideas and

what they want to say, practice in pronunciation new words and expressions,

practice in carryout a task, before they speak freely.

In developing the students speaking skills, they need to learn to adapt their

talk to the listeners; use a range of ways to express themselves; use talk to

clarify their ideas and sustain their talk to develop thinking and reasoning.

Speaking should include putting thoughts into words and sharing in groups;

taking opportunities to speak at some length to explain ideas in different

situations; giving a talk or presentation using gestures, aids and rhetorical


In speaking, both of the teacher and the students should be active in using

English. The important of speaking skill for student is in order that they can

speak it forthrightly and confidently with their classmates, and then, they get

used in rehearsing English conversation so that they are at clumsy in

practicing at gradually.In this case, the teacher need to motivate the student through

new atmosphere that make the student more interested in improving their speaking

ability and more enjoyable.

B. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is not only transferring the knowledge or tough to the

student, but it isguiding the students in order that they are able to be success in

using English as their communication. Teaching Speaking is the difficult skill to

develop among many students. It is most likely the most difficult activities among

the four basic language skills. It needs basic knowledge which enables students to

cover all necessary things to communicate with other people.

The process of teaching has three main components, the components are

teacher who teaches, students who accept the knowledge and the last is the

material or the knowledge itself which is taught.In teaching how to improve

speaking skill, there are many methods used in teaching learning process. It is

base on the use of method is adjusted with the materials that will be taught. Every

teacher should always prepare the suitable teaching method before presenting the

materials in the class.Teaching speaking Skill can be explained as language

abilities needed to interact in social situations. Language abilities include speaking

with appropriate vocabulary, pronunciation, tone, intonation, rhythm, pauses,

politeness and timing.

Teaching speaking is a very important part of foreign language. The ability

to communicate in a foreign language clearly and efficiently contributes to the

success of the learner in school and success later in every phase of life. Therefore,

it is essential that language teachers pay great attention to teaching speaking.

Rather than leading students to pure memorization, providing a rich environment

where meaningful communication takes place is desired. But, sometimes when the

students use the English in speaking, the students face many mistakes, such as the

vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and also the politeness of the language. As a

good teacher, she/he should know how to overcome the problem. Meanwhile, the

teacher should be able to correct the mistake of the students’ speaking.

C. Types of Speaking

In speaking there are at least four types of speaking that take place in the

classroom 0xford (1992:15). The four types are as follows.

a) Responsive

Responsive is slight more complex than intensive but the difference is

blurry, to say the least. At this question with a follow-up questionor two.

Conversation take place by this point but are simple in content.

b) Intensive

Intensive speaking involves producting a limit amount of language in a

highly control context. an example of this would be to read aloud a

passage or give a direct response to a simple question. Competence at

this level is shown through achieving certain gramatical or lexical

mastery. This depens on the teacher’s expectations.

c) Interactive

Interactive the unique feature of invensive speaking is that it is usually

more interpersonal than interpersonal it is meant

speaking for maintaining relationships. Transactional speaking is sharing

information as iscommon at the responsive level.

d) Imitative

At the imitative level, it is probably already clear what the students is

trying to do. At this level,the student is simply trying to repeat what was

said to them in a way that is understandable and with some adherence to

pronunciation as defined by the teacher. It doesn’t matter if the student

comprehends what they are saying or carrying on a conversation. The

goal is only to reproduce what was said them one common example of

this ia a repeat after me experience in the classroom.

D. The Teacher Corrects the Students’ Error in Speaking

Based on the Jeremy harmer’s book (1989:94), it is important for the

teachers to correct the mistakes made during speaking activities in a different way

from the mistakes during a study exercise. When the students are repeating

sentences try to get their pronunciation exactly right, then the teacher will often

correct every time if there is a problem. But if the same teacher did the same

thing while students were involved in a passionate discussion about whether

smocking should be banned on tourist beaches, for example, the effect might well

be to destroy the conversation flow. If, just at the moment one of the students is

making an important point , the teacher says ‘hey wait, you said “is” but it should

be ”are”, beaches are repeat’, the point will quickly be lost. Constants interruption

from the teacher will destroy the purpose of the speaking activity. Many teachers

watch and listen while speaking activities are taking place. They note down things

that seemed to go well and times when the students couldn’t make themselves

understood or made important mistakes. When the activity has finished, they then

ask the students how they thought it went before giving their own feedback. They

may say that they liked the way student A said this and the way student B was

able to disagree with her. They will then say that they did hear one or two

mistakes and they can discuss with the class, write them on the board or give them

individually to the students concerned. In each case, they will ask the students to

see if they can identify the problem and correct it.

As with kind of correction, it is important not to single students out for particular

criticism. Many teachers deal with the mistakes they heard without saying who

made them. By the correction of the teacher to the student, the goal of teaching

speaking English will be achieved well.

E. The Definition of Learning

Learning and teaching are different things. According to (Kimble and

Garmezy 1963:133) which is taken from Brown’s book entitled “Principles of

Language Learning and Teaching (1994:7)”, learning is relatively permanent

change in behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice.

Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269)

which is taken from Brown’s book (1994:8) noted that “to satisfy the practical

demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as

to yield theories of teaching.” Learning is how the students get the knowledge

from unknown to know about something that significance for him/herself.

According to Douglas Brown (1994:7) in his book entitled “Principles of

Language Learning and Teaching”, there are the lists of learning definition,


a) Learning is acquisition or getting

b) Learning is retention of information or skill

c) Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive organization

d) Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events

outside or inside the organism

e) Learning is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting

f) Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice

g) Learning is a change in behavior

In learning English as a foreign language, the students should be active

to use the language in speaking, no matter it is correct or wrong. To be able in

speaking, the students should use the language whenever they are, especially in

the classroom. The students should force themselves to use the language so

they usually and automatically use the language. Based on the harmer’s book

(1998:10) entitled “How to Teach English”, there are 5 characteristics of a

good learner in learning English, as follow:

a) A willingness to listen

A good learner listens to what’s going on, not just in the sense of

paying attention, but also in terms of really listening to the English that

is being used, soaking it up with eagerness and intelligence.

b) A willingness to experiment

There are many learners are not afraid to ‘have ago’. They are prepared

to take risks, to try things out and see how it works. Of course, not all

successful language learners are extroverts, but the urge to use the

language (loudly or quietly) is an important one.

c) A willingness to ask questions

Although some teachers can become irritated by the students who are

constantly asking difficult (and sometimes irrelevant) questions, the

urge to find out why is part of a successful learner’s equipment. The

good teachers frequently invite the students to ask if they don’t

understand something. The good learners do this, judging when it is

appropriate to do so and when it is not.

d) A willingness to think about how to learn

The good learners bring or invent their own study skills when they

come to a lesson. They think about the best way to write vocabulary in

their own book and then try to speak by that vocabulary.

e) A willingness to accept correction

The good learners are prepared to be corrected if it helps them. They

are keen to get feedback from the teacher and act upon what they are told. But

this only work where the teachers are able to offer constructive criticism rather

than castigating them for being wrong. Giving feedback involves praising

students for things they do well, and offering them the ability to do things better

where less successful. It involves teachers in judging their students’ response to

correction so that they can act accordingly. If these are good qualities of the

learners, then it is the part of a teacher’s job to encourage them by creating an

atmosphere which shows students that their experimentation and questions are

welcome. The teachers can spend some time discussing how to learn with them,

guiding them towards their own best method of study.

F. The Learning Strategies

According to oxford (1990:8) which is taken from Keith Johnson’s

book (2001:152) entitled “an introduction to foreign language learning and

teaching”, the definition of learning strategies: they are specific actions taken

by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-

directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situation.

Based on the definition above, Oxford (1990) classifiesthe five

strategies in learning English, the lists are:

1) Taking risks wisely. Pushing one to take risks in a language learning

situation, even though there is a chance of making a mistake or looking

foolish. Risk must be tempered with good judgment (Oxford


2) Remembering new language information according to its sound. One

of oxford’s examples is a way of learning English vocabulary. You

think the word in your native language which sounds like the word you

are trying to learn. You try to associate the words (Oxford 1990:42)

3) Finding out about language learning. Making efforts to find out how

language learning works by reading books and talking with other

people, and then using this information to help improve one’s own

language learning (Oxford 1990:139)

4) Cooperative with peers. Working with other language, the learners

improve the language skill. This strategy can involve a regular learning

partner or a temporary pair or small group (Oxford 1990:147)

5) Repeating. Saying or doing something over and over: listening to

something several times; rehearsing, imitating a native speaker

(Oxford 1990:45)

G. Methodologies in Teaching

In teaching speaking descriptive, a good teacher should have a good

methodology.The methodologies divided into three kinds which is help the

teacher be easier in teaching speaking descriptive and will make the learning

process become enjoyable. They are approaches, methods, and procedures.

H. Teaching Method

A method is the practical realization of an approach. The originators of a

method have arrived at decisions about types of activities, roles of teachers and

learners, the kinds of material which will be helpful, and some model of syllabus

organization. Methods include various procedures and technique as a part of their

standard fare (Harmer, 1998:78).

I. Direct Method

Many learners are not able to speak English well because they seldom to

practice it in their days caused of nervous. They feel afraid to make some errors in

speaking English so, they decide to be quiet. They are afraid if their friends will

mock them whether they make errors in talking. In this case, there are many

students of second junior high school that can’t speak English although they have

many words in their head, but they can’t express it. As the writer experience,

many learners chose to be quit in the class when having English subject. Actually

the learners know what does the teacher say and when the teacher ask them, they

know the answer of the teacher’s questions, but they just silent because they can’t

speak it in English. So, many students are passive and silent when having English

subject. It caused, the students always speak in native language.

To solve the problems, the writer chooses one method from eight methods,

namely direct method. Especially, the direct method doesn’t use for the beginner,

but it uses to the students who have a background knowledge in English. The

direct method has a very basic rule: no translation is allowed. In fact, the direct

method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be connected directly

with the target language without going through the process of translating into the

students’ native language (Larsen, 2000:18).

In using direct method in teaching speaking competence of imitative

pronuncation, the teacher gives the object directly. For example: when the teacher

wants to describe a beautiful girl, so the teacher should prepare or bring the

picture and show it directly to the students.

When the teacher describes that picture and there are some students who

do not understand about the teacher description or there are some words that the

students do not understand, the teacher must be able to make them understand

without translating the word. For example; when the teacher said ‘straight hair

and sharp nose’, and the students do not understand the meaning, so the teacher

must give a picture of straight hair and a sharp nose. Or it can be by showing a

student who has a straight hair and a sharp nose in the class. So the students will

be understood what the teacher say.

a. The Principles of Direct Method

a) Reading in the target language should be taught from the beginning of

language instruction; however, the reading skill be developed through

practice with speaking. Language is primarily speech.

b) Object (e.g., picture) present in the immediate classroom environment

should be used to help the students understand the meaning.

c) The native language should not be used in the classroom

d) The teacher should demonstrate, not explain or translate. It is desirable

that students make direct association between the target language and


e) The students should learn to think in the target language as soon as

possible. Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if the students use it in

full sentences, rather than memorizing words lists

f) The purpose of language learning is communication (therefore the

students need to learn how to ask questions as well as answer them).

g) Pronunciation should be worked on right from the beginning of

language instruction.

h) Self-correction facilitates of language learning.

i) Lessons should contain some conversational activity, some opportunity

for students to use language in real contexts. The students should be

encouraged to speak as much as possible.

j) Learning another language also involves learning how speakers of that

language live.

b. The Techniques of Direct Method

1. Reading aloud

The students take turns reading section of a passage, play or dialogue

out loud. At the end of each student’s turn, the teacher uses gesture,

picture, examples, or other means to make the meaning of the section


2. Question and answer exercise

This exercise is conducted only in the target language. The students are

asked questions and answer in full sentences so that they practice with

new words and grammatical structure. They have opportunity to ask

questions as well as answer them.

3. Getting students to self- correct

The teacher of this class has the students self-correct by asking them to

make a choice between what they said and an alternate answer he

supplied. There are, however, other ways of getting the students to

self-correct. For example, a teacher might simply repeat what a student

has just said; using a questioning voice to signal to the student that

something was wrong with it. Another possibility is for the teacher to

repeat what the students said, stopping just before the error. The

student knows that the next word was wrong

4. Conversation practice

The teacher asks the students a number of questions in the target

language, which the students have to understand to be able to answer

correctly. In the class observed, the teacher asked individual students

questions about themselves. The questions contained a particular

grammar structure. Later, the students were able to ask each other their

own questions using the same grammatical structure.

5. Dictation

The teacher reads the passage three times. The first time the teacher

reads it at a normal speed, while the students just listen. The second

time, the teacher reads the passage phrase by phrase, pausing long

enough to allow the students to write down what they have heard. The

last time, the teacher reads the passage at normal speed, and the

students check their work.

c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Method.

1. The Advantages

There are advantages of direct method, they are:

a. It is a natural method

The language is taught through demonstration and conversation in

context, they are quick at understanding spoken English. They can

converse in English with felicity and ease.

b. No gap between active and passive vocabulary.

This method does not differentiate between active and passive

vocabularies. According to this method whatever is required for

understanding through English is also required for expressing

through it. If English is taught through the mother tongue, the gulf

between the active and passive vocabularies is widened. The learner

acquires more of passive vocabulary because he concentrates on

understanding English rather than expressing through it.

c. This method is based on sound principle of education.

It believes in introducing the particular before general, concrete

before abstract and practice before theory.

2. The Disadvantages

There are disadvantages of direct method, they are:

a. First language learning process really applicable to second foreign

language learning at later stage

b. The Direct Method rejects use of the printed word - but this

objection is illogical since second language learner has already

mastered his reading skills.

c. Successful teacher of the Direct Method needed competence in his

language / stamina/ energy/ imagination/ ability and time to create

own materials and courses

d. Also Direct Methodists failed to grade and structure their materials

adequately, no selection, grading or controlled presentation of

vocabulary and structures

d. The Indicator of Speaking Competence

Here the writer emphasizes four components the indicator in assessing

speaking skill. The writer divides the score into four criteria which are the

score of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. Each criterion then

is rated into four scale of rating scored based on David. P. Haris’s scale rating

scores (1969: 84).

1. Pronunciation

When a student of a foreign language hears to native speaker of

English talk, he often falls to understand what he has said. It is in order

to speak.

The degree to which student perfect pronunciation seems to

depend very much on they attitude ho to speak and how well they hear.

In this case attitude there are a number of psychological issues which

may well effect how foreigner’s sound when they speak, because that a

speaking has to have a standard, we can know their pronunciation is

true false.

Ability to speak in understood might be considered

advantageous by some of those whose home language is distantly local

from speech. If their vocation requires to work in districts remote

locality, they would not be hampered by speaking in a manner differing

considerably from the speech of those around them. A standard

pronunciation would also be useful to the foreign learner of English.

Intonation is very important in speaking, in sentence when a

student makes wrong intonation so the sentence will have different

meaning. Because the intonation is one of the language aspects and

change the meaning of the sentence in English even the sentence are the


2. Grammar

Grammar is native speaker mental knowledge how to produce and

interpret a sentence when they use in their daily communication.

The grammar which is responsible for the process is called

transformation. In order to produce a grammatical and semantically correct

sentence. The elaboration sentences must involve three aspects, namely:

1) A deep structure of basic sentence in which each of headwords has

a lexical entry containing a set of lexical features. Which is

congruent one each other.

2) A transformation

3) An acceptable surface structure. As describing of speaking , there

are some regulations because different time, place and situation

will be deferent in using sentence.

3)Mastery vocabulary

Before teaching speaking vocabulary must be mastered. If someone does

not mastery vocabulary, the students will not be able to explain the instruction

and then for the students can not describe a certain picture orally.

There are some meanings of vocabulary, namely:

a.) Language component which contains all or information about meaning

and using word in language.

b.) Total number of words, which passed by speakers a writer or language.

4) Fluency

The rate of speaking is giving information with audience usually to

measure it. Though public speaking from and presentation form, there are is

fluency standard. The fluency is influenced by the ability of the speaker and also

the audience.

Standard fluency in speaking is the totally words or syllables that have

been pronunciation in certain time. The ideal rate fluency of speaking or oral


5) Diction

Diction can be defined as style of speaking or writing, determined by the

choice of words by a speaker or a writer. Diction or choice of words, often

separetes good writing from bad writing. It depends on a number of factors.

Firstly, the word has to be right and accurate. Secondly, words should be

appropriate to the context in which the are used. Types odf diction are:

1. Formal diction is formal words are used in formal situation, such as press

conferences and presentations.

2. Informal diction uses informal words and conversation, such as writing or

talking to friends.

3. Colloquial diction uses words common in every day speech, which may be

different in different regions or communities.

J. Assesment of Speaking Competence

To know the effect of speaking competence ny using direct method, the writer

gives oral test to thestudents. Because the test is oral test, the writer divided the score into

five criteria, which are the score of pronunciation,grammar,vocabulary,fluency and

diction (Harry, 1996:84)

The pre-test had been given before the treatment was given. Moreover the post-

test was given after the writer had given the treatment to the class. This following table

will shows the result of the test.

5 Has few traces of foreign access
4 Always intelligible, though one is conscious of definite accent
3 Pronunciation problems necessitates concentrated listening and
occasionally lead to misunderstanding
2 Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problems, must
frequently be asked to repeat

1 Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech by virtually unintelligibl
5 Makes few (if any) noticeable, errors of grammar or word order
4 Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word order error which do not however
obscure meaning
3 Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order which occasionally obscure
2 Grammar and word order errors make comprehension difficult, must
often rephrase sentences and/or restrict himself to basic pattern
1 Errors in grammar and word order

5 Use vocabulary and idioms are virtually that of native speaker
4 Sometimes use inappropriate terms and/or must rephrase ideas because of
lexical inadequacies
3 Frequently uses the wrong words: conversation somewhat limited because
inadequate vocabulary
2 misuse of the words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension
quite difficult
1 Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make conversation virtually
5 speech as fluent and effortless as that of native speaker
4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems
3 Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems
2 usually hesitant : often forced into silence by language limitations
1 Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually

5 appears to understand everything without difficulty
4 Understands nearly everything at normal speed, although occasional
repetition may be necessary
3 Understands most of what is said at slower-than-normal speed with

3 has great difficulty following what is said, can comprehend only
‘social conversation’ spoken slowly and with frequent repetitions
1 Cannot be said to understand even simple conversational English

L.Relevant Theoris

This study relates to a research made by Ratna Dewi Pohan ( 2011)

entitled ‘’ A Competence between Project and Clustering Method on the

Students’’ Ability and descriptive paragraph at MAS ponpes At-Taufiqqurahman

North Labuhan Batu. The population of the this research was the first year

students of MAS Ponpes at- Tauqirahhman North Labuhanbatu. The popolation of

the research was the first year students of MAS Ponpres North Labuhan batu,all of

them 12 students,So,as the sample of this research are all of them 52 students the

collecting the data by using interview and test. In analysing the data the writer

used text formula

This study related to a research made by Fandi Ahmad entitled “The Effect

Of Direct Method on Students Vocabulary Mastering at first Grade of

SMP.TrigunaUtama,Ir,H Juanda,Tangerang Selatan. This research used

quantitative method. The sample of this research was the first grade of SMP

Triguna Utama. With the total number 20 students from each class. The research

conducted experiment in two diferent classes with Direct Method was employed

in a experimental class and other technique was employed in a controll class. The

data were collected through the achievement of pre text and post text from two

classes. The result showed that teaching vocabulary by using Direct Method was

more effective than using Grammar Translation Method

The research that conducted by Yulviona entitlrd The Correlation Study

Between the Students Success On Oral Text Toward Their Speaking Performance

on the Second Year of Dar-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Pekanbaru.

She tries to correlate between the students succes on oral text toward their

speaking performance. She found that there is a correlation on it. This research is

also different with hers, because Yulviona only wanted to know about the

corelation between students succes on oral test toward their speaking performance



A. Research Design

This research is conducted by using experimental design. In conducting

the experimental research, the sample is divided into two groups namely

experimental and control group. The experimental group is the group that received

treatment by an experimental research which means that there is a certain

experimentation applied to the population. The experimental group is the group

that will receive treatments by applying direct method in teaching speaking

descriptive, while control group will be taught by using the conventional method.

The design of the study is presented as follows:

Table 3.1
Research Design

Groups Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimenta X  Y
Control X X Y


X = Pre-test of experimental group and Pre-test of control group

Y = Post-test of experimental group and Post-test of control group
 = Teaching speaking descriptive by using direct method
X = teaching speaking descriptive without using direct method

B. Population and Sample

Based on Arikunto (2006), population is the research subject. The

population of this study is the Second Grade students of SMP Negeri 6

Pematangsiantar in academic year 2018/2019, which consists of 10 parallel

classes. Total numbers of students are 342 students which consist of 141 male

students and 201 female students.

According to Arikunto (2006), sample is the proposition of a population

which will be observed. The writer takes 2 of the 10 classes as the sample of this

study. They are Class VII which consist of 40 students and VII which consist of

40 students. Total numbers of sample are 80 students.

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data

To collect the data, a speaking test was used. The instrument of collecting

the data was an oral test. This research gives pre-test and post-test to the

experimental and control group with the same test and same topic. The pre-test is

given to measure the homogeneity of the students. The post-test is given to find

out the result of the teaching process in both groups. The researcher also will use

some instruments in collecting the data, such as: picture as media, the students in

the control group were taught by a conventional teaching strategy, while those in

the experimental group were taught by using Direct Method.

The instrument that are used to collect the data are how the two sets of test,

namely pre-test, to know the students’ ability in speaking and preparation before

using direct method and after conducting the treatment, the writer gave and post-

test and gave the score to the students of each group. In value of the students

work, the writer gave the maximum score is 100 and the minimum score is 0. The

score are: 0-30 (in very poor), 31-59 (poor), 60-69 (fair), 70-84 (good), and 85-

100 (very good).

D. Assessment of Speaking Competence

To know the effect of teaching speaking descriptive by using direct

method, the writer gives oral test to the students. Because the test is oral test, the

writer divided the score into four criteria, which are the score of grammar,

vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency (Harris, 1996: 84).

The pre-test had been given before the treatment was given. Moreover,

the post-test was given after the writer had given the treatment to the class. This

following table will shows the result of the test

Table 3.4. Scoring of Speaking

No Category Guide
1 Grammar (24-25) Excellent : Few errors; communication of
25 points idea is clear.
(22-23) Good : one or two errors, but
communication is mostly clear.
(20-21) Good : several errors in syntax, but main
ideas are mostly clear.
(18-19) Fair : noticeable errors that
occasionally confuse meaning.
(12-17) Weak : language is marked by errors.
Meaning is often unclear or
(0-11) Unacceptable : communication is impeded. Too
many errors unclear in this task
for a student at this level.
2 Vocabulary (20) Excellent : correct selection of words and
20 points idioms. Variety of vocabulary.
(18-19) Very good : correct selection of words and
idiom. Some variety of
(16-17) Good : mostly correct choice of
vocabulary. Meaning is clear.
(14-15) Fair : noticeable vocabulary errors that
occasionally confuse meaning.
(12-13) Weak : many vocabulary errors.
Meaning is often unclear or
(0-11) Unacceptable : too many errors in this task for a

No Category Guide
students at this level.
Communication is impeded.
3 Pronunciation (24-25) Excellent : few errors; native-like
25 points pronunciation.
(22-23) Very good : one or two errors, but
communication is mostly clear.
(20-21) Good : several pronunciation errors, but
main idea are understood
without problem.
(14-15) Fair : noticeable pronunciation errors
that occasionally confuse
(12-13) Weak : language is marked by
pronunciation errors. Meaning is
often unclear.
(0-11) Unacceptable : too many errors in this task for a
students at this level.
Communication is impeded.
4 Fluency (29-30) Excellent : no hesitation at all.
30 Points (27-28) Very good : hesitation in one or two places
but immediately continued.
(24-28) Good : occasional hesitation but
recovered well.
(21-23) Fair : noticeable gaps that catch
listeners’ attention usually
followed by recovery .
(12-20) Weak : several short periods of silence.
(0-11) Unacceptable : period of silence. Gaps without
good recovery.

1. Table of Test Specification

Table 3.5
Criteria of the Kinds of Total
Test Item Score
Test Measurement test
Grammar Oral Test Performance 4 0-25
Vocabulary Oral Test Performance 3 0-20
Pronunciation Oral Test Performance 3 0-25
Fluency Oral Test Performance 3 0-30
Total 10 100


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