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Animals Reproductive Circulatory Respiratory

During meiosis, diploid cells divide into sperm in males Double circulation pathways are found Respiration in mammals is similar to
and ova in females. During sexual intercourse, the male in birds and mammals. Animals with respiration in other air-breathing
ejaculates semen, containing hundreds of millions of this type of circulatory system have a animals. Respiration extracts oxygen
sperm into the vagina. If the female is ovulating, a sperm four-chambered heart. The right atrium from the air, which is then used by cells.
receives deoxygenated from the body Respiration also carries waste carbon
Man (Mammals) may encounter an ovum. When a sperm cell penetrates
and the right ventricle sends it to the dioxide away from the cells. Mammalian
the ovum's barrier, its 23 chromosomes fuse with the lungs to be oxygenated. The left atrium respiratory systems rely on a single
ovum's 23, forming the zygote.The zygote divides and receives oxygenated blood from the large muscle at the base of the lungs.
multiplies many times. The growing embryo travels to the lungs and the left ventricle sends it to This muscle is called a diaphragm. The
uterus, where it remains, and about 40 weeks after the rest of the body. Most mammals, diaphragm pulls the lungs downward to
fertilization, a baby is born. including humans, have this type of increase their volume, causing air to
circulatory system. These circulatory rush into the lungs. As it presses
systems are called 'double' circulatory upward, the lungs become smaller, and
systems because they are made up of air is exhaled. 
two circuits ,referred to as
the pulmonary and systemic
circulatory systems.

They reproduce by free-spawning: releasing their gametes into Sea stars have a very unusual The starfish has an Open Respiratory
the water where they hopefully are fertilized by gametes from circulatory system. They do not pump System because the oxygen is allowed
the opposite sex. To increase their chances of fertilization, blood around their bodies. Instead, they to move freely in the water vascular
starfish probably gather in groups when they are ready to use seawater and a complex system. Also the Carbon Dioxide that is
spawn, use environmental signals to coordinate timing and water vascular system to keep things released during respiration were
may use chemical signals to indicate their readiness to each moving. Their tube feet, also used for roaming in the starfish.
other. Fertilized eggs grow into bipinnaria and later into movement, are an important part of this
brachiolaria larvae, which either grow using a yolk or by circulatory system. Sea stars have
catching and eating other plankton. In either case, they live as hundreds of tube feet on their
plankton, suspended in the water and swimming by using underside.
beating cilia. The larvae are bilaterally symmetric unlike adults,
they have a distinct left and right side. Eventually, they
undergo a complete metamorphosis, settle to the bottom, and
grow into adults.
Both the male and female reproductive organs are at the rear Spiders, like most arthropods, have Spiders (Araneae) are unique regarding
of the abdomen, but spiders don't mate by coupling these an open circulatory system, they do not their respiratory system: they are the
organs. Instead, the male deposits some sperm onto a small have true blood, or veins which only animal group that breathe
web and picks it up on the end of his pedipalps. When the transport it. Rather, their bodies are simultaneously with lungs and tracheae.
female is in position, the male deposits the sperm in the filled with haemolymph, which is physiology of respiration the existence
female's genital opening. The female stores the sperm in pumped through arteries by a heart into of tracheae plays an important role in
Spider receptacles near the ovaries. When she is ready to lay her spaces called sinuses surrounding their spiders with a well-developed tracheal
eggs, months down the road in some species, she uses the internal organs. The haemolymph system
sperm to fertilize them. Some spiders may lay hundreds, even contains hemocyanin, a respiratory
thousands of eggs in one shot. Once a spider's eggs are protein similar in function
fertilized, they have to stay safe from predators until the to hemoglobin. Hemocyanin contains
spiderlings can hatch out. As we saw earlier, some spider two copper atoms, tinting the
species will encase their eggs in a silken pouch and abandon haemolymph with a faint blue color.[
them, and others will stay with them until the babies hatch.
Many wolf spider species carry their hatched spiderlings
around on their back until the spiders are mature enough to
take care of themselves. The spiderlings continue molting,
growing larger until they reach sexual maturity

Earthworms are simultaneous hermaphrodites, The earthworm has a Earthworms have no special respiratory

and reproduction usually occurs through copulation and cross- closed circulatory system. organs. Gases are exchanged through
fertilization, A seminal groove, carry sperm as droplets from An earthworm circulates blood themoist skin and capillaries, where
Earthworm the male pore to the clitellar region, where it collects, and exclusively through vessels. There are the oxygen is picked up by the
eventually enters the spermathecae of the partner earthworm three main vessels that supply the hemoglobin dissolved in
with the aid of the Tubercula pubertal. After which each of the blood to organs within the earthworm. the blood plasma and carbon dioxide is
mated individuals produces cocoons containing variable These vessels are the aortic arches, released. Water, as well as salts, can
numbers of fertilized ova.The resistant cocoons are usually dorsal blood vessels, and ventral blood also be moved through the skin by
deposited near the soil surface, except in dry weather when vessels. active transport.
they are laid in deeper layers. Earthworms are iteroparous
animals and display indeterminate growth, continuing to grow
in size after completing their sexual development.

Clams begin making babies when the water gets sufficiently Clams have an open circulatory system Clams typically draw in and expel water
warm, depending on the location and the species, this happens This system move blood throughout the for respiration and feeding through two
in late spring/early summer when the water reaches about 68F organism providing exchange of tubes, the siphons, or “neck.” The water
called spawning, the smaller males release sperm into the nutrients/oxygen for waste is impelled by the beating of millions of
Clams ocean to meet up with the eggs produced by the larger clams products/carbon dioxide, at the cellular cilia (hairlike structures) on the gills;
that have become females. These millions of gametes join in level. The open system of the clam is other gill cilia strain food from the
the water where fertilization occurs. When a sperm and egg do not complete; blood pools around the incurrent water and transport it,
manage to meet, the cells of each young egg rapidly divide heart, as a result there is less pressure. entangled in mucus, to the mouth. 
until the embryo grows into a morula. After a day or two, cilia
grow on the creature, which again develops into a free-
swimming larva then the larva adds a shell and a foot and
becomes a veliger, the body begins to take on a clam-like
shape, After this phase, the creature has the typical bivalve
appearance, total time to reach this juvenile phase is between
8 days and two weeks. When above the sand, clams’
photoreceptors can distinguish when the shadow of a predator
floats above, an event which often sends them diving for cover.
There they wait until it’s spawning time again, and the life cycle

As well as their morphology and feeding habits, reproduction in Rotifers possess a unique combination Rotifers have no specific organs for
rotifers is rather unusual. Several types of reproduction have been of traits that distinguish them from other respiration their small size allows them
observed in rotifers. Some species consist only of females that animals, including bilateral to exchange, respiratory gasses by
producetheir daughters from unfertilized eggs, a type of reproduction symmetry and a pseudocoelom , a diffusion across their body wall rotifers
Rotifers called parthenogenesis. In other words, these parthenogenic species
fluid-filled body cavity between two have a relatively high metabolic rate
can develop from an unfertilized egg, asexually. Other species
produce two kinds of eggs that develop by parthenogenesis: one kind different layers of embryonic tissue. conpared to other aquatic
forms females and the other kind develops into degenerate males The pseudocoelom serves as a sort invertebrates.
that cannot even feed themselves (sexual dimorphism). These of circulatory system and provides
individuals copulate resulting in a fertilized egg developing within the space for a complete digestive tract
rotifer. The males survive long enough to produce sperm that fertilize and organs.
eggs, which then form resistant zygotes that can survive if the local
water supply should dry up. The eggs are released and hatch in the
water. If the egg develops in the summer, the egg may remain
attached to the posterior end of the rotifer until hatching.
A roundworm reproduces sexually. The female has an ovary, Roundworms have no circulatory or Roundworms have no circulatory
holds eggs in an oviduct and then passes them to the uterus, respiratory systems so they use or respiratory systems so they use
Roundworms where they are fertilized. The male has sperm cells are made diffusion to breathe and diffusion to breathe and for circulation of
in the testis and stored in the vas deferens. When it is time to for circulation of substances around substances around their body.
reproduce, the sperm cells pass through the spicule. Over their body. They are thin and are round
200,000 eggs can be deposited at once in the soil once they in cross section, though they are
are fertilized. actually bilaterally symmetric.

Platyhelminthes very commonly known as flatworms  Flatworms do not have a circulatory It has two eyespots that help it sense
Flat are hermaphroditic, and their reproductive systems are system in the usual sense. ... There is light. Aflatworm has a gastrovascular
worms generally complex. Numerous testes but only one or two no need for a special circulatory cavity with one opening. It eats small
ovaries are usually present in these flatworms. The female system as a human has because the worms, insects and microscopic matter.
system is unusual in that it is separated into two structures: the flatworm doesn't breathe with lungs A flatworm takes in oxygen, but has no
ovaries and the vitellaria, often known as the vitelline glands and doesn't need to transport oxygen formal respiratory system.
or yolk glands. The cells of the vitellaria form yolk and eggshell around its body. The flatworm simply
components. diffuses oxygen via its skin.

Jellyfish reproduction involves several different stages. In the Jellyfish do not have a specialized First, respiration can mean the process
adult, or medusa, stage of a jellyfish, they can reproduce digestive system, osmoregulatory an organism uses to procure oxygen.
Jelly sexually by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, forming a system, central nervous system, or This can include breathing or moving
fish planula. In this larval stage of jellyfish life, the planula hooks on circulatory system. They are able to water over gills. Additionally, the
to the bottom of a smooth rock or other structure and grows digest with the help of the gastrodermis process of using oxygen at the cellular
into another stage of jellyfish life, the polyp--which resembles a that lines the gastrovascular cavity, level also can be considered respiration,
miniature sea anemone. During this stage, which can last for where nutrients from their food is sometimes termed "cellular respiration"
several months or years, asexual reproduction occurs. The absorbed. They do not need a to avoid confusion. Jellyfish have such
polyps clone themselves and bud, or strobilate, into another respiratory system since their skin is thin tissue that they can get most of the
stage of jellyfish life, called ephyra. It is this form that grows thin enough that oxygen can easily oxygen they need from diffusion without
into the adult medusa jellyfish. diffuse in and out of their bodies. any specific type of respiration.
Jellyfish have limited control over their
movement and mostly free-float, but
can use a hydrostatic skeleton that
controls the water pouch in their body
to actuate vertical movement.
Sponges do not have a nervous, Sponges breathe by taking oxygen from
Sponges may reproduce sexually and asexually. This helps digestive orcirculatory system. They the water that they filter through the pores
Sponges keep them alive in their habitats. Most sponges are both male rely on keeping up a constant water and canals in their bodies. They then send
flow through their bodies to obtain food carbon dioxide out with the water they
and female. In sexual reproduction, they may play either role. and oxygen and to remove wastes. excrete. The respiratory system of
The ‘male’ sponge would release sperm into the water, which a sponge is based on the process of
would travel and then enter a ‘female’ sponge. After fertilization diffusion.
in the sponge, a larva is released into the water. It floats
around for a few days and then sticks to a solid to begin its
growth into an adult sponge. 



Man (Mammals) The nervous system of a mammal is based on The muscular system in vertebrates consists of three The mammalian immune system comprises a
different complex, coordinated and finely controlled series
the brain and the spinal cord, which sends and of interactions involving cells and molecules
receive signals from the rest of the body. Signals typesof muscles: cardiac, skeletal and smooth.
which has evolved to protect the host against
Cardiac muscle is a striatedmuscle that makes up the disease. Mammals consist of a highly diverse
from the body are sent through nerve endings (or heart. It is the only type of muscle consisting of group of animals in which the immune system
receptors) to the brain, where neurotransmitters branching fibers. Skeletal muscle consists has been subjected to a variety of selective
send a signal to allow all mammals to feel pain or of voluntary musclesattached to the frame of pressures. This is reflected in differences in the
other sensory information. The nervous system the skeletal system enabling bodily organisation and function of their immune
systems, and is seen especially in those gene
of a mammal is divided into four main parts: the movement. Smooth muscle is the involuntary muscle
families characterised by complexity and
central nervous system, the peripheral nervous that enables the movement of internal organs. polymorphism, such as those encoding
system, the somatic nervous system and the Movement of all muscles is controlled through immunoglobulins (Ig), T‐cell receptors (TCR),
the nervous system. major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
autonomic nervous system. Each of the parts of molecules and natural killer (NK) cell receptors.
the nervous system of a mammal works in a The evolution of these components in a range of
different way, and performs a different job in the mammalian groups and species will be the main
focus of this article
body to maintain health and to allow you to react
to the world.
Starfish The nervous system of the starfish is very simple...there is A starfish's muscular system consists of muscles that The sea stars have an immune response that
no brain and there are not even any ganglia to coordinate run along its numerous limbs. These muscles are used is characterized by various types of immunities
movement. The nervous system is characterized by a primarily for movement. They power the tubes along and that they have multiple aspects of the toll-
nerve ring that surrounds the mouth. A radial nerve the limbs to stick on to objects in the ocean. The suction signaling pathway, which is an important
recognition. It's how a cell recognizes a
branches off of the nerve ring and extends to each arm. process withdraws water from the targeted area, pathogen and then elicits a change in its
The picture on the left shows one of 3 nerve nets that allowing for a suction effect. It releases water to come genes so that the sea star can start defending
extend throughout the body. off of objects that it sticks to, which stops the suction itself against the pathogen, It was found a lot
Starfish have an interesting way of detecting light. They effect. this whole process of movement is vital to a of interesting genes - including the first
melanin gene ever recorded in a sea star.
have "eyespots" at the tip of each arm. The eyespot starfish and is controlled primarily by the muscular Invertebrates can use melanin to wall off
contains light sensitive pigments that allow the starfish to system. pathogens or any bacteria-like viruses that are
detect shadows and changes in the brightness of light. attacking them.

Spider The nervous system of spiders, unlike that Spiders have muscles in their legs which makes the legs The immune system of spiders is
of other arachnids, is completely bend at the joints. There are no muscles for the spider localised in their hemocytes and
to extend its legs. A spider use muscles to retract its reacts very fast to an invasion by
concentrated in the cephalothorax. The
legs, but spiders lack extensor muscles pathogens and to injuries by
masses of nervous tissue (ganglia) are
fused with a ganglion found under releasing several compounds into
the esophagusand below and behind the the hemolymph. The immune
brain. The shape of the brain, or response comprises (1)
epipharyngeal ganglion, somewhat reflects phagocytosis, nodulation and
encapsulation of invaders, (2) the
the habits of the spider; i.e., in the web
regulation of
builders, which are sensitive to touch, the
hemocyanin/phenoloxidase to
posterior part of the brain is larger than in produce melanin which destroys
spiders that hunt with vision. pathogens, (3) a clotting cascade
to stop hemolymph loss and
immobilise invaders and (4) the
constitutive production of
antimicrobial peptides. 
Earthworm The nervous system of the earthworm is "segmented" just The earthworm has two muscles which it uses for
like the rest of the body. The "brain" is located above the locomotion, both of which run the whole length of
pharynx and is connected to the first ventral ganglion. The the worm's body. These two muscles are circular
brain is important for movement: if the brain of the muscles and longitudinal muscles (Musurca). The
earthworm is removed, the earthworm will move longitudinal muscles are the inner layer of the
continuously. If the first ventral ganglion is removed, the muscular series and cradle the coelom, the innards
earthworm will stop eating and will not dig. Each of the earthworm (Noble). When the circular
segmented ganglion gets sensory information from only a muscles are contracted, the diameter of the body is
local region of its body and controls muscles only in this reduced, making the worm thin. When the
local region. longitudinal muscles are contracted, the length of
Earthworms have touch, light, vibration and chemical the body is reduced, making the worm short. So, if
receptors all along the entire body surface. an earthworm is short and thin, which is a common
reaction, both types of their muscles are contracted.
Obviously, if the whole muscle, circular or
longitudinal, contracted all at once, the worm would
not move but just alter its size and shape. The
contractions of an earthworm's muscles resembles a
wave, contracting and relaxing a few segments at a
time. The process is similar to the digestive process
of peristalsis, but instead of squeezing along a bolus
of food, the muscular peristalsis of an earthworm
moves the whole organism.

Clams Clams use their muscular food for digging into The clam does not have a lot of control over how or
the sand or soil forming the bottom of the body of where water currents carry them when traveling this
water in which the clam lives. The movement way. Most clams have two different kinds of muscles.
The most basic one helps them open and shut their
of clams is quite limited, and these are shells; these are called the "valve" muscles. These
sedentary animals.The nervous muscles are very strong and can allow some clams,
system of clams consists of three pairs of which, by nature, are required to live in water, to
ganglia connected by nerve cords survive for short periods of time outside of the water.
The other muscle that clams have  is a muscular foot.
The foot is controlled by two muscles, the anterior
and posterior foot muscles, which work together to
control the foot. Clams are unique in that they have
retracting muscles that allow for greater control of the

Rotifers Rotifers have a small brain, located just above Muscular System of Rotifers: In rotifers, the The long-term success of bdelloids
(Rotifers) in such environments
the mastax, from which a number sub-epidermal muscles consist of a number suggests that their innate immune
of nerves extend throughout the body. The of muscles found in different parts of the body. system evolved in response to
number of nerves varies among species, In typical cases they are circular and pathogens without the benefit of sexual
although thenervous system usually has a longitudinal muscles reproduction.
simple layout. Close to the brain lies a
retrocerebral organ, consisting of two glands
either side of a medial sac
Roundworms Roundworms also have a simple nervous The muscular system of nematodes is very To invade these hosts successfully, parasitic
system with a primitive brain. There are four simple. Long muscles stretch the entire nematodes must be able to protect
nerves that run the length of the body and are length of the body and are found underneath themselves from the efficiency and potency
connected from the top to the bottom of the the epidermis, and the muscles are of the host immune system. Innate
body. At the anterior end of the animal (the head controlled by the ventral and dorsal nerves immunity comprises the first wave of the
region), the nerves branch from a circular ring that run the entire length of the roundworm.  host immune response, and in vertebrate
which serves as the brain. The head of a Unlike most other animals, the nerves do not animals it leads to the induction of the
nematode has a few tiny sense organs, including branch out into the muscles, but rather the adaptive immune response. Nematodes
muscles branch into the nerves.  The have evolved elegant strategies that allow
chemoreceptors, which sense chemicals.
muscles of a roundworm allow it to bend its them to evade, suppress, or modulate host
Though still a relatively simple structure, the
body from side to side and slither, but not to immune responses in order to persist and
nervous system of roundworms is very different
crawl or lift itself. spread in the host. Nematode
from that of the cnidarian nerve net.
immunomodulation involves the secretion
of molecules that are capable of
suppressing various aspects of the host
immune response in order to promote
nematode invasion. Immunomodulatory
mechanisms can be identified in parasitic
nematodes infecting insects, plants, and
mammals and vary greatly in the specific
tactics by which the parasites modify the
host immune response. Nematode-derived
immunomodulatory effects have also been
shown to affect, negatively or positively,
the outcome of some concurrent diseases
suffered by the host. 
Flatworms The nervous system of the flatworm has an organization Species of platyhelminthes can have any
different from the invertebrates describe above. It does of three types of muscles:
have a nerve net, but these are connected by long nerve circular, diagonal, or longitudinal. These
cords. These cords are connected to cerebral ganglia
muscles, which are attached to a central
located in the head region. The central nervous system
has been described as "ladder-like" because of the nerves bodily skeleton, are usually located in a
connecting the nerve cords. gastrovascular cavity.  Most
Flatworms have "auricles" that project from the side of Platyhelminthes move by twisting and
the head. These auricles contain chemoreceptors that are turning, with the exception of several
used to find food. Flatworms also have eyespots called species who are parasites, meaning that
"ocelli". The ocelli are sensitive to light and are connected they move, feed, and reproduce by
to the cerebral ganglia. Generally, the flatworm avoids
attaching themselves to a host organism

Jellyfish The jellyfish has a nervous system characterized by a A jellyfish has a ring of muscle around its bell.  When The immune system of a jellyfish is
series of interconnected nerve cells (a nerve net). The the jellyfish tightens the muscle the bell closes.  The really just based on defending itself
nerve net surrounds the whole body of the jellyfish. pushes the water inside the jellyfish out, shooting from other predators. When it is
Some jellyfish (for example, Aurelia) have specialized the jellyfish forward.  As the muscles relax the bell attacked, stinging threads uncoil quickly
structures called "rhopalia". These rhopalia have refills with water.  Ocean currents often control where from its tentacles when it makes contact
receptors for: they go.  Jellyfish are extremely fragile and during a with another object. This reaction then
light (called ocelli) storm they can be damaged. spreads to the rest of the same tentacle
balance (called statocysts) making contact with the other object.
chemical detection (olfaction), Finally, the jellyfish then releases a
touch (called sensory lappets) toxin that can either paralyze or kill
another predator. This action comes in
handy when the jellyfish is going to
consume another species.
Sponges Sponges are the only multicellular animals without a sponges do not have the
nervous system. They do not have any nerve cells or Sponges lack true muscle they still have some proteins complex immune systems of most
sensory cells. However, touch or pressure to the outside that are found in muscle cells.  These proteins are other animals. However, they reject
of a sponge will cause a local contraction of its body. involved in regulating the circulation of water through the grafts from other species but accept
sponges pores.   One is a type of myosin that is them from other members of their own
essential for the function, and the striated appearance, species. In a few marine species, gray
of skeletal muscle fibers in higher organisms.
cells play the leading role in rejection of
foreign material.

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