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Survey Results, Availability of

Survey Results, Availability of

Date Implemented Date Reviewed/Revised:

Company Policy:
The purpose of this policy is to provide interested persons with information relative to our
company’s most current federal and/or state inspection results.

Policy Explanation and Compliance Guidelines:

1. A readable copy of our company’s most recent federal and/or state survey report and
plans of correction for any identified deficiencies is maintained in a 3-ring loose-leaf
binder entitled “Results of Most Recent Survey.”
2. The “survey binder” is located in the main lobby and is available for review by interested
persons who wish information relative to our company’s compliance with Federal or
State rules, regulations, and guidelines governing our company’s operation.
3. A representative of management is assigned the responsibility of making weekly
inspections of the “survey binder” to ensure that the binder contains current information,
is located in its designated area(s), and is readily available without one having to ask staff
members for the information.
4. Signs identifying the availability and location of our “survey binder” are posted
throughout the building and public bulletin boards. (See attached Notice.)
5. Written requests for photocopies of our survey reports must be made to the business
office during normal business office hours. A fee of twenty-five cents (25¢) will be
charged for each copied page.
6. Insofar as practical, copies of survey documents will be provided to the requesting party
within ten (10) days (excluding weekends and holidays) of receiving a written request for
such documents. Requesting parties will be notified when an extended period of time is
needed to complete a request for documents. However, in no case shall an extension
exceed thirty (30) days unless approved by the requesting party.
7. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of agencies involved in the enforcement of
federal, state, and local rules, regulations, and guidelines are posted on pubic bulletin
boards located throughout the building.
8. Inquiries concerning this policy should be referred to the business office. Business office
hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

© 2006 The Compliance Store Page 1 of 2

Survey Results, Notice

Availability of Most
Recent Survey Reports
A copy of our company’s most recent federal and/or state
survey report and plans of correction (as applicable) is
maintained in a 3-ring binder entitled:

“Results of Most Recent Survey”

For your convenience, this binder is located in the

[ ] Main Lobby [ ] _____________

[ ] ____________ [ ] _____________

If you have any questions about the location of the “survey binder,” need
copies of survey reports, or would like to discuss the information with
company management, please contact/visit the business office.

Page 2 of 2 © 2006 The Compliance Store

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