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Nobody is spared from suffering at one time in life, we are stepping our foot to a very

cruel world. All of us are tired of hoping for a better future but how do we exactly live a life with
a meaning? Viktor Frankl teaches that people really want to work towards something in their life
that has a real purpose, my ultimate life goal is to be someone that my parents would be proud of
and it is something that I always want to and it is to be a patient would say thank you after I
cured them from sickness. This dream keeps me from moving forward it makes me feel great
because each day I'm studying hard as I can and this is my purposeful struggle, it's not always
easy but that's what makes it so satisfying when another lesson is given and then completed after
because I know all the effort that goes into it will all be worthwhile. We should think of
something greater than ourselves and then just try lots of things and keep spending our time
searching and learning. Almost all of what you fear is not important Viktor Frankl explains what
happened to the prisoners after they were released from the concentration camps, there were
negatives but the biggest positive was the liberation the prisoners felt when they free from any
fears they used to have, because we should not judge people from their worst mistake, I used to
worry about what other people thought about me and didn't ever properly try and work towards
anything huge due to fear of failure then suddenly all of that didn't matter anymore having
depression and anxiety allowed me to gain real perspective and to see how insignificant my
previous worries were. I was just happy to be feeling better and I couldn't wait to start over
again. Live as if you're living for the second time and the first time was a trial for you to become
the best version of yourself now so remember almost all of what you fear is not important and
must be forgotten. Lastly, is to show love. Have gratitude for very small moments and simple
things, people always want more, have gratitude for what you have now so that when you do
have more, you'll appreciate it and genuinely enjoy it. The grass will always be greener on the
other side, seize any moment that life gives you to smile and appreciate it fully one of the
simplest ways to instantly have more happiness in your life is to practice mindfulness and be
completely live in those happy moments. Love everyone around you, being in love is the greatest
feeling of all that it can forget all the negative things inside your head. Always remember that the
right one for you will come so do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

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