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People can be religious without attending the church

Most Catholics know we are supposed to attend Sunday mass every week and
observe various holy days of obligation throughout the year. But people tend to have
jobs, prior commitments, and some do a lot of works and can’t fit in their hectic
schedules for Mass. The question is can you be a good Christian without attending
church? Well, the answer is yes.

First, being able to go to church can be affected by your circumstances. What if

you wanted to go to church, but you're unable to because of a physical limitation where
your mobility is restricted? Maybe you were injured and had to stay at home for
months. Or, what about the possibility of there not being a good church where you are? 
I've had many people tell me that they want to go to church because decent churches
are just too far away. Also, there are people who have a work schedule that doesn't
allow them to go to church, even though they want to go.  In each of these
circumstances, good Christians are not able to attend. So, because of situations like
these, we cannot automatically say that in all circumstances, that you have to go to
church to be a good Christian.

Furthermore, As Pope Francis said “There is no point in people going to church

if they do not follow the teachings of the bible in their daily lives, If I say I am a Christian
and go to masses but don’t speak with my parents if given the time, help my
grandparents and the poor, go and see those who are sick, this does not prove faith.”
So, can he/she still be a Christian without going to church? If one means, does church
attendance save anyone, we have to agree that it does not. Jesus Christ saves. 

Being a Christian means being a Christ-follower. It means believing that, Jesus is

the Son of God, and somehow still God himself, Recognizing your own sinfulness and
that your sin is destroying you, Confessing that need of salvation to God and other
people, Trusting in him to save you from the consequences of your sin, and Doing what
he say or actually following him

With this in mind, I’m not going to say you need to attend “church” to be a
Christ-follower, but I will say you need to be engaging in community with other Christ-
followers on a regular basis. Forsaking the fellowship of other Christ-followers is a
surefire way to be in error regarding what Christ wants you to do. That’s not to say you
need to believe everything your Christ-follower friends believe. No. But you need to
allow your beliefs to be challenged, in order to sharpen them. You don’t have to attend
church to be a Christian. Attending church is not the only process to make you a
Christian because you can worship God in many ways.

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